59 research outputs found

    A bibliometric analysis of the plastic waste

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    Trabalho apresentado em 1st International Conference on Challenges in Engineering, Medical, Economics & Education: Research & Solutions (CEMEERS-23), 21-22 junho 2023, Lisboa, PortugalN/

    Ground penetrating radar attenuation expressions in shallow groundwater research

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    The electromagnetic-wave attenuation coefficient determines the overall resolution and effective penetration depth of ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveys. Despite this relevance to the design of proper GPR surveys, the attenuation expressions are rarely used in the applied shallow groundwater research (SGR) literature. This work examines the status of the attenuation expressions in SGR. For this, 73 GPR case studies (in 47 papers), including some information concerning the attenuation variables and parameters, were selected to build a database. From these, 18 cases (in 10 papers) provided attenuation expressions and only 11 cases (in 4 papers) used those expressions. Two types of expressions were identified, physically based global ones that try to solve a broad (but not complete) range of environmental and field technical conditions, and non-global ones adapted for specific geological environments and resolution needed. The database analysis showed that both global and non-global expressions were used exclusively in low-loss media to report an attenuation range of 0.1– 21.5 dB m1 by using common antenna frequencies in the 25–900 MHz range. The range of the attenuation expressions validity in SGR is biased because no surveys in variable-loss heterogeneous media and wider antenna frequency intervals could be compiled. The attenuation database generated seeks to improve the design of GPR surveys in SGR.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Procesamiento de datos climáticos de alta resolución temporal para simulacio nes diarias de un agroecosistema complejo

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    Ecosystem services, such as natural pest control, are essential tools to be incorpora ted in future agricultural methodologies. In this paper we focus on the processing of climate data series that feed to a system of computer models simulating daily inte ractions of a pest and its predator, in a dynamic landscape, the olive grove. We filled hourly climate data series and converted them to daily climate series using R langua ge. The methodology used produces acceptable climate data series for the system to run and allows to segregate specific periods of the day while maintaining daily tem poral resolution. We expect this paper can be helpful when dealing with similar data and purpose.Los servicios ecosistémicos, como por ejemplo el control natural de plagas, son her ramientas que se deberán promover en las futuras metodologías agrícolas. En este artículo nos enfocamos en el procesamiento de datos climáticos, necesarios para el funcionamiento de un sistema de modelos que hace simulaciones computacionales diarias de la interacción entre una plaga y su predador, en un paisaje dinámico, el olivar. Completamos las series horarias de datos climáticos y las convertimos a series diarias, usando lenguaje R. La metodología utilizada produce datos climáticos acept ables para el funcionamiento del sistema y permite segregar periodos específicos del día manteniendo una resolución temporal diaria. Esperamos que este artículo pueda ser útil en casos similares.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessing soil salinity dynamics using time-lapse electromagnetic conductivity imaging

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    LezíriaGrandedeVilaFrancadeXira,locatedinPortugal,isanimportantagriculturalsystemwhere soil faces the risk of salinization due to climate change, as the level and salinity of groundwater are likely to increase as a result of the rise of the sea water level and consequently of the estuary. These changes can also affect the salinity of the irrigation water which is collected upstream of the estuary. Soil salinity can be assessed over large areas by the following rationale: (1) use of electromagnetic induction (EMI) to measure the soil appar- ent electrical conductivity (ECa, mS m−1); (2) inversion of ECa to obtain electromagnetic conductivity imaging (EMCI) which provides the spatial distribution of the soil electrical conductivity (σ,mSm−1); (3) calibration process consisting of a regression between σ and the electrical conductivity of the saturated soil paste extract (ECe, dS m−1), used as a proxy for soil salinity; and (4) conversion of EMCI into salinity cross sections using the obtained calibration equation. In this study, EMI surveys and soil sampling were carried out between May 2017 and October 2018 at four locations with different salinity levels across the study area of Lezíria de Vila Franca. A previously developed regional calibration was used for predicting ECe from EMCI. Using time-lapse EMCI data, this study aims (1) to evaluate the ability of the regional calibration to predict soil salinity and (2) to perform a preliminary qualitative analysis of soil salinity dynamics in the study area. The validation analysis showed that ECe was predicted with a root mean square error (RMSE) of 3.14 dS m−1 in a range of 52.35 dS m−1, slightly overesti- mated (−1.23 dS m−1), with a strong Lin’s concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) of 0.94 and high linearity between measured and predicted data (R2 = 0.88). It was also observed that the prediction ability of the regional calibration is more influenced by spatial variability of data than temporal variability of data. Soil salinity cross sections were generated for each date and location of data collection, revealing qualitative salinity fluctuations related to the input of salts and water either through irrigation, precipitation, or level and salinity of groundwater. Time-lapse EMCI is developing into a valid methodology for evaluating the risk of soil salinization, so it can further support the evaluation and adoption of proper agricultural management strategies, especially in irrigated areas, where continuous monitoring of soil salinity dynamics is required.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Regional calibration and electromagnetic conductivity imaging for assessing the dynamics of soil salinity

