24 research outputs found

    Free-moving Quantitative Gamma-ray Imaging

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    The ability to map and estimate the activity of radiological source distributions in unknown three-dimensional environments has applications in the prevention and response to radiological accidents or threats as well as the enforcement and verification of international nuclear non-proliferation agreements. Such a capability requires well-characterized detector response functions, accurate time-dependent detector position and orientation data, an algorithmic understanding of the surrounding 3D environment, and appropriate image reconstruction and uncertainty quantification methods. We have previously demonstrated 3D mapping of gamma-ray emitters with free-moving detector systems on a relative intensity scale using a technique called Scene Data Fusion (SDF). Here we characterize the detector response of a multi-element gamma-ray imaging system using experimentally benchmarked Monte Carlo simulations and perform 3D mapping on an absolute intensity scale. We present experimental reconstruction results from hand-carried and airborne measurements with point-like and distributed sources in known configurations, demonstrating quantitative SDF in complex 3D environments.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, 4 supplementary figures, submitted to Scientific Reports - Natur

    Front-End Design for SiPM-Based Monolithic Neutron Double Scatter Imagers.

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    Neutron double scatter imaging exploits the kinematics of neutron elastic scattering to enable emission imaging of neutron sources. Due to the relatively low coincidence detection efficiency of fast neutrons in organic scintillator arrays, imaging efficiency for double scatter cameras can also be low. One method to realize significant gains in neutron coincidence detection efficiency is to develop neutron double scatter detectors which employ monolithic blocks of organic scintillator, instrumented with photosensor arrays on multiple faces to enable 3D position and multi-interaction time pickoff. Silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) have several advantageous characteristics for this approach, including high photon detection efficiency (PDE), good single photon time resolution (SPTR), high gain that translates to single photon counting capabilities, and ability to be tiled into large arrays with high packing fraction and photosensitive area fill factor. However, they also have a tradeoff in high uncorrelated and correlated noise rates (dark counts from thermionic emissions and optical photon crosstalk generated during avalanche) which may complicate event positioning algorithms. We have evaluated the noise characteristics and SPTR of Hamamatsu S13360-6075 SiPMs with low noise, fast electronic readout for integration into a monolithic neutron scatter camera prototype. The sensors and electronic readout were implemented in a small-scale prototype detector in order to estimate expected noise performance for a monolithic neutron scatter camera and perform proof-of-concept measurements for scintillation photon counting and three-dimensional event positioning

    Improved single photon time resolution for analog SiPMs with front end readout that reduces influence of electronic noise

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    A key step to improve the coincidence time resolution of positron emission tomography detectors that exploit small populations of promptly emitted photons is improving the single photon time resolution (SPTR) of silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs). The influence of electronic noise has previously been identified as the dominant factor affecting SPTR for large area, analog SiPMs. In this work, we measure the achievable SPTR with front end electronic readout that minimizes the influence of electronic noise. With this readout circuit, the SPTR measured for one FBK NUV single avalanche photodiode (SPAD) was also achieved with a 1×11 \times 1 mm2^2 FBK NUV SiPM. SPTR for large area devices was also significantly improved. The measured SPTRs for 3×33 \times 3 mm2^2 Hamamatsu and SensL SiPMs were 150\leqslant 150 ps FWHM, and SPTR 100\leqslant 100 ps FWHM was measured for 3×33 \times 3 mm2^2 and 4×44 \times 4 mm2^2 FBK NUV and NUV-HD SiPMs. We also explore additional factors affecting the achievable SPTR for large area, analog SiPMs when the contribution of electronic noise is minimized and pinpoint potential areas of improvement to further reduce the SPTR of large area sensors towards that achievable for a single SPAD

    Front-End Design for SiPM-Based Monolithic Neutron Double Scatter Imagers.

