137 research outputs found

    Many competing ceria (110) oxygen vacancy structures: from small to large supercells

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    We present periodic “DFT+U” studies of single oxygen vacancies on the CeO2(110) surface using a number of different supercells, finding a range of different local minimum structures for the vacancy and its two accompanying Ce(III) ions. We find three different geometrical structures in combination with a variety of different Ce(III) localization patterns, several of which have not been studied before. The desired trapping of electrons was achieved in a two-stage optimization procedure. We find that the surface oxygen nearest to the vacancy either moves within the plane towards the vacancy, or rises out of the surface into either a symmetric or an unsymmetric bridge structure. Results are shown in seven slab geometry supercells, p(2 × 1), p(2 × 2), p(2 × 3), p(3 × 2), p(2 × 4), p(4 × 2), and p(3 × 3), and indicate that the choice of supercell can affect the results qualitatively and quantitatively. An unsymmetric bridge structure with one nearest and one next-nearest neighbour Ce(III) ion (a combination of localizations not previously found) is the ground state in all (but one) of the supercells studied here, and the relative stability of other structures depends strongly on supercell size. Within any one supercell the formation energies of the different vacancy structures differ by up to 0.5 eV, but the same structure can vary by up to ∼1 eV between supercells. Furthermore, finite size scaling suggests that the remaining errors (compared to still larger supercells) can also be ∼1 eV for some vacancy structures

    Description of polarons in ceria using Density Functional Theory

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    The performance of various density functional theory (DFT) functionals in reproducing the localization of Ce4f electrons to form polarons in cerium dioxide (ceria) is studied. It is found that LDA+U with U=6eV provides the best description, followed by GGA+U with U=5 eV. Hybrids perform worse, with PBE0 better than HSE06 and HSE03. It is also demonstrated that the improvement in the description of the polarons obtained from LDA+U and GGA+U is due primarily to the effect the U has on the filled Ce4f states, but the improvement obtained using the hybrids is primarily due to their effect on the empty states. This difference can be expected to strongly impact some detailed predictions for the properties of ceria obtained using the two classes of functional

    Cu-doped ceria: Oxygen vacancy formation made easy

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    DFT + U calculations of Cu-doped bulk ceria are presented. The first oxygen vacancy in Cu-doped ceria forms almost spontaneously and the second vacancy is also easily created. Whether zero, one or two oxygen vacancies, the Cu dopant is in the form Cu(+II), and prefers to be 4-coordinated in a close to planar structure. Charge compensation, structural relaxation and available Cu–O states all play roles in lowering the O vacancy formation energies, but to different degrees when the first and second oxygen vacancies are formed. The Cu-doped ceria(1 1 1) surface system behaves in a similar fashion

    B3LYP calculations of cerium oxides RID C-3994-2009

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    In this paper we evaluate the performance of density functional theory with the B3LYP functional for calculations on ceria (CeO2) and cerium sesquioxide (Ce2O3). We demonstrate that B3LYP is able to describe CeO2 and Ce2O3 reasonably well. When compared to other functionals, B3LYP performs slightly better than the hybrid functional PBE0 for the electronic properties but slightly worse for the structural properties, although neither performs as well as LDA+U(U=6 eV) or PBE+U(U=5 eV).We also make an extensive comparison of atomic basis sets suitable for periodic calculations of these cerium oxides. Here we conclude that there is currently only one type of cerium basis set available in the literature that is able to give a reasonable description of the electronic structure of both CeO2 and Ce2O3. These basis sets are based on a 28 electron effective core potential (ECP) and 30 electrons are attributed to the valence space of cerium. Basis sets based on 46 electron ECPs fail for these materials

    Charge transfer and adhesion in Rh/MgO(001)

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    Ab initio density functional calculations are reported for Rh adlayers on MgO(001) at coverages of 1, 1/2 and 1/8 monolayers. It is shown that charge is transferred from oxide surface to the Rh adatoms. The transfer ranges from 0.06 e to 0.27 e, depending upon adsorption site and coverage. In comparison, transfers of 0.08 e from adatom to surface and 0.32 e surface to adatom are found for monolayer coverages of Mg and O, respectively. With the Rh adatoms, significant charge polarization of both Rh and the surface are also seen, but it is never-the-less found that the adhesion energy is linearly related to the charge transfer, with the most stable adsorption site at any particular coverage being the one at which the charge transfer is a maximum

    Type-1 Interferon Responses Underlie Tumor-Selective Replication of Oncolytic Measles Virus

