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    Anthropogenic solid waste was classified and quantified at the Los Olivos spa points and La Villa River Bridge. The checklist technique was used to classify and quantify waste in the study area. Sampling was carried out every fifteen days for a period of four months during the 2023 dry season. In addition, the sanitary quality of the water of the La Villa River in the two study sites was determined using fecal and total coliform contamination indicators. The results indicate that the most abundant waste corresponds to food and plastic bags and plastic bottles. Fecal coliform values were found that exceed the maximum value allowed for recreational waters; an increase in coliforms was also reported in the rainy season compared to what was reported in the dry season. The solid waste of anthropogenic origin found indicates that the population improperly disposes of its waste, which affects the quality of this effluent, as well as the ecosystem services it provides. Due to the aforementioned, raising awareness among the population of the area is necessary to have a La Villa River with less pollution and the effects on the quality of its waters are minimized.Se clasifico y cuantific贸 los desechos s贸lidos antropog茅nicos en los puntos balneario Los Olivos y puente r铆o La Villa. Se utiliz贸 la t茅cnica de lista de cotejo para clasificar y cuantificar los desechos en el 谩rea de estudio. Se realiz贸 muestreos cada quince d铆as por un per铆odo de cuatros meses durante la temporada seca 2023. Adem谩s, se determin贸 la calidad sanitaria del agua del rio La Villa en los dos sitios de estudio mediante los indicadores de contaminaci贸n coliformes fecales y totales. Los resultados indican que el desecho m谩s abundante corresponde restos de alimentos y las bolsas pl谩sticas, botellas pl谩sticas. Se encontraron valores de coliformes fecales que superan el valor m谩ximo permitido para aguas con fines recreativos, asimismo se reporta un incremento de coliformes en temporada lluviosa en comparaci贸n con lo reportado en temporada seca. Los desechos s贸lidos de origen antropog茅nico encontrados nos indican que poblaci贸n hace una disposici贸n inadecuada de sus desechos lo que afecta la calidad de este efluente, as铆 como los servicios ecosist茅micos que brinda. Por lo antes descrito concientizar a la poblaci贸n del 谩rea es necesario para tener un r铆o La Villa con menos contaminaci贸n y se minimice las afectaciones a la calidad de sus aguas