33,421 research outputs found

    High Resolution Ionization of Ultracold Neutral Plasmas

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    Collective effects, such as waves and instabilities, are integral to our understanding of most plasma phenomena. We have been able to study these in ultracold neutral plasmas by shaping the initial density distribution through spatial modulation of the ionizing laser intensity. We describe a relay imaging system for the photoionization beam that allows us to create higher resolution features and its application to extend the observation of ion acoustic waves to shorter wavelengths. We also describe the formation of sculpted density profiles to create fast expansion of plasma into vacuum and streaming plasmas

    Multi-wavelength analysis of the Galactic supernova remnant MSH 11-61A

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    Due to its centrally bright X-ray morphology and limb brightened radio profile, MSH 11-61A (G290.1-0.8) is classified as a mixed morphology supernova remnant (SNR). H\textsc{i} and CO observations determined that the SNR is interacting with molecular clouds found toward the north and southwest regions of the remnant. In this paper we report on the detection of γ\gamma-ray emission coincident with MSH 11-61A, using 70 months of data from the Large Area Telescope on board the \textit{Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope}. To investigate the origin of this emission, we perform broadband modelling of its non-thermal emission considering both leptonic and hadronic cases and concluding that the γ\gamma-ray emission is most likely hadronic in nature. Additionally we present our analysis of a 111 ks archival \textit{Suzaku} observation of this remnant. Our investigation shows that the X-ray emission from MSH 11-61A arises from shock-heated ejecta with the bulk of the X-ray emission arising from a recombining plasma, while the emission towards the east arises from an ionising plasma.Comment: 12 Pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Edge States of Monolayer and Bilayer Graphene Nanoribbons

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    On the basis of tight-binding lattice model, the edge states of monolayer and bilayer graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) with different edge terminations are studied. The effects of edge-hopping modulation, spin-orbital coupling (SOC), and bias voltage on bilayer GNRs are discussed. We observe the following: (i) Some new extra edge states can be created by edge-hopping modulation for monolayer GNRs. (ii) Intralayer Rashba SOC plays a role in depressing the band energy gap EgE_g opened by intrinsic SOC for both monolayer and bilayer GNRs. An almost linear dependent relation, i.e., EgλRE_g\sim \lambda_R, is found. (iii) Although the bias voltage favors a bulk energy gap for bilayer graphene without intrinsic SOC, it tends to reduce the gap induced by intrinsic SOC. (iv) The topological phase of the quantum spin Hall effect can be destroyed completely by interlayer Rashba SOC for bilayer GNRs.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    On the large N limit, W_\infty Strings, Star products, AdS/CFT Duality, Nonlinear Sigma Models on AdS spaces and Chern-Simons p-branes

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    It is shown that the large NN limit of SU(N) YM in curvedcurved mm-dim backgrounds can be subsumed by a higher m+nm+n dimensional gravitational theory which can be identified to an mm-dim generally invariant gauge theory of diffs NN, where NN is an nn-dim internal space (Cho, Sho, Park, Yoon). Based on these findings, a very plausible geometrical interpretation of the AdS/CFTAdS/CFT correspondence could be given. Conformally invariant sigma models in D=2nD=2n dimensions with target non-compact SO(2n,1) groups are reviewed. Despite the non-compact nature of the SO(2n,1), the classical action and Hamiltonian are positive definite. Instanton field configurations are found to correspond geometrically to conformal ``stereographic'' mappings of R2nR^{2n} into the Euclidean signature AdS2nAdS_{2n} spaces. The relation between Self Dual branes and Chern-Simons branes, High Dimensional Knots, follows. A detailed discussion on WW_\infty symmetry is given and we outline the Vasiliev procedure to construct an action involving higher spin massless fields in AdS4AdS_4. This AdS4AdS_4 spacetime higher spin theory should have a one-to-one correspondence to noncritical WW_\infty strings propagating on AdS4×S7AdS_4 \times S^7.Comment: 43 pages, Tex fil

    Gains from the upgrade of the cold neutron triple-axis spectrometer FLEXX at the BER-II reactor

