5 research outputs found

    Fluoruro biodisponible en cremas dentales comercializadas en Medellín – Colombia mediante electroforesis capilar

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    Currently, the FDI recommendation (World Dental Federation) for fluoride concentration in toothpastes is that the total fluoride content declared by manufacturers be between 1,000 and 1,500 ppm, and of this amount, at least 800 ppm should be bioavai­lable fluoride. The aim of this study was to describe the market of toothpastes marketed in Medellín and to measure the concentration of bioavailable fluoride by capillary electrophoresis to verify their compliance with the FDI recommendation for the prevention of dental caries. After sampling the toothpastes available for sale in the 16 communes of the city of Medellin, a single operator measured in triplicate the concentration of bioavailable fluoride in 36 samples of previously blinded toothpastes using the capi­llary electrophoresis (EC) technique. Most of the evaluated toothpastes that declared a content of 1,000–1,500 ppm fluoride met the recommendation of presenting at least 800 ppm bioavailable fluoride. Measurement of bioavailable fluoride in toothpastes with MFP (sodium monofluorophosphate) is recommended, as it is known that binding to the abrasive can decrease its concentration over time.Actualmente la recomendación de la FDI (Federación Dental Internacional) sobre la concentración de fluoruro en cremas dentales es que el contenido de fluoruro total declarado por los fabricantes sea entre 1.000 y 1.500 ppm, y que de esta cantidad al menos 800 ppm sea fluoruro biodisponible. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir el mercado de las cremas dentales comercializadas en Medellín y medir en estas la concentración de fluoruro biodisponible por electroforesis capilar para verificar su cumplimiento de la recomendación de la FDI para la prevención de la caries dental. Luego de realizar un muestreo en las 16 comunas de la ciudad de Medellín sobre las cremas dentales disponibles a la venta, un solo operador midió por triplicado la concentración de fluoruro biodisponible en 36 muestras de cremas dentales previamente cegadas, mediante la técnica de electroforesis capilar (EC). La mayoría de las cremas dentales evaluadas que declaraban contenido de 1.000 a 1.500 ppm de fluoruro, cumplieron la recomendación de presentar al menos 800 ppm de fluoruro biodisponible. Se recomienda realizar la medición del fluoruro biodisponible en las cremas con MFP, ya que se conoce que la unión al abrasivo puede disminuir su concentración en el tiempo

    Representaciones sociales del proceso salud-enfermedad bucal en madres gestantes de una población urbana: Medellín, Colombia Social representations of pregnant mothers in an urban community: Medellín, Colombia

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    OBJETIVO: Comprender las representaciones sociales del proceso salud-enfermedad bucal en madres gestantes. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se realizó una investigación cualitativa. Fueron entrevistadas 28 mujeres adultas, en periodo de gestación, asistentes a un programa prenatal en la ciudad de Medellín, Colombia, durante los años 2006-2007. Las entrevistas, grabadas y transcritas, se analizaron mediante codificación abierta, axial y selectiva. RESULTADOS: Las madres se manifiestan dispuestas a dar a sus hijos una buena salud bucal; la consideran su responsabilidad-culpa, y para lograrlo, reclaman apoyo del personal de salud, apoyo que en ocasiones no copa sus expectativas y necesidades. CONCLUSIONES: Se requieren profesionales que integren, desde su formación, tanto la dimensión social como conocimientos técnico-científicos, que reconozcan la coexistencia de diferentes racionalidades en el encuentro educativo y relativicen sus conceptos propios, dando propuestas educativas que supongan rupturas paradigmáticas para lograr el apoyo requerido, respetando la autonomía de las madres, sin culpabilizarlas.<br>OBJECTIVE: To understand social representations of oral health-disease among pregnant mothers. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A qualitative study was conducted for which 28 pregnant adult women were interviewed who attended a prenatal program at a health institution in the city of Medellín, Colombia between 2006 and 2007. Interviews were recorded and transcribed and analyses were performed using open, axial and selective coding. RESULTS: Mothers would like to provide their children good oral health and consider it their responsibility; associated guilt is also experienced. To fulfill this responsibility, mothers request support from health personnel, which at times does not meet their needs and expectations. CONCLUSIONS: Professionals are needed who, beginning with their education, integrate the social dimension with technical-scientific knowledge, who recognize the coexistence of different rationalities in the educational setting and put them into perspective, venturing into educational proposals that break with paradigms in order to achieve the support required, while respecting the autonomy of the mothers without blaming them

