1,761 research outputs found

    VLBI study of maser kinematics in high-mass SFRs. II. G23.01-0.41

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    The present paper focuses on the high-mass star-forming region G23.01-0.41. Methods: Using the VLBA and the EVN arrays, we conducted phase-referenced observations of the three most powerful maser species in G23.01-0.41: H2O at 22.2 GHz (4 epochs), CH3OH at 6.7 GHz (3 epochs), and OH at 1.665 GHz (1 epoch). In addition, we performed high-resolution (> 0".1), high-sensitivity (< 0.1 mJy) VLA observations of the radio continuum emission from the HMC at 1.3 and 3.6 cm. Results: We have detected H2O, CH3OH, and OH maser emission clustered within 2000 AU from the center of a flattened HMC, oriented SE-NW, from which emerges a massive 12CO outflow, elongated NE-SW, extended up to the pc-scale. Although the three maser species show a clearly different spatial and velocity distribution and sample distinct environments around the massive YSO, the spatial symmetry and velocity field of each maser specie can be explained in terms of expansion from a common center, which possibly denotes the position of the YSO driving the maser motion. Water masers trace both a fast shock (up to 50 km/s) closer to the YSO, powered by a wide-angle wind, and a slower (20 km/s) bipolar jet, at the base of the large-scale outflow. Since the compact free-free emission is found offset from the putative location of the YSO along a direction consistent with that of the maser jet axis, we interpret the radio continuum in terms of a thermal jet. The velocity field of methanol masers can be explained in terms of a composition of slow (4 km/s in amplitude) motions of radial expansion and rotation about an axis approximately parallel to the maser jet. Finally, the distribution of line of sight velocities of the hydroxyl masers suggests that they can trace gas less dense (n(H2) < 10^6 cm^-3) and more distant from the YSO than that traced by the water and methanol masers, which is expanding toward the observer. (Abridged)Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables, accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    An analysis of the X-ray emission from the supernova remnant 3C397

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    The ASCA SIS and the ROSAT PSPC spectral data of the SNR 3C397 are analysed with a two-component non-equilibrium ionization model. Besides, the ASCA SIS0 and SIS1 spectra are also fitted simultaneously in an equilibrium case. The resulting values of the hydrogen column density yield a distance of \sim8\kpc to 3C397. It is found that the hard X-ray emission, containing S and Fe Kα\alpha lines, arises primarily from the hot component, while most of the soft emission, composed mainly of Mg, Si, Fe L lines, and continuum, is produced by the cool component. The emission measures suggest that the remnant evolves in a cloudy medium and imply that the supernova progenitor might not be a massive early-type star. The cool component is approaching ionization equilibrium. The ages estimated from the ionization parameters and dynamics are all much greater than the previous determination. We restore the X-ray maps using the ASCA SIS data and compare them with the ROSAT HRI and the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) 20 cm maps. The morphology with two bright concentrations suggests a bipolar remnant encountering a denser medium in the west.Comment: 20 pages, aasms4.sty, 3 figures To appear in ApJ (1999

    Methanol masers : Reliable tracers of the early stages of high-mass star formation

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    The GLIMPSE and MSX surveys have been used to examine the mid-infrared properties of a statistically complete sample of 6.7 GHz methanol masers. The GLIMPSE point sources associated with methanol masers are clearly distinguished from the majority, typically having extremely red mid-infrared colors, similar to those expected of low-mass class 0 young stellar objects. The intensity of the GLIMPSE sources associated with methanol masers is typically 4 magnitudes brighter at 8.0 micron than at 3.6 micron. Targeted searches towards GLIMPSE point sources with [3.6]-[4.5] > 1.3 and an 8.0 micron magnitude less than 10 will detect more than 80% of class II methanol masers. Many of the methanol masers are associated with sources within infrared dark clouds (IRDC) which are believed to mark regions where high-mass star formation is in its very early stages. The presence of class II methanol masers in a significant fraction of IRDC suggests that high-mass star formation is common in these regions. Different maser species are thought to trace different evolutionary phases of the high-mass star formation process. Comparison of the properties of the GLIMPSE sources associated with class II methanol masers and other maser species shows interesting trends, consistent with class I methanol masers tracing a generally earlier evolutionary phase and OH masers tracing a later evolutionary phase.Comment: 45 pages, 19 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    A Search for H2CO 6cm Emission toward Young Stellar Objects III: VLA Observations

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    We report the results of our third survey for formaldehyde (H2CO) 6cm maser emission in the Galaxy. Using the Very Large Array, we detected two new H2CO maser sources (G23.01-0.41 and G25.83-0.18), thus increasing the sample of known H2CO maser regions in the Galaxy to seven. We review the characteristics of the G23.01-0.41 and G25.83-0.18 star forming regions. The H2CO masers in G23.01-0.41 and G25.83-0.18 share several properties with the other known H2CO masers, in particular, emission from rich maser environments and close proximity to very young massive stellar objects.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Supplement Serie

    NGC 3576 and NGC 3603: Two Luminous Southern HII Regions Observed at High Resolution with the Australia Telescope Compact Array

