27 research outputs found

    Diagnostic accuracy of sonohysterography vs hysteroscopy in benign uterine endocavitary findings

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare diagnostic accuracy of sonohysterography vs hysteroscopy in patients with benign uterine endocavitary findings. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This retrospective study evaluated 202 patients submitted to sonohysterography after transvaginal ultrasound examination suspicious for uterine endocavitary findings. Cytological sample was taken and analyzed from the fluid used to distend the uterine cavity. Of 202 patients enrolled for this study, 86 patients underwent gynaecological surgery, of whom 77 were treated with operative hysteroscopy and 9 with other gynaecological surgical techniques. Statistical analysis was performed to evaluate diagnostic agreement between sonohysterography vs hysteroscopy and cytology vs histology. RESULTS: Diagnostic concordance between sonohysterography and hysteroscopy was significant (k value 0.87). The correlation between cytological and histological findings had a moderate level of concordance (k value 0.49).CONCLUSIONS: Sonohysterography provides a diagnostic accuracy as well as hysteroscopy, therefore, it could be considered an alternative procedure in the diagnosis of benign uterine endocavitary findings

    A Look at the Importance of Chirality in Drug Activity: Some Significative Examples

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    [EN] Chirality plays an important role in the development of many pharmaceuticals, being a general property of 'handedness'; nevertheless, a large number of pharmaceuticals are still marketed and administered as racemates. Chirality is all around and even within us; indeed, receptors and enzymes are chiral entities and interact in a specific manner with chiral drugs. Consequently, controlling enantiomeric purity and isolating the enantiomers from chiral drugs remains a crucial subject for analytical, clinical, and regulatory purposes, thus, improving the drug safety profile. The classical examples of spontaneous enantiomerization and severe toxicity related to chirality are represented by ibuprofen and thalidomide, respectively, but numerous other cases have been reported in the literature. This review intends to offer a brief overview on the most common chiral drugs used in therapy for the treatment of various diseases.Ceramella, J.; Iacopetta, D.; Franchini, A.; De Luca, M.; Saturnino, C.; Andreu, I.; Sinicropi, MS.... (2022). A Look at the Importance of Chirality in Drug Activity: Some Significative Examples. Applied Sciences. 12(21):1-22. https://doi.org/10.3390/app122110909122122

    Obstetric and neonatal outcomes of women with FGM I and II in San Camillo Hospital, Burkina Faso

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    Female genital mutilation (FGM) is still performed in the world. Women who underwent FGM have marked psychological, gynecological and obstetric consequences. This article contributes to the spread of knowledge about obstetric and neonatal outcomes in women with FGM I and II. Our observational study compared the obstetric outcomes of 85 women with FGM I and II (case group) and 95 women without it (control group). We evaluated age, need of oxytocin during labor, duration of the expulsion phase, need of episiotomy, weight of the newborn, Apgar score at birth, resuscitation of the newborn, stillbirth. We observed the rate of cesarean sections and their main indications. We compared the rate of cesarean sections among the cases and the controls. Controls were younger than women who underwent FGM. Intravenous oxytocin injection was higher in cases. The expulsion phase was longer in women with FGM than in the controls. FGM is related to a higher risk of episiotomy. Apgar score 9/10 was more frequently assigned to babies from mothers without FGM. There were more resuscitated babies and more stillbirth in the group of cases. Ten percent of all women underwent cesarean section. FGM is related to a higher incidence of cesarean section. FGM is associated with a higher risk of gynecological and obstetrical consequences, acting on women's health and also on the economy of resource limited countries. Because of migration, health professionals could interface with women who underwent FGM and have to know their related complications

    Splenic Blood Flow Increases after Hypothermic Stimulus (Cold Pressor Test): A Perfusion Magnetic Resonance Study

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    The Cold Pressor Test (CPT) is a novel diagnostic strategy to noninvasively assess the myocardial microvascular endothelial-dependent function using perfusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Spleen perfusion is modulated by a complex combination of several mechanisms involving the autonomic nervous system and vasoactive mediators release. In this context, the effects of cold temperature on splenic blood flow (SBF) still need to be clarified. Ten healthy subjects were studied by MRI. MRI protocol included the acquisition of GRE T1-weighted sequence ("first pass perfusion") during gadolinium administration (0.1mmol/kg of Gd-DOTA at flow of 3.0 ml/s), at rest and after CPT. Myocardial blood flow (MBF) and SBF were measured by applying Fermi function deconvolution, using the blood pool input function sampled from the left ventricle cavity. MBF and SBF values after performing CPT were significantly higher than rest values (SBF at rest: 0.65 ± 0.15 ml/min/g Vs. SBF after CPT: 0.90 ± 0.14 ml/min/g, p: <0.001; MBF at rest: 0.90 ± 0.068 ml/min/g Vs. MBF after CPT: 1.22 ± 0.098 ml/min/g, p<0.005). Both SBF and MBF increased in all patients during the CPT. In particular, the CPT-induced increase was 43% ± 29% for SBF and 36.5% ± 17% for MBF. CPT increases SBF in normal subjects. The characterization of a standard perfusion response to cold might allow the use of the spleen as reference marker for the adequacy of cold stimulation during myocardial perfusion MRI

    A Look at the Importance of Chirality in Drug Activity: Some Significative Examples

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    Chirality plays an important role in the development of many pharmaceuticals, being a general property of ‘handedness’; nevertheless, a large number of pharmaceuticals are still marketed and administered as racemates. Chirality is all around and even within us; indeed, receptors and enzymes are chiral entities and interact in a specific manner with chiral drugs. Consequently, controlling enantiomeric purity and isolating the enantiomers from chiral drugs remains a crucial subject for analytical, clinical, and regulatory purposes, thus, improving the drug safety profile. The classical examples of spontaneous enantiomerization and severe toxicity related to chirality are represented by ibuprofen and thalidomide, respectively, but numerous other cases have been reported in the literature. This review intends to offer a brief overview on the most common chiral drugs used in therapy for the treatment of various diseases

    Vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia: a therapeutical dilemma.