    Quality of Life and Related Factors in Specialists on Pediatric Dentistry and the like Graduated from a Public University: A Mixed Methods Approach

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    This study aims to analyze the factors associated with the quality of life (QOL) in pediatric dentistry specialists and the like, graduated in a public university between 1972 and 2018. A mixed study (explanatory sequential design) was conducted. Firstly, a cross-sectional survey (n = 62, 51% women) was carried out and complemented with three focus groups (FGs) and four semi-structured interviews (SIs). Descriptive statistics, bivariate analyzes and non-parametric correlation were calculated. A multivariate linear regression was carried out to establish the factors associated with QOL. In FGs, the concept of QOL and the factors that influence it was investigated, by following a qualitative content analysis and later the information was triangulated. The median QOL scores surpass 62 points. The multivariate analysis showed that the factors exerted the greatest influence negatively (decreases the QOL score) were: having an independent or service provision contract (p &lt; 0.05), low social support (p &lt; 0.001), job dissatisfaction (p &lt; 0.01), poor mental health (p &lt; 0.01), self-perceived poor general health (p &lt; 0.01). The information from the FGs and interviews allow to establish three categories of analysis: (1) QOL and health: multiple facets, determinants, and dimensions; (2) encounters and disagreements between the postgraduate curricular training proposal and the labor and social field of the specialist; (3) an itinerant clinical specialization. The QOL of participants is considered good in general terms and is conditioned by subjective factors, the social environment, and the conditions of their professional work

    Salud bucal: representaciones sociales en madres gestantes de una población urbana. Medellín, Colombia Oral health: social representations among pregnant mothers. Medellin, Colombia

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    A partir de la teoría de las representaciones sociales, se realizó una investigación cualitativa con el propósito de comprender las representaciones sociales del proceso salud-enfermedad bucal en madres gestantes de una población urbana. Se entrevistaron 28 mujeres adultas asistentes al programa prenatal en una institución de salud de la ciudad de Medellín. Las entrevistas fueron grabadas y transcritas y se analizaron mediante codificación abierta, axial y selectiva, de acuerdo con la teoría fundada. Los hallazgos revelaron que si bien para las madres gestantes la boca del hijo no ocupa un lugar preponderante al inicio del ciclo vital, gana importancia con el proceso de crecimiento y desarrollo del niño, cuando además de su papel en la masticación y alimentación, adquiere una carga social relevante. El análisis dio cuenta de cómo confluyen en las madres de una población urbana representaciones arraigadas en la tradición, con nuevas visiones en cuya construcción hay elementos de los discursos profesionales y de los medios de comunicación; entre ellas, la estrecha relación salud bucal-dientes, la salud atada a prácticas saludables y a la utilización de servicios de salud y salud bucal como ventaja social, relacionada con la estética.<br>Based on the theory of social representations, a qualitative investigation was conducted in order to assess social representations in oral heath in pregnant mothers living in an urban environment. Twenty-eight pregnant adult women attending a prenatal program at a health institution in the city of Medellín, Colombia, were interviewed. The interviews were recorded and transcribed; analysis was performed through open, axial and selective coding, in line with grounded theory. Findings revealed that although pregnant mothers are not greatly concerned about oral health after birth and in early childhood, it increases in importance during growth and development of the child when, besides chewing and feeding aspects, it acquires a socially important role. Analysis revealed how social representations anchored in tradition, with new elements from health professional discourses as well as mass media influences coexist in mothers in an urban environment. These include the close relationship between oral health and teeth, health linked to healthy practices as well as recourse to health services and oral health as a social advantage, related to esthetic aspects