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    NGC 3576 (G291.28-0.71; l=291.3o, b=-0.7o) and NGC 3603 (G291.58-0.43; l=291.6o, b=-0.5o) are optically visible, luminous HII regions located at distances of 3.0 kpc and 6.1 kpc, respectively. We present 3.4 cm Australian Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) observations of these two sources in the continuum and the H90a, He90a, C90a and H113b recombination lines with an angular resolution of 7" and a velocity resolution of 2.6 km/s. All four recombination lines are detected in the integrated profiles of the two sources. Broad radio recombination lines are detected in both NGC 3576 (DV_{FWHM}>= 50 km/s) and NGC 3603 (DV_{FWHM}>=70 km/s). In NGC 3576 a prominent N-S velocity gradient (~30 km/s/pc) is observed, and a clear temperature gradient (6000 K to 8000 K) is found from east to west, consistent with a known IR color gradient in the source. In NGC 3603, the H90a, He90a and the H113b lines are detected from 13 individual sources. The Y^+ (He/H) ratios in the two sources range from 0.08+/-0.04 to 0.26+/-0.10. We compare the morphology and kinematics of the ionized gas at 3.4 cm with the distribution of stars, 10 micron emission and H_2O, OH, and CH_3OH maser emission. These comparisons suggest that both NGC 3576 and NGC 3603 have undergone sequential star formation.Comment: 24 pages, 12 Postscript figure

    Professional Reading

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    American National Security Policies: a Selective, Working Bibliograph

    Decapitating the Duck: The (non)association of PSR B1757-24 and supernova remnant G5.4-1.2

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    We have made the first direct interferometric proper motion measurements of the radio pulsar B1757-24, which sits at the tip of the "beak" of the putative "Duck" supernova remnant. The peculiar morphology of this radio complex has been used to argue alternately that the pulsar's space motion was either surprisingly high or surprisingly low. In fact, we show that the pulsar's motion is so small that it and its associated nonthermal nebula G5.27-0.9 (the "head") are almost certainly unrelated to the much larger G5.4-1.2 (the "wings").Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in ApJ

    New OH Zeeman measurements of magnetic field strengths in molecular clouds

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    We present the results of a new survey of 23 molecular clouds for the Zeeman effect in OH undertaken with the ATNF Parkes 64-m radio telescope and the NRAO Green Bank 43-m radio telescope. The Zeeman effect was clearly detected in the cloud associated with the HII region RCW 38, with a field strength of 38+/-3 micro-Gauss, and possibly detected in a cloud associated with the HII region RCW 57, with a field strength of -203+/-24 micro-Gauss. The remaining 21 measurements give formal upper limits to the magnetic field strength, with typical 1-sigma sensitivities <20 micro-Gauss. For 22 of the molecular clouds we are also able to determine thecolumn density of the gas in which we have made a sensitive search for the Zeeman effect. We combine these results with previous Zeeman studies of 29 molecular clouds, most of which were compiled by Crutcher (1999), for a comparsion of theoretical models with the data. This comparison implies that if the clouds can be modeled as initially spherical with uniform magnetic fields and densities that evolve to their final equilibrium state assuming flux-freezing then the typical cloud is magnetically supercritical, as was found by Crutcher (1999). If the clouds can be modeled as highly flattened sheets threaded by uniform perpendicular fields, then the typical cloud is approximately magnetically critical, in agreement with Shu et al. (1999), but only if the true values of the field for the non-detections are close to the 3-sigma upper limits. If instead these values are significantly lower (for example, similar to the 1-sigma limits), then the typical cloud is generally magnetically supercritical.Comment: 39 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Six New Galactic Orbits of Globular Clusters in a Milky-Way-Like Galaxy

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    Absolute proper motions for six new globular clusters have recently been determined. This motivated us to obtain the Galactic orbits of these six clusters both in an axisymmetric Galactic potential and in a barred potential, such as the one of our Galaxy. Orbits are also obtained for a Galactic potential that includes spiral arms. The orbital characteristics are compared and discussed for these three cases. Tidal radii and destruction rates are also computed and discussed.Comment: 29 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    The young massive stellar cluster associated to RCW121

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    We report NIR broad and narrow band photometric observations in the direction of the IRAS17149-3916 source that reveal the presence of a young cluster of massive stars embedded in an HII region coincident with RCW121. These observations, together with published radio data, MSX and Spitzer images were used to determine some of the physical parameters of the region. We found 96 cluster member candidates in an area of about 1.5 x 2.0 square arcmin, 30% of them showing excess emission in the NIR. IRS 1, the strongest source in the cluster with an estimated spectral type of O5V-O6V ZAMS based on the color-magnitude diagram, is probably the main ionizing source of the HII region detected at radio wavelengths. Using the integrated Brgamma and the 5 GHz flux densities, we derived a mean visual extinction AV=5.49 magnitudes. From the observed size of the Brgamma extended emission, we calculated the emission measure E and the electron density ne, characteristic of compact HII regions.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication on AJ (February/2006