6 research outputs found

    Experimentos de contrôle do Phytophthora infestans nas condições de Pelotas e São Lourenço do Sul, no Rio Grande do Sul

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    The Plant Pathology and Horticulture Sections of the IPEAS, in collaboration with the IRI, have carried out eight experiments for comparison of fungicides in the control of Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) De Bary, the agent of the mildew of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). The tests were made during the period from 1965 to 1967. All of the fungicides tested showed capacity for the control of the disease, even when a small number of applications were made. It was not possible to analyze statistically the combined data of production from all the experiments. Nevertheless, the phytopathological observations made during the course of the work made clear that there was a slight superiority of the fungicides Manzate D, Dithane M-45 and Miltox as compared with the other fungicides. Thus, it was demonstrated that the efficiency of presently available fungicides is adequate for use in chemical prophylactic treatment, however, it is conditioned by other factors that are described in the text and in previous research work.As Seções de Fitopatologia e de Horticultura do Instituto de Pesquisas e Experimentação Agropecuárias do Sul, em colaboração com o IRI, realizaram oito experimentas de competição entre fungicidas, no período de 1965 a 1967, visando controlar o Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) De Bary, agente do míldio da batata (Solanum tuberosum, L.). Todos os fungicidas testados demonstraram capacidade de contrôle da moléstia, mesmo com pequeno número de pulverizações. Não foi possível analisar estatisticamente os dados de produção do conjunto de experimentos. Entretanto, as observações fitopatológicas, efetuadas no transcurso dos trabalhos, deixaram transparecer uma leve superioridade dos fungicidas Manzate D, Dithane M-45 e Miltox, sôbre os demais. Desta forma, ficou demonstrado não constituir problema o tratamento químico profilático do míldio da batata, no que concerne à eficiência de fungicidas. A viabilidade dos tratamentos, entretanto, fica condicionada a outros fatôres, relacionados no texto e em trabalhos anteriores

    Cattle farmers: profile and speech content analysis while undergoing training to adopt artificial insemination in Goiás State, Brazil

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    This study was undertaken to verify major issues present in the discourse of cattle farmers when discussing the use of artificial insemination (AI). Seventy-one beef and dairy cattle farmers in the state of Goiás, Brazil, were interviewed using semi-structured questionnaires during AI training courses in 2010 and 2011. Data analyses were done using the classic method of textual speech content analysis, performing the pre-analytical, analytical and inferential stages. The written questions were separated in elementary context units (ECU) and sorted into similar thematic groups. These groups originated categories and subcategories, which were nominated based on an a posteriori criteria. Overall, personal motivation was the main issue characterizing discourse by farmers about adoption of AI. This motivation stems from the strong points (highlights) and positive expectations AI offers. The positive expectations were mainly related to perceptions of farmers of animal phenotype improvement rather than to the financial features of cattle production. Basic necessity was the second major issue, with emphasis on work force, infrastructure and animal handling, followed by social influence, with eminence of the institutions and people involved with AI and with the everyday life of cattle farmers. The little emphasis on human resource management and on the use of scientific knowledge may have affected the impact of AI over the years, explaining discreet indices of adoption of AI in Brazil