1 research outputs found

    Etniškumas, kalba ir skurdas prognozuoja atsiskaitomojo Nebraskos valstijos skaitymo testo (NeSA-R) rezultatus

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    Background. Ethnicity, language and poverty have all been linked to the academic achievement of children within our educational system. Purpose. The purpose of this study was to determine if ethnicity, ELL and poverty are indicative of third, fourth, and fifth grade performance on the Nebraska State Accountability Reading Test (NeSA-R). Methods and Results. An archival data set was volunteered by an elementary school in a small Midwestern town. The data set for the ethnicity portion included 347 students from two schools combined, while the data set for the poverty/ELL subset included 197 students from only one of the schools as the other did not have poverty/ELL data. An analysis of the data concluded that ethnicity is not a significant factor in the performance scores on the NeSA reading test among the three ethnic groups (p> .05). Additional analysis of the data set concluded that there is a significant difference between students who receive free and reduced lunch and are ELL and students who only receive free and reduced lunch (t(195)=6.551, p0,05). Papildoma duomenų analizė atskleidė reikšmingus skirtumus tarp mokinių, kuriems teikiami nemokami ar pigesni priešpriečiai ir kurie mokosi anglų kalbos, bei tų, kuriems tik teikiami nemokami ar pigesni priešpiečiai (t (195)=6,551; p>0,05). Išvados. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad vien etniškumas neturi reikšmingos įtakos NeSA-R rezultatams. Paaiškėjo, jog žemiausiais skaitymo testo balais įvertinti mokiniai, kurie mokosi anglų kalbos ir valgo nemokamus ar pigesnius priešpiečius. Tyrimo rezultatai skatina atkreipti dėmesį, kaip šio standartizuoto testo rezultatai naudojami atsižvelgiant į mokinius, turinčius skirtingą socialinį / kultūrinį pagrindą