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    Vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (VaIN) represents a rare and asymptomatic pre-neoplastic lesion. Its natural history and potential evolution into invasive cancer are uncertain. VaIN can occur alone or as a synchronous or metachronous lesion with cervical and vulvar HPV-related intra epithelial or invasive neoplasia. Its association with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia is found in 65% of cases, with vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia in 10% of cases, while for others, the association with concomitant cervical or vulvar intraepithelial neoplasias is found in 30-80% of cases. VaIN is often asymptomatic and its diagnosis is suspected in cases of abnormal cytology, followed by colposcopy and colposcopically-guided biopsy of suspicious areas. In the past, high-grade VaIN and multifocal VaIN have been treated by radical surgery, such as total or partial upper vaginectomy associated with hysterectomy and radiotherapy. The need to maintain the integrity of reproductive capacity has determined the transition from radical therapies to conservative ones, according to the different patients' characteristics

    Fetal MRI: what’s new? A short review

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    Abstract Fetal magnetic resonance imaging (fetal MRI) is usually performed as a second-level examination following routine ultrasound examination, generally exploiting morphological and diffusion MRI sequences. The objective of this review is to describe the novelties and new applications of fetal MRI, focusing on three main aspects: the new sequences with their applications, the transition from 1.5-T to 3-T magnetic field, and the new applications of artificial intelligence software. This review was carried out by consulting the MEDLINE references (PubMed) and including only peer-reviewed articles written in English. Among the most important novelties in fetal MRI, we find the intravoxel incoherent motion model which allow to discriminate the diffusion from the perfusion component in fetal and placenta tissues. The transition from 1.5-T to 3-T magnetic field allowed for higher quality images, thanks to the higher signal-to-noise ratio with a trade-off of more frequent artifacts. The application of motion-correction software makes it possible to overcome movement artifacts by obtaining higher quality images and to generate three-dimensional images useful in preoperative planning. Relevance statement This review shows the latest developments offered by fetal MRI focusing on new sequences, transition from 1.5-T to 3-T magnetic field and the emerging role of AI software that are paving the way for new diagnostic strategies. Key points • Fetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a second-line imaging after ultrasound. • Diffusion-weighted imaging and intravoxel incoherent motion sequences provide quantitative biomarkers on fetal microstructure and perfusion. • 3-T MRI improves the detection of cerebral malformations. • 3-T MRI is useful for both body and nervous system indications. • Automatic MRI motion tracking overcomes fetal movement artifacts and improve fetal imaging. Graphical Abstrac

    Human papilloma virus infection and cervical cytomorphological changing among intrauterine contraception users

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    OBJECTIVE: The increased use of the intrauterine contraception (IUC) in female population and its probable relationship with cervical squamous intraepithelial lesions and cervical cancer make necessary clarify the possible interaction between the device and the pre-neoplastic lesions. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Seven hundred and eighty-nine patients users of IUC and 1491 patients ever users of IUC were followed every 6 months for 3 years. Each clinical control included Papanicolau test, colposcopy, HPV-DNA test and HPV-mRNA test. Also, in patients IUC users we analyzed the type of device, years of use and average age. RESULTS: Cytological sampling, histological examination, HPV-DNA test and HPV-mRNA test showed that there are not significantly differences between patients with or without IUC. CONCLUSIONS: None difference arose regarding persistence and progression between patients IUC users and IUC no users, for this reason, intrauterine contraception does not seem to be a co-causal factor in the possible development of cervical cancer

    Feasibility of office CO2 laser surgery in patients affected by benign pathologies and congenital malformations of female lower genital tract.

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    OBJECTIVE: Traditional surgery presents some disadvantages, such as the necessity for general anesthesia, hemorrhage, recurrence of pathology, and the possible onset of dyspareunia due to an excessive scarring. CO2 laser surgery might resolve these problems and might be employed in a wider range of clinical indications than usual. We examined the results of CO2 laser surgery in patients affected by benign pathologies and congenital malformations of the female lower genital tract. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In this observational study, we enrolled 49 women who underwent CO2 laser surgery for the following indications: Bartholin's gland cyst, imperforate hymen, vaginal septum, Nabothian cyst, and vaginal polyps. Feasibility, cost-effectiveness, complication rate, recurrence rate, short- and long-term outcomes were assessed. RESULTS: All procedures were carried out in a short operative time, without any intraoperative complications. Only 1 (2.0%) out of 49 patients required a hemostatic suture for bleeding. Postoperative period was uneventful in all patients, except 6 (12.2%) out of 49 patients who reported pain one day after surgery, successfully treated with paracetamol. Healing was rapid and excellent in all cases; no wound infection, scarring or stenosis were noticed. Preoperative symptoms reduced or disappeared in all cases. No recurrence was observed and no re-intervention was needed. CONCLUSIONS: CO2 laser surgery provides several advantages over traditional surgery, as its systematic use in treating pre-invasive, benign, and congenital pathologies of the female lower genital tract reduces patient discomfort, improves short- and long-term outcomes, and optimizes cost-effectiveness