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    Neutron double scatter imaging exploits the kinematics of neutron elastic scattering to enable emission imaging of neutron sources. Due to the relatively low coincidence detection efficiency of fast neutrons in organic scintillator arrays, imaging efficiency for double scatter cameras can also be low. One method to realize significant gains in neutron coincidence detection efficiency is to develop neutron double scatter detectors which employ monolithic blocks of organic scintillator, instrumented with photosensor arrays on multiple faces to enable 3D position and multi-interaction time pickoff. Silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) have several advantageous characteristics for this approach, including high photon detection efficiency (PDE), good single photon time resolution (SPTR), high gain that translates to single photon counting capabilities, and ability to be tiled into large arrays with high packing fraction and photosensitive area fill factor. However, they also have a tradeoff in high uncorrelated and correlated noise rates (dark counts from thermionic emissions and optical photon crosstalk generated during avalanche) which may complicate event positioning algorithms. We have evaluated the noise characteristics and SPTR of Hamamatsu S13360-6075 SiPMs with low noise, fast electronic readout for integration into a monolithic neutron scatter camera prototype. The sensors and electronic readout were implemented in a small-scale prototype detector in order to estimate expected noise performance for a monolithic neutron scatter camera and perform proof-of-concept measurements for scintillation photon counting and three-dimensional event positioning

    Physical Considerations for Cherenkov Radiation Based Coincidence Time Resolution Measurements in BGO

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    Exploiting the Cherenkov luminescence from 511 keV photoelectric interactions is a potential solution to re-introduce BGO scintillators in time-of-flight positron emission tomography (TOF-PET). Recent improvements in vacuum- and near- ultra-violet high density (VUV- and NUV-HD) silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) technology combined with efficient data post-processing methods, make it possible to access timing information from the relatively few Cherenkov photons emitted. To achieve good coincidence time resolution (CTR) also requires low noise and fast readout electronics with small effective capacitance, which is possible by employing bootstrapping techniques.In this summary, we report the CTR evaluation of the new VUV-HD and NUV-HD enhanced SiPMs. Results using a (i) standard electronic board, and a (ii) custom designed board for timing measurements, are shown. After applying state-of-the-art correction methods, values below 400 ps CTR FWHM have been reported for 3×3 mm 2 BGO crystals with lengths ranging from 3 to 15 mm, thus indicating the excellent performance of new SiPM technology combined with our custom design board

    Investigation of Electronic Signal Processing Chains for a Prototype TOF-PET System With 100-ps Coincidence Time Resolution

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    We have evaluated the coincidence time resolution (CTR) performance of four different mixed-signal front-end electronic readout configurations with the goal to achieve 100 picoseconds (ps) CTR. The proposed TOF-PET detector elements are based on two 3x3x10 mm(3) "fast LGSO" crystal segments, side coupled to linear arrays of 3x3 mm(2) silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs), to form a total crystal length of 20 mm. We studied multiple configurations and components for the front-end readout: 1) high speed radio frequency (RF) amplifiers; 2) an ASIC-based discriminator; 3) a combination of RF amplifier, balun transformer, and discriminator ASIC; and 4) combination of balun transformer and discriminator ASIC. Using two 3x3x10 mm(3) fast LGSO crystals side coupled to a linear array of three SiPMs, coincidence data were experimentally acquired for each readout configuration in combination with a low jitter field-programmable gate array (FPGA)-based time-to-digital converter (TDC). After evaluating the timing performance of the three readout schemes, the best CTR value of 99.4 +/- 1.9 ps FWHM was achieved for configuration (3), which is more than 20 ps better than the results achieved using configurations (1), (2), and (4).N

    Scalable electronic readout design for a 100 ps coincidence time resolution TOF-PET system

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    We have developed a scalable detector readout design for a 100 ps coincidence time resolution (CTR) time of flight (TOF) positron emission tomography (PET) detector technology. The basic scintillation detectors studied in this paper are based on 2 × 4 arrays of 3 × 3 × 10 mm3'fast-LGSO:Ce' scintillation crystals side-coupled to 6 × 4 arrays of 3 × 3 mm2silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs). We employed a novel mixed-signal front-end electronic configuration and a low timing jitter Field Programming Gate Array-based time to digital converter for data acquisition. Using a22Na point source, >10 000 coincidence events were experimentally acquired for several SiPM bias voltages, leading edge time-pickoff thresholds, and timing channels. CTR of 102.03 ± 1.9 ps full-width-at-half-maximum (FWHM) was achieved using single 3 × 3 × 10 mm3'fast-LGSO' crystal elements, wrapped in Teflon tape and side coupled to a linear array of 3 SiPMs. In addition, the measured average CTR was 113.4 ± 0.7 ps for the side-coupled 2 × 4 crystal array. The readout architecture presented in this work is designed to be scalable to large area module detectors with a goal to create the first TOF-PET system with 100 ps FWHM CTR