146 research outputs found

    Ex Vivo Heart Perfusion

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    Heart transplantation offers the best prognostic results for patients with end stage heart failure. However, there is a much greater demand for donor hearts than there is adequate supply. Cold static storage (CSS) is the current standard protocol for donor heart procurement. CSS has excellent prognosis but subjects the organ to ischemic reperfusion injury (IRI) and induces tissue inflammation due to anoxic conditions and oxidative stress. Hearts from older donors or patients that have a history of previous heart disease can’t withstand the anoxic stressors and make for poor donor candidates with the CSS protocol since they are associated with worse prognostic outcomes, which restricts the donor pool for acceptable hearts. Ex vivo heart perfusion, a novel method for heart transport, is a potential solution to expanding the donor pool and reducing the IRI and anoxic insults. This protocol continuously perfuses the donor heart and has been shown to reduce ischemic injury, increase ex vivo viability time and improve the biochemical and cellular profile of the donor heart. These factors collectively open the door for the possibility of expanding the acceptable pool of donor hearts since this protocol places fewer stressors on the myocardial tissue. We review the limitations of the cold static storage protocol and evaluate the benefits, drawbacks and practicality of the ex vivo heart perfusion for use in clinical practice by examining both human and animal studies

    Building Back Better Resilient Public Spaces What the COVID-19 pandemic changed in urban planning and design

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    The aim of the paper is to point out the role of resilient public spaces in ensuring public health and safety in the time of pandemic and in multi-risk scenarios. The investigation of urban strategies – that guarantee accessibility and flexibility of public spaces – is framed in opposition to the policies of closure and forbiddance of use which have largely been applied during the COVID-19 pandemic in the years 2020-2022, especially in Italy. Through a review of current policies on the topic of multi-risk exposure and emergency management at the global, Europe- an, national, and local level (with the case of the Campania Region, in South Ita- ly), the paper underlines the weaknesses of urban planning and design instances in emergency decision-making processes. A selection of initiatives that experi- mented new spatial uses and configurations of public spaces is used to reflect on how recent practices reacted to the pandemic, as an alternative to restrictive, non-resilient approaches. The results are discussed and interpreted as relevant components to build back better, reinterpreting the role of public spaces towards an innovative research agenda for more sustainable and resilient planning and design

    Jacques Réda tra le rovine di Parigi

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    1. La tradizione parigina della flânerie Che cosa resta, oggi, del flâneur parigino? Del passeggiatore solitario e osservatore dello spettacolo della città, nato in seno alla tradizione ottocentesca della littérature panoramique e delle physiologies, e che divenne, secondo la definizione di Benjamin, una delle figure emblematiche della modernità urbana? Il flâneur non è il camminatore-filosofo – di cui possiamo trovare modelli letterari sin dall’antichità e, più recentemente, nelle promenades..

    Port-Territory Interfaces. Planning Towards Logistics and Urban Development Scenarios

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    The research project focuses on port systems as networks of infrastructure that spread in the regional territory through seaport areas, inland terminals, logistics platforms and corridors. The study investigates processes of governance, planning tools and spatial outcomes through which port authorities, cities, regions and states support new strategies for development, beyond the boundary of the port and according to the improvement of infrastructure’s performance. The ‘spaces of flows’ are influencing contemporary landscapes. Flows of goods affect human behaviours and built environments by providing commodities from all over the world. For this reason, the study addresses global networks focusing on the effects that supply chain capitalism and financial elite actors produce in the local context of port regions. According to urban theories, the city is no longer a compact urban form. Urban planners have to deal with new ‘splintered’ forms of urbanization and urban structures spreading in wide regional areas. In the urban development framework, logistics areas related to port network are usually outsourced to engineering expertise and transport policy. Transport planning, aiming to assure the efficiency of the infrastructural armor of the territory, is increasingly disconnected from wider urban policy goals. The dissertation claims that port and logistics areas are part of the contemporary urbanized world, and are also strategic in planning, especially when new scenarios and urban regeneration programs are set up. Considering that logistics areas vary in size, distribution and location, the study investigates the port system in a multiscalar perspective focusing on multiple actors and strategies occurring from the port-city threshold to the hinterland. The research study provides an understanding of how the port system – in its spatial and institutional implications – affects planning processes, and it questions the urban design dimension of hard port infrastructure. As a final aim, the dissertation gives insights to foster a new perspective in Italian planning policies related to port networks and port territories development. In order to do this, the research approach focuses the relationships between spatial patterns and institutional structures given the different layers of interactions that the scattered port system embraces within the territory. This approach allows for study of port-territory planning issues, addressing their variations and complexities by framing the areas of investigation through specific port-territory interfaces. Port-territory interfaces identify areas of analysis where scattered port and logistics infrastructure interact with different territorial patterns. Applying this method of investigation, qualitative analyses have been conducted on case studies through desktop research of official documents and instruments, and semi-structured interviews to key actors. The Dutch case is framed as a European model from which it is possible to deduce insights and assess constraints in order to challenge Italian issues. The latter are highlighted through the main case study on Campania region. The dissertation provides an analysis of different port-territory scenarios in order to foster a comprehensive vision of port system issues in contemporary urbanized areas. In doing so, it aims to propose a more sensitive approach to local implications of global infrastructure. The goal of the research study is to improve planning tools oriented to the development of successful spatial and institutional relationships of port-territory interplay

