2 research outputs found

    Custom Gift Store

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    El presente proyecto de investigación tiene como finalidad la implementación de un negocio sostenible enfocado en la venta de regalos personalizables, con el que se podrá recomendar el obsequio ideal, según el resultado de un test de personalidad por medio de una página web. Este proyecto se basa en la recopilación de información de un público que tiende a comprar por internet o usar dispositivos móviles para hacer una compra. Esta investigación se realizó en Lima Metropolitana a las personas que pertenecen a un Nivel Socioeconómico A y B, haciendo hincapié principalmente en aquellas personas que buscan una mayor practicidad y prefieren comprar a cualquier hora, en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar sin la necesidad de desplazarse de un sitio a otro. La idea de negocio nace a partir de la poca competencia de personalización de regalos de manera virtual. Este modelo de negocio es viable, debido a que, en los más de 100 días de confinamiento, se registró un evidente crecimiento de las compras vía online, impulsando el sector E-commerce en un 400%. Para desarrollar este proyecto, se realizó un análisis profundo que abarcó lo siguiente: validación del modelo de negocio, análisis interno y externo, desarrollo del plan de negocio, plan de Operaciones, plan de Marketing, plan de Recursos Humanos, Plan de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial y Plan Financiero. Todo ello con la finalidad de validar la viabilidad del proyecto y poder llevarlo a la realidad.The purpose of this research project is to develop a sustainable business focused on selling customizable gifts, in which the ideal one can be recommended, according to the results of a personality test that will be provided through a online web. This project is based on the compilation of data from a public that tends to buy online. In addition, this research was accomplished in Lima Metropolitana by people who belongs to Socioeconomic Level A and B, with an emphasis mainly on those who seek greater practicality and are eager to buy at any time and anywhere without the need to travel from one place to another. Furthermore, the business idea was born from the little competition of personalization gifts in a virtual web. This business model is not only viable, but also scalable, due to the fact that, in the more than 100 days of quarantine, there was an evident growth in online purchases, boosting the e-commerce sector by 400% in the country. To develop this entrepreneurship, we needed to do the following assignments: validation of the business model, internal and external analysis, development of the business plan, Operations plan, Marketing plan, Human Resources plan, Corporate Social Responsibility plan and, last but not least, a Financial plan. In summary, the main purpose of this research project is to validate the viability of the project and being able to develop it successfully.Trabajo de investigació

    Subcutaneous anti-COVID-19 hyperimmune immunoglobulin for prevention of disease in asymptomatic individuals with SARS-CoV-2 infection: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised clinical trialResearch in context

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    Summary: Background: Anti-COVID-19 hyperimmune immunoglobulin (hIG) can provide standardized and controlled antibody content. Data from controlled clinical trials using hIG for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 outpatients have not been reported. We assessed the safety and efficacy of subcutaneous anti-COVID-19 hyperimmune immunoglobulin 20% (C19-IG20%) compared to placebo in preventing development of symptomatic COVID-19 in asymptomatic individuals with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Methods: We did a multicentre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, in asymptomatic unvaccinated adults (≥18 years of age) with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection within 5 days between April 28 and December 27, 2021. Participants were randomly assigned (1:1:1) to receive a blinded subcutaneous infusion of 10 mL with 1 g or 2 g of C19-IG20%, or an equivalent volume of saline as placebo. The primary endpoint was the proportion of participants who remained asymptomatic through day 14 after infusion. Secondary endpoints included the proportion of individuals who required oxygen supplementation, any medically attended visit, hospitalisation, or ICU, and viral load reduction and viral clearance in nasopharyngeal swabs. Safety was assessed as the proportion of patients with adverse events. The trial was terminated early due to a lack of potential benefit in the target population in a planned interim analysis conducted in December 2021. ClinicalTrials.gov registry: NCT04847141. Findings: 461 individuals (mean age 39.6 years [SD 12.8]) were randomized and received the intervention within a mean of 3.1 (SD 1.27) days from a positive SARS-CoV-2 test. In the prespecified modified intention-to-treat analysis that included only participants who received a subcutaneous infusion, the primary outcome occurred in 59.9% (91/152) of participants receiving 1 g C19-IG20%, 64.7% (99/153) receiving 2 g, and 63.5% (99/156) receiving placebo (difference in proportions 1 g C19-IG20% vs. placebo, −3.6%; 95% CI -14.6% to 7.3%, p = 0.53; 2 g C19-IG20% vs placebo, 1.1%; −9.6% to 11.9%, p = 0.85). None of the secondary clinical efficacy endpoints or virological endpoints were significantly different between study groups. Adverse event rate was similar between groups, and no severe or life-threatening adverse events related to investigational product infusion were reported. Interpretation: Our findings suggested that administration of subcutaneous human hyperimmune immunoglobulin C19-IG20% to asymptomatic individuals with SARS-CoV-2 infection was safe but did not prevent development of symptomatic COVID-19. Funding: Grifols