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    The mechanism of tumor selective replication of oncolytic measles virus (MV) is poorly understood. Using a step-wise model of cellular transformation, in which oncogenic hits were additively expressed in human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells, we show that MV-induced oncolysis increased progressively with transformation. Type-1 interferon response to MV infection was significantly reduced and delayed, in accordance with the level of transformation. Consistently, we observed delayed and reduced STAT1 phosphorylation in the fully transformed cells. Pre-treatment with IFNβ restored resistance to MV-mediated oncolysis. Gene expression profiling to identify the genetic correlates of susceptibility to MV oncolysis revealed a dampened basal level of immune-related genes in the fully transformed cells compared to their normal counterparts. Interferon-induced transmembrane protein 1 (IFITM1) was the foremost basally downregulated immune gene. Stable IFITM1 overexpression in MV-susceptible cells resulted in a 50% increase in cell viability and a significant reduction in viral replication at 24 hours post MV infection. Overall, our data indicate that the basal reduction in functions of the type 1 IFN pathway is a major contributor to the oncolytic selectivity of MV. In particular, we have identified IFITM1 as a restriction factor for oncolytic MV, acting at early stages of infection

    Tuning LDA+U for electron localization and structure at oxygen vacancies in ceria

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    We examine the real space structure and the electronic structure (particularly Ce4f electron localization) of oxygen vacancies in CeO2 (ceria) as a function of U in density functional theory studies with the rotationally invariant forms of the LDA+U and GGA+U functionals. The four nearest neighbor Ce ions always relax outwards, with those not carrying localized Ce4f charge moving furthest. Several quantification schemes show that the charge starts to become localized at U≈3eV and that the degree of localization reaches a maximum at ∼6eV for LDA+U or at ∼5.5eV for GGA+U. For higher U it decreases rapidly as charge is transferred onto second neighbor O ions and beyond. The localization is never into atomic corelike states; at maximum localization about 80–90% of the Ce4f charge is located on the two nearest neighboring Ce ions. However, if we look at the total atomic charge we find that the two ions only make a net gain of (0.2–0.4)e each, so localization is actually very incomplete, with localization of Ce4f electrons coming at the expense of moving other electrons off the Ce ions. We have also revisited some properties of defect-free ceria and find that with LDA+U the crystal structure is actually best described with U=3–4eV, while the experimental band structure is obtained with U=7–8eV. (For GGA+U the lattice parameters worsen for U>0eV, but the band structure is similar to LDA+U.) The best overall choice is U≈6eV with LDA+U and ≈5.5eV for GGA+U, since the localization is most important, but a consistent choice for both CeO2 and Ce2O3, with and without vacancies, is hard to find

    Electron transport in Coulomb- and tunnel-coupled one-dimensional systems

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    We develop a linear theory of electron transport for a system of two identical quantum wires in a wide range of the wire length L, unifying both the ballistic and diffusive transport regimes. The microscopic model, involving the interaction of electrons with each other and with bulk acoustical phonons allows a reduction of the quantum kinetic equation to a set of coupled equations for the local chemical potentials for forward- and backward-moving electrons in the wires. As an application of the general solution of these equations, we consider different kinds of electrical contacts to the double-wire system and calculate the direct resistance, the transresistance, in the presence of tunneling and Coulomb drag, and the tunneling resistance. If L is smaller than the backscattering length l_P, both the tunneling and the drag lead to a negative transresistance, while in the diffusive regime (L >>l_P) the tunneling opposes the drag and leads to a positive transresistance. If L is smaller than the phase-breaking length, the tunneling leads to interference oscillations of the resistances that are damped exponentially with L.Comment: Text 14 pages in Latex/Revtex format, 4 Postscript figure

    Oxygen vacancies versus fluorine at CeO2(111): a case of mistaken identity?

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    We propose a resolution to the puzzle presented by the surface defects observed with STM at the (111) surface facet of CeO2 single crystals. In the seminal paper of Esch et al. [Science 309, 752 (2005)] they were identified with oxygen vacancies, but the observed behavior of these defects is inconsistent with the results of density functional theory (DFT) studies of oxygen vacancies in the literature. We resolve these inconsistencies via DFT calculations of the properties of both oxygen vacancies and fluorine impurities at CeO2(111), the latter having recently been shown to exist in high concentrations in single crystals from a widely used commercial source of such samples. We find that the simulated filled-state STM images of surface-layer oxygen vacancies and fluorine impurities are essentially identical, which would render problematic their experimental distinction by such images alone. However, we find that our theoretical results for the most stable location, mobility, and tendency to cluster, of fluorine impurities are consistent with experimental observations, in contrast to those for oxygen vacancies. Based on these results, we propose that the surface defects observed in STM experiments on CeO2 single crystals reported heretofore were not oxygen vacancies, but fluorine impurities. Since the similarity of the simulated STM images of the two defects is due primarily to the relative energies of the 2p states of oxygen and fluorine ions, this confusion might also occur for other oxides which have been either doped or contaminated with fluorine