    Di-stanze urbane. Spazi pubblici adattivi per la tutela della collettività

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    Per ridurre la perdita di vite umane e limitare i danni ambientali ed economici causati da emergenze epidemiologiche come la recente diffusione del virus SARS-Cov-2 e dell’infezione Covid-19, è fondamentale promuovere una cultura del rischio e della prevenzione. Un maggiore benessere psicofisico in ogni fase dell’emergenza può essere garantito attraverso la riorganizzazione del welfare materiale e immateriale, potenziando le capacità di accoglienza dello spazio urbano, programmandone una fruibilità sia ordinaria che emergenziale. La recente pandemia ha, infatti, fatto emergere criticità interdisciplinari legate alla forma degli insediamenti urbani e periurbani, ai comportamenti individuali e alle condizioni di vita ad essi connessi. In particolare, nei territori fragili, è evidente la crisi di un sistema – quello pubblico – le cui strutture materiali ed il cui ruolo vanno oggi riformati complessivamente a partire dai concetti di iper-prossimità e priorità d’uso, in forme ridefinite dagli abitanti stessi. Ripensare le aree urbane nella prospettiva della ‘15-minute city’ pone l’attenzione sull’attuale dotazione, distribuzione e accessibilità di spazi e servizi pubblici. Appare ineludibile un'integrazione tra gestione dell'emergenza ed adattamento delle strutture pubbliche con particolare riferimento a quelle sottoutilizzate o in stato di abbandono, anche attraverso l’inclusione di nuovi attori nelle politiche di gestione dello spazio pubblico attraverso l’empowerment

    Heart Transplant: Donation after Circulatory Death

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    Donation after circulatory death (DCD) is a potential avenue to narrow the gap between demand for donor hearts and their limited supply. DCD was abandoned after 1970 where donation of organs after brain death became the standard, however DCD has made a recent resurgence for organ donation, predominantly for lung transplants which has shown much success. Heart transplant donors primarily source from brain dead donors. Benefits of DCD for heart transplants include an expanded donor pool to address the drastic shortage of supply and reduced onerous financial burden. Drawbacks of heart DCD include substantial ischemia reperfusion injury (IRI) and inflammation experienced by the donor heart. IRI changes the metabolic phenotype of the myocardium, compromising its efficiency. Pharmacological interventions by manipulating metabolic signaling pathways can shift the myocardium towards cardioprotective phenotypes to maximize the integrity of the organ during the stressful transplantation process. Lastly, a process of ischemic pre and post conditioning of the heart tissue to facilitate an incremental adjustment to ischemic conditions as a therapeutic approach is desirable. We review the practicality of DCD along with the financial and logistical constraints of implementing this technology, including the optimization of signaling pathways and conditioning strategies to reduce IRI in heart transplant

    Stabilità delle costruzioni in legno e in metallo

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    Taques d'òxidConté: 1. Raccolta delle tavole numeriche che spesso occorrono nei calcoli; 2. Geometria, trigonometria, misura delle volte, topografia, livellazione barometrica, meccanica; 3. La resistenza dei materiali; 4. Stabilità delle costruzioni in terra e in muratura; 5. Stabilità delle costruzioni in legno e in metall

    Il rituale amoroso nel Casanova di Fellini

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    International audienceL’auteur analyse le rapport entre le scénario du Casanova de Federico Fellini, écrit par le réalisateur en collaboration avec Zapponi, et l’Histoire de ma vie, l’autobiographie de Giacomo Casanova. La sélection des épisodes ainsi que les choix narratologiques opérées par les scénaristes montrent que le film vise, à travers un bouleversement parodique du texte original, à une démolition progressive du « mythe » du séducteur et de l’homme de lettre. Cette mécanisme déformant – qui trouve des correspondances dans les éléments propre au langage filmique – touche à son apogée dans la représentation caricaturale du rituel amoureux, jusqu’à la réduction de Casanova à un homme-machine : prodigieux athlète du sexe mais amant et intellectuel frustré

    Raccolta delle tavole numeriche che spesso occorrono nei calcoli; Geometria, trigonometria, misura delle volte, topografia, livellazione barometrica, meccanica; La Resistenza dei materiali; Stabilità delle costruzioni in terra e in muratura; Stabilità delle costruzioni in legno e in metallo

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    Taques d'òxidConté: 1. Raccolta delle tavole numeriche che spesso occorrono nei calcoli; 2. Geometria, trigonometria, misura delle volte, topografia, livellazione barometrica, meccanica; 3. La resistenza dei materiali; 4. Stabilità delle costruzioni in terra e in muratura; 5. Stabilità delle costruzioni in legno e in metall
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