28 research outputs found

    Image analysis as a basis to the design of wheelchair rugby sportswear

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    Sportswear clothing plays a very important part in athletes’ performance. Inappropriate fit puts at risk not only the outcome of the sports event but also the safety of athletes. Wheelchair rugby is a good example of athletes wearing sportswear that is inappropriately fitted. The purpose of this study is to analyse, by means of videos and photographs, the patterns of activity and movements performed by the athletes during a set of wheelchair rugby training sessions. This analysis serves not only to inform on the movements and body postures but also on the problems and difficulties caused by the items of sportswear worn by the athletes. From the analysis it was observed that gloves are causing the most problems with performance, whilst tops and bottoms have more impact on comfort

    A literature review of the anthropometric studies of school students for ergonomics purposes: are accuracy, precision and reliability being considered?

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    BACKGROUND: Despite offering many benefits, direct manual anthropometric measurement method can be problematic due to their vulnerability to measurement errors. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this literature review was to determine, whether or not the currently published anthropometric studies of school children, related to ergonomics, mentioned or evaluated the variables precision, reliability and/or accuracy in the direct manual measurement method. METHODS: Two bibliographic databases, and the bibliographic references of all the selected papers were used for finding relevant published papers in the fields considered in this study. RESULTS: Forty-six (46) studies met the criteria previously defined for this literature review. However, only ten (10) studies mentioned at least one of the analyzed variables, and none has evaluated all of them. Only reliability was assessed by three papers. Moreover, in what regards the factors that affect precision, reliability and accuracy, the reviewed papers presented large differences. This was particularly clear in the instruments used for the measurements, which were not consistent throughout the studies. Additionally, it was also clear that there was a lack of information regarding the evaluators’ training and procedures for anthropometric data collection, which are assumed to be the most important issues that affect precision, reliability and accuracy. CONCLUSIONS: Based on the results it was possible to conclude that the considered anthropometric studies had not focused their attention to the analysis of precision, reliability and accuracy of the manual measurement methods. Hence, and with the aim of avoiding measurement errors and misleading data, anthropometric studies should put more efforts and care on testing measurement error and defining the procedures used to collect anthropometric data

    Student anthropometrics data and its application in school furniture design

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    Doctoral Dissertation for PhD degree in Industrialand Systems EngineeringSchool can be considered the first workplace in our life. In this workplace situation, school furniture is a key factor for the adoption of a proper body posture. Many factors can generally influence the students’ sitting posture, such as the anthropometric dimensions of schoolchildren, as well as the measurement and design features of the school furniture. School furniture is not the only cause of pain and discomfort reported by school children. However, being seated for a long period of time in school furniture is being associated to reports of musculoskeletal discomfort and pain. School furniture dimensions, within the context in which it is used, may also have an impact on some physical and performance aspects of the students. The aim of this thesis was to study the students’ anthropometrics data and its application for school furniture design. The methodology can be divided in two processes. The first one was the field work, where eight anthropometric measures were gathered from 3,181 students, together with six furniture dimensions. The second process include two literature reviews, which was used to identify the studies previously carried out in the field of the anthropometric (mis)match and the relationship between school furniture and the effects on students’ performance and physical aspects. The obtained results show that the compatibility between school furniture dimension and student anthropometric characteristics was identified as a key factor, mainly to improve some students’ physical aspects. The design characteristics of the furniture, such as high furniture comparing the dimensions of the users, sit-stand, tilt table and seat, present positive effects. Regarding the definition of the (mis)match equations, six furniture dimensions were evaluated with a high number of applied equations. Seat height was also the most evaluated furniture dimension and there were considerable differences between the two most frequently used equations. It was also verified that the Chilean student population presents a positive secular trend in different anthropometric dimensions, such as stature, popliteal height, hip width and buttock popliteal length. Many different types of school furniture, or school sets, are used at the analysed schools. These furniture sets presented a high level of mismatch for seat height, desk height and seat-to-desk clearance. The application of the Chilean standard resulted in highest level of mismatch in desk height and seat depth. The level of fit improved in the six evaluated dimensions with the data obtained in this thesis and proposed to be used as an updated standard. Finally, the use of the popliteal height for selecting the furniture set presented a lower level of mismatch when compared with stature. Considering the obtained results in this thesis, it can be concluded that the dimensions of the school furniture is relevant and may have an effect on the some students physical aspects. The proposed methodology for the evaluation of school furniture suitability should allow for a more reliable and accurate analysis of school furniture Additionally, it should be highlighted that it is of paramount importance to monitor the students anthropometrics characteristics with the final aim of updating the furniture standards and that the selection of furniture should be made by using the popliteal height, instead of the typical selection that uses the students’ stature.A escola pode ser considerado o primeiro local de trabalho na nossa vida. Neste “local de trabalho”, o mