48 research outputs found

    Examples of Games for Learning in Erasmus+

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    [EN]This article focuses on the review of specific examples of European educational projects, within the framework of Erasmus+, that use educational games or platforms as the main axis of action. It is assumed that games are a great tool to engage students in the teaching-learning process and the fact of being able to observe projects that have been considered good practice in this field can contribute not only to the use of resources developed, but also to inspire the realization of new projects in this line of work. In this publication, one or two example projects are reviewed for different educational sectors (school, vocational education and training, and youth), in total five projects. Most of them are projects that have been selected and analysedwithin the framework of the research “Methodological guide for the successful use of digital technologies in education: Improving learning through European educational projects”. They have worked on the development of iOS or Android games and all have the label of good practice. As their main result they have proven to be useful for the educational community in general and especially for teachers because all of them have helped to solve a need in education

    Most used ICT methodologies for student learning in Erasmus+ projects related to eLearning

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    European projects provide very valuable information on the methodologies that are being used at an educational level in different countries of the European Union and associated countries, for this reason this article focuses on how students' learning is approached through technologies within European projects related to the field of eLearning. The information provided is the result of the research that is being carried out on the PhD work within the GRIAL group of the University of Salamanca. The results show a greater representation of projects from the school and VET sectors and that the predominant ICT tools used by the students are those connected to office automation management, basic skills as well as the use of network resources and platforms for collaboration, and digital educational games, with small differences between educational fields

    Outstanding methodologies in Erasmus+ projects related to eLearning

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    Proceedings TEEM 2021: Ninth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality.[EN]This publication aims to present the progress made in the doctoral work related to the “Methodological guide for the successful use of digital technologies in education: Improvement of learning through European educational projects”. The European Union and associated countries are working on European projects that provide relevant information on the methodologies used at the educational level through different programs, including the Erasmus+ Programme. These projects are the source of inspiration for the research that gives rise to this article. This paper focuses on how the research has been approached, shows the current state of the research, the progress made in the preparation phase of the questionnaire and its application, including the data analysis carried out so far. The main results got in the projects mapping process and the development of the survey are explained as well as the rate response of applying it, that has been of a 22%

    Get the Most Out of Erasmus+ Good Practices

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    [EN]This paper describes the evolution of the doctoral work related to the “Methodological guide for the successful use of digital technologies in education: Improving learning through European educational projects”. The research focuses on the analysis of a group of European projects of the Erasmus+ Program considered as good practice or successful experience and related in some way to eLearning or educational technologies. The current publication explains how the research has been carried out so far, after having done the sampling, project selection, analysis, a questionnaire, and interviews, and is currently about to implement two differentiated focus groups. An analysis of the most outstanding results obtained in the different phases is also carried out, emphasizing the 22 interviews carried out on specific projects that are still useful today. The most outstanding result of these interviews is the design of projects to meet real needs, which are also innovative and transferable to other institutions or educational fields

    Erasmus+ projects related to eLearning

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    Proceedings TEEM 2021: Ninth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality.[EN]The work presented in this paper is the result of research on Erasmus+ projects, related to the educational field and with a connection to eLearning, that have been classified as good practice or successful story. This publication shows some of the results obtained from administering a survey to the project coordinators. Specifically, it focuses on the responses collected from two sections of the survey that have to do with the possible factors considered the reason for being successful projects and their main characteristics. At the same time, it is explored the sustainability of the project results over time and how they have been useful in the pandemic. The main findings show that the results have been positive with sufficient funds to be able to carry them out and with the capacity to go on using them once the grant period has ended. Additionally, they have also been useful on the occasion of COVID-19

    ICT methodologies for teacher professional development in Erasmus+ projects related to eLearning

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    The European Union promotes the development of European projects that provide relevant information on the methodologies used at educational level through different programs, including the Erasmus+ Programme. These projects are the source of inspiration for the research that gives rise to this article among others. This paper focuses on how teachers’ professional development is approached using technologies within European projects related to eLearning under the umbrella of Erasmus+. The results show a greater representation of projects from the school education and vocational education and training fields. As its main results it could be highlighted that the most predominant ICT resources used by the teachers are those linked with office automation management, basic skills, and presentations as well as platforms for collaboration; those related to video and photo edition, the use of network resources and digital learning environment also stand out. Besides regarding ICT training the most frequent activities are “training by another teacher who has attended a course on ICT” and “Observation practices to other teachers who use ICT in their teaching”. Variations between educational sectors are detected that may be the reason for a more in-depth investigation

    Successful Erasmus+ Projects: Some Case Studies

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    [EN]The analysis of successful projects provides valuable information for finding inspiration and learn from good practices to implement them in future projects. In the case of Erasmus+, there is a very rich project database with catalogued projects that allows access to them what is very useful to analyse the published data of good practice or success stories projects. In the research that is being carried out, reason for this article, a group of good practices or success story projects related to eLearning have been selected, they have been analysed based on the information found on the Erasmus+ Projects Results Platform, their coordinators have been surveyed to gather more information from the projects and interviews are being carried out with those coordinators whose projects have been, and continue to be, useful beyond the funding period even in the pandemic crisis. This article presents the methodology for the interviews and the first results obtained in four of them as an example. The main results for the success and sustainability have been the importance of analysing the needs of students and/or teachers in innovative themes, the integration of the project outcomes into the teaching-learning processes and a good relationship with the project partners. All that using ICT as a tool to better implement the project activities with an easy access from any place, at any time and with any type of device

    Data From Erasmus+ Project Results Platform

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    [EN]Collecting data from Erasmus+ projects to detect those that have been identified as good practice or success story could be very useful in order to help teachers to define successful projects in a particular field. To compile projects of interest, the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform is available, which has a database with very useful information to locate educational projects that have been funded by the European Union. The advantage of using this tool is that it has a search engine that allows anyone to look up for keywords. Moreover, it permits to define different criteria so as to identify good practices projects that could serve as a reference in order to find useful parameters to improve the teaching process. This chapter presents the main data collected from educational projects that are related to eLearning and related methodologies in the aforementioned platform. It also defines which ones will be selected so as to be able to undertake an adequate analysis that allows the definition of a methodological guide to be carried out

    Examples of good practices in teacher training through Erasmus+ projects

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    [EN]Teacher training plays a fundamental role in educational success, as recognized in the different studies carried out by OECD, UNESCO, the World Bank, and other prestigious institutions. The European Union and associated countries promote actions to improve the educational system and among them teacher training has an important role. One of the programs that allows the development of this type of activity is the Erasmus+ Programme. The projects of this program are the source of inspiration for the research that is being carried out in order to obtain a methodological guide for the successful use of digital technologies in education in improving learning. This article focuses on five examples of projects classified as good practice or successful experience related to teacher training as a result of the analysis that is being carried out in that research. The examples that are developed here show how to work towards a better specialization of the teaching staff and serve as inspiration to design training practices that encourage initial and continuous learning and professional improvement of teaching methods, in turn influencing the improvement of the educational system as well as teaching and learning processes. All this aimed at covering the real training needs of teachers