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    The upgrade of the cold neutron triple-axis spectrometer FLEXX is described. We discuss the characterisation of the gains from the new primary spectrometer, including a larger guide and double focussing monochromator, and present measurements of the energy and momentum resolution and of the neutron flux of the instrument. We found an order of magnitude gain in intensity (at the cost of coarser momentum resolution), and that the incoherent elastic energy widths are measurably narrower than before the upgrade. The much improved count rate should allow the use of smaller single crystals samples and thus enable the upgraded FLEXX spectrometer to continue making leading edge measurements.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 5 table

    Applications of quantum integrable systems

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    We present two applications of quantum integrable systems. First, we predict that it is possible to generate high harmonics from solid state devices by demostrating that the emission spectrum for a minimally coupled laser field of frequency ω\omega to an impurity system of a quantum wire, contains multiples of the incoming frequency. Second, evaluating expressions for the conductance in the high temperature regime we show that the caracteristic filling fractions of the Jain sequence, which occur in the fractional quantum Hall effect, can be obtained from quantum wires which are described by minimal affine Toda field theories.Comment: 25 pages of LaTex, 4 figures, based on talk at the 6-th international workshop on conformal field theories and integrable models, (Chernogolovka, September 2002

    Modeling disorder in graphene

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    We present a study of different models of local disorder in graphene. Our focus is on the main effects that vacancies -- random, compensated and uncompensated --, local impurities and substitutional impurities bring into the electronic structure of graphene. By exploring these types of disorder and their connections, we show that they introduce dramatic changes in the low energy spectrum of graphene, viz. localized zero modes, strong resonances, gap and pseudogap behavior, and non-dispersive midgap zero modes.Comment: 16 pages, lower resolution figure

    Localized States at Zigzag Edges of Multilayer Graphene and Graphite Steps

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    We report the existence of zero energy surface states localized at zigzag edges of NN-layer graphene. Working within the tight-binding approximation, and using the simplest nearest-neighbor model, we derive the analytic solution for the wavefunctions of these peculiar surface states. It is shown that zero energy edge states in multilayer graphene can be divided into three families: (i) states living only on a single plane, equivalent to surface states in monolayer graphene; (ii) states with finite amplitude over the two last, or the two first layers of the stack, equivalent to surface states in bilayer graphene; (iii) states with finite amplitude over three consecutive layers. Multilayer graphene edge states are shown to be robust to the inclusion of the next nearest-neighbor interlayer hopping. We generalize the edge state solution to the case of graphite steps with zigzag edges, and show that edge states measured through scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy of graphite steps belong to family (i) or (ii) mentioned above, depending on the way the top layer is cut.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    GRB000301C with peculiar afterglow emission

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    The CCD magnitudes in Johnson V and Cousins R and I photometric passbands are determined for GRB 000301C afterglow starting ~ 1.5 day after the gamma-ray burst. In fact we provide the earliest optical observations for this burst. Light curves of the afterglow emissions in U, B, V, R, I, J and K' passbands are obtained by combining the present measurements with the published data. Flux decay shows a very uncommon variation relative to other well observed GRBs. Overall, there is a steepening of the optical and near-infrared flux decay caused by a geometric and sideways expanding jet. This is superimposed by a short term variability especially during early time (Delta t < 8 days). The cause of variability is not well understood, though it has occurred simultaneously with similar amplitude in all the filters. We derive the early and late time flux decay constants using jet model. The late time flux decay is the steepest amongst the GRB OTs observed so far with alpha ~ 3. Steepening in the flux decay seems to have started simultaneously around Delta t ~ 7.6 day in all passbands. The value of spectral index in the optical-near IR region is ~ -1.0. Redshift determination with z=2.0335 indicates cosmological origin of the GRB having a luminosity distance of 16.6 Gpc. Thus it becomes the second farthest amongst the GRBs with known distances. An indirect estimate of the fluence > 20 keV indicates, if isotropic,> =10^53 ergs of release of energy. The enormous amount of released energy will be reduced, if the radiation is beamed which is the case for this event. Using a jet break time of 7.6 days, we infer a jet opening angle of ~ 0.15 radian. This means the energy released is reduced by a factor of ~ 90 relative to the isotropic value.Comment: LaTeX file, 11 pages including 4 figures, uses psfig.sty, Bull. Astron. Society of India(accepted, Sept, 2000 issue