16 research outputs found

    Box plots of the volume of <i>Paraleucilla magna</i> throughout the study period.

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    <p>Each box displays the median, upper and lower quartiles of the distribution of sponge volume per month. Box whiskers represent the maximum and minimum value.</p

    Ultrastructural details of oocytes of <i>Paraleucilla magna</i>.

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    <p><b>A</b>) primordial female germ cells located below the choanoderm gifted by short pseudopodial extensions (<i>pe</i>); <b>B</b>) young oocyte (<i>o</i>) crossing the choanoderm (<i>ch</i>); <b>C</b>) oocyte interposed between the choanoderm (<i>ch</i>) and the pinacocyte-like cells (<i>p</i>); <b>D</b>) oocyte in a chamber delimited by pinacocyte (<i>p</i>) and choanocyte layers (<i>ch</i>).</p

    Monthly trend in the volume of <i>Paraleucilla magna</i> specimens from the Mar Piccolo di Taranto over the study period.

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    <p>Monthly trend in the volume of <i>Paraleucilla magna</i> specimens from the Mar Piccolo di Taranto over the study period.</p

    Choanocyte chambers and details of transformed choanocyte chambers with putative male gametes of <i>Paraleucilla magna</i>.

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    <p><b>A</b>) choanocyte chambers (<i>cc</i>) arranged around the canals (<i>c</i>); <b>B</b>) choanocyte chamber lined by round-shaped choanocytes; <b>C, D</b>) transformed choanocyte chambers with precursor of male gametes (<i>ccmg</i>), oocyte (<i>o</i>); <b>E</b>) putative male gametes (<i>pmg</i>) directed toward the lumen of the chamber.</p

    Trend in the sexual cycle of <i>Paraleucilla magna</i> in the Mar Piccolo di Taranto.

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    <p>Monthly mean value and standard error of size, number of reproductive elements per mm<sup>3</sup> of sponge tissue (<b>A</b> = oocytes; <b>B</b> = transformed choanocyte chambers with putative male gametes; <b>E</b> = embryos; <b>F</b> = larvae) and % of sponge tissue occupied by reproductive elements (<b>C</b> = oocytes; <b>D</b> = transformed choanocyte chambers with putative male gametes; <b>G</b> = embryos; <b>H</b> = larvae).</p

    The reproductive periods of <i>Paraleucilla magna</i> in the Atlantic Ocean and in the Mediterranean Sea.

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    <p>O. oocytes; PMG. putative male gametes; E. embryos; L. larvae; G. gametogenesis;</p><p>R. reproductive period; RC. Recruits; //. data not available.</p>1<p>Lanna et al. <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0042392#pone.0042392-Lanna1" target="_blank">[28]</a>, Lanna & Klautau <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0042392#pone.0042392-Lanna2" target="_blank">[29]</a>, Padua et al. <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0042392#pone.0042392-Padua1" target="_blank">[36]</a>.</p>2<p>present paper, 2005*. Longo, unpublished data.</p>3<p>Guardiola et al. <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0042392#pone.0042392-Guardiola1" target="_blank">[27]</a>.</p

    Main phases of the sexual reproductive cycle of <i>Paraleucilla magna</i>.

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    <p><b>A</b>) oocytes (<i>o</i>) and transformed chonaocyte chambers with putative male gametes (<i>ccmg</i>) coexisting in the same specimen; <b>B</b>, <b>C, D</b>) segmentation process; <b>E</b>) embryo at beginning of inversion process; <b>F</b>) amphiblastula larvae (scale bars: <b>A</b>, 50 µm; <b>B</b>–<b>E</b>, 25 µm; <b>F</b>, 100 µm).</p

    A. Large flat lesion on the arm of a 32 years old man. B. at the time of surgical excision, dermoscopy reveals the presence of asymmetry of color and structure, with pigment network and regressive features suggestive for melanoma. C and D. Digital dermoscopic follow up of the lesion reveals the asymmetric growth of the tumor (circle) over time.

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    <p>A. Large flat lesion on the arm of a 32 years old man. B. at the time of surgical excision, dermoscopy reveals the presence of asymmetry of color and structure, with pigment network and regressive features suggestive for melanoma. C and D. Digital dermoscopic follow up of the lesion reveals the asymmetric growth of the tumor (circle) over time.</p