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    Trabalho apresentado em EGU General Assembly,19–30 Abril 2021, onlineinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Limitação natural de pragas: um valioso serviço do ecossistema no olival

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    O impacto das alterações climáticas na salinidade do solo: caso de estudo de uma pastagem mediterrânica com água subterrânea salina

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    The case study is located in an agricultural area of alluvial origin, approximately 10 km northeast of Lisbon (Portugal). The area is a peninsula surrounded by River Tejo, its estuary, and by River Sorraia. The peninsula lies 1 to 2 m above sea level, with saline groundwater arising from the estuarine tides. The soil is typically clayey and homogeneous. The future climate projections for the Mediterranean region show a decrease in precipitation, increase in mean temperature, and increase in sea water level. These conditions aggravate the processes leading to salt-affected soils (increased evapotranspiration, decrease in salt leaching during the rainy season, and increase of the groundwater salinity). This work evaluates the influence of climate change on soil salinity and water content in a rainfed spontaneous pasture, using Hydrus-1D. Three climate scenarios, comprising series of 30 years obtained with a regional climate model, were used: reference scenario (referent to 1971-2000), RCP4.5, and RCP 8.5 (both for 2011-2040). The results show an increase in the soil salinity in the RCP scenarios compared to the reference and a decrease in the mean yearly water content of the topsoil. Both effects limit the productivity of the pasture and even compromise the plants’ growth.O caso de estudo situa-se na Lezíria de Vila Franca de Xira, uma zona agrícola de origem aluvial, a cerca de 10 km a nordeste de Lisboa. A Lezíria é uma península rodeada pelo rio Tejo, pelo seu estuário e pelo rio Sorraia, entre 1 a 2 m acima do nível do mar, com água subterrânea salina resultante da influência marinha no estuário. As projeções climáticas para a região indicam uma diminuição da precipitação, aumento da temperatura média e aumento do nível da água do mar. Estas condições agravam os processos de salinização do solo (aumento da evapotranspiração, diminuição da lixiviação dos sais pela chuva e aumento da salinidade das águas subterrâneas). Este trabalho pretende analisar a influência das alterações climáticas na salinidade do solo e teor de água numa pastagem espontânea de sequeiro, utilizando Hydrus-1D. Foram simulados três cenários climáticos, compreendendo séries de 30 anos obtidas a partir de um modelo climático regional: cenário de referência (referente a 1971-2000), RCP4.5 e RCP 8.5 (ambos para 2011-2040). Os resultados mostram um aumento da salinidade do solo nos cenários RCP em relação à referência e uma diminuição no teor de água médio anual na camada superficial do solo. Ambos os efeitos limitam a produtividade da pastagem, podendo comprometer totalmente o crescimento das plantas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Integrated MASW and ERT Imaging for Geological Definition of an Unconfined Alluvial Aquifer Sustaining a Coastal Groundwater-Dependent Ecosystem in Southwest Portugal

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    This paper integrates multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) and time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) to define aquifer geometry and identify transient groundwater features of the Cascalheira Stream Basin Holocene alluvial aquifer (aquifer H), which contributes to the Santo André Lagoon, part of a coastal groundwater-dependent ecosystem (GDE), located in southwest Portugal. MASW measures shear-wave velocity (VS), allowing one to obtain steady geological models of the subsurface, and ERT measures subsurface electrical resistivity (ER), being subjected to ambient changes. MASW enables disambiguation of geological structures in low ER environments, such as coastal areas. This research covered one natural year and involved one MASW campaign, four ERT campaigns, and additional geological field surveys and groundwater monitoring to assist interpretation of results. In the area, the conjugate NW–SE and NE–SW strike-slip fault systems determine compartmentalization of geological structures and subsequent accommodation space for Holocene sedimentation. MASW and ERT surveys show how the NW–SE system deepens these structures toward the coast, whereas the NE–SW system generates small horsts and grabens, being one of these occupied by aquifer H. From upstream to downstream, aquifer H thickness and width increase from 10 m to 12 m and from 140 m to 240 m, respectively. Performance of VS and ER models was satisfactory, with a normalized error of the VR and ER models in the 0.01–0.09 range, meaning that a quantitative quota of uncertainty can be segregated from the overall uncertainty of groundwater models without substantially affecting its simulations accuracy. This methodology seeks to improve the design of shallow groundwater research in GDE preservation policies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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