2 research outputs found

    Ciberbullying: acoso en la red an谩lisis y propuesta de intervenci贸n

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    M脿ster Oficial en Psicopedagogia, Facultat de Pedagogia, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2015-2016, Tutora: N煤ria Rajadell Puiggr贸s[spa] Las tecnolog铆as se encuentran en una constante evoluci贸n y expansi贸n en diferentes sectores de la sociedad. Es por ello que las redes sociales se han convertido en parte fundamental de las vidas de los adolescentes. Los nuevos m茅todos de comunicaci贸n permiten estar siempre conectados con el entorno social, pudiendo compartir y mantener una constante informaci贸n visual y auditiva con gran comodidad. Sin embargo, la facilidad de poder utilizar en cualquier lugar y momento estos recursos tambi茅n facilita la posibilidad de un uso poco respetuoso e incluso delictivo. Entre estas utilizaciones perversas se encuentra la posibilidad de chantajear, atacar y acosar de forma consistente a terceras personas. A trav茅s de esta investigaci贸n se pretende mostrar el estado actual de la cuesti贸n, as铆 como proponer y dise帽ar una intervenci贸n de cara a prevenir y/o contribuir a solucionar casos de ciberacoso.[eng] Technologies are in constant evolution and expansion among different sectors of the society. This is why social networks have become a fundamental part of the life of the teenagers. The new methods of communication allow always be connected with the social environment, being able to share and maintain a constant visual and auditory information with great comfort. However, the facility to use this resource everywhere and anytime let the possibility of a disrespectful or even criminal utilization. Among these perverse uses is the possibility of blackmail, attack and harass consistently third persons. Through this project it鈥檚 pretended to show the current state off the question, and also to propose and design an intervention aiming to prevent and/or contribute to solve ciberbullying cases

    Body-related attentional bias among men with high and low muscularity dissatisfaction

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    Previous studies have found gender differences in body-related attentional bias (AB), with women showing AB towards weight-related body parts. However, few studies have assessed the relationship between body-related AB and muscularity dissatisfaction (MD) in men. This study aimed to assess the presence of muscle-related AB in men, using a combination of a virtual reality (VR) embodiment-based technique and eye-tracking (ET) technology. Twenty men with high MD and 20 with low MD, owned a virtual avatar that had the same silhouette and body mass index as the participant. To analyze the gaze data, muscle-related areas of interest (M-AOIs) and nonmuscle-related areas of interest (NM-AOIs) were defined. The complete fixation time and the number of fixations on each AOI were recorded. Mixed between (group)-within (AOI_condition) analyses of variance showed a statistically significant interaction between group and time (p < 0.05) in both AB measures. Follow-up analyses revealed an AB towards M-AOIs only in men with high MD. Overall, men with high MD spent more time looking and displayed a higher number of fixations on M-AOIs, specifically the chest and shoulders, compared to men with low MD. This study provides new information about the relationship between MD and body-related AB in men. Combining VR with ET technologies presents interesting opportunities in the study of body image in men