7 research outputs found

    Generation of transgenic <i>R26-AKT1</i><sup><i>E17K</i></sup> mouse.

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    <p><b>A.</b> Schematic representation of the targeting construct used for the conditional knock-in in the <i>R26</i> locus. The human <i>AKT1</i><sup><i>E17K</i></sup> cDNA preceded by a loxP-flanked transcriptional stop cassette, was recombined into the R26 locus. Cre-mediated removal of the stop cassette links Rosa26 exon 1 to the exogenous cDNA allowing expression of the transgene. <b>B.</b> Southern blot of EcoRV digested genomic DNA derived from mESCs transfected with the targeting construct carrying mutant AKT1. Lane 1: DNA from non-targeted mESCs, lane 2 and 3: DNA from DNA from two different <i>R26-AKT1</i><sup><i>E17K</i></sup> mESCs strains. Endogenous allele corresponds to the 11.5 kb band (<i>WT</i>); mutant allele corresponds to the 4.3 kb band (<i>REC</i>). <b>C.</b> Relative mRNA expression of human AKT1<sup>E17K</sup> by Q-RT-PCR in targeted mESCs and in the corresponding cells transfected with the Flp (pFlpE-IRES-Puro) or Cre recombinase (pCre-IRES-Puro). Data are from replicate experiments as the meanÂąSD. ***p<0.001. <b>D</b>. Genotype analysis by PCR on tail-tip DNA of genetically modified mice as indicated.</p

    Mutant AKT1<sup>E17K</sup> accelerates tumor formation induced by chemical carcinogens.

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    <p><b>A.</b> Lung tumor multiplicity in <i>R26-AKT1</i><sup><i>E17K</i></sup> infected with Ad-Cre (6 and 9 months after the treatment, respectively). Each point represents one mouse; bars represent means Âą SD. **p<0.01, *p<0.05. <b>B.</b> Diameter of lung tumors generated by urethane in <i>R26-AKT1</i><sup><i>E17K</i></sup> mice treated with increasing doses of Ad-Cre. Bars represent mean diameter of tumor ÂąSD. *p<0.05. <b>C, D.</b> Representative H&E staining of lung lesions developed in <i>R26-AKT1</i><sup><i>E17K</i></sup> mice treated with solvent or Ad-Cre, as indicated, 9 months after urethane administration. <b>E, F.</b> Phosporylated AKT staining of lung lesions developed in <i>R26-AKT1</i><sup><i>E17K</i></sup> mice treated with solvent or Ad-Cre, as indicated, 9 months after urethane administration. Magnification as indicated.</p

    Phenotypic analysis of <i>R26-AKT1</i><sup><i>E17K</i></sup><i>; Ttf1-Cre</i> mice.

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    <p><b>A</b>. PCR analysis of lung DNA from <i>R26-AKT1</i><sup><i>E17K</i></sup><i>; Ttf1-Cre</i> and control littermates. ∆Stop tpA: lox-P flanked transcription termination stop signal. <b>B.</b> Relative mRNA expression of human AKT1 by Q-RT-PCR on RNA of lungs from <i>R26; Ttf1-Cre</i>, <i>R26-AKT1</i><sup><i>E17K</i></sup><i>; Ttf1-Cre</i>. Data are presented from replicate analysis as the mean±SD. <b>C.</b> Representative immunoblot analysis of pAKT, total AKT1 and downstream signalling proteins in total protein extracts from whole lungs of <i>R26; Ttf1-Cre</i> and <i>R26-AKT1</i><sup><i>E17K</i></sup><i>; Ttf1-Cre</i> mice, respectively. <b>D-E.</b> Representative H&E staining of lungs from <i>R26;Ttf1-Cre</i> and <i>R26-AKT1</i><sup><i>E17K</i></sup><i>; Ttf1-Cre</i>, respectively. Magnification as indicated. <b>F-G.</b> Representative pAKT staining of lungs from <i>R26;Nkx2</i>.<i>1-Cre</i> and <i>R26-AKT1</i><sup><i>E17K</i></sup><i>;Nkx2</i>.<i>1-Cre</i>, respectively. Magnification as indicated.</p

    Indirect immunofluorescence for CC10 and SP-C in mouse lung.

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    <p>Representative immunofluorescence images of lung sections from <i>R26-AKT1</i><sup><i>E17K</i></sup> infected with Ad-Cre, treated with urethane or both. Panels A–C show lung sections analyzed using antibodies to CC10. Panels D–F show lung sections analyzed using antibodies to SP-C. Nuclei were stained with DAPI and are shown in blue. Magnification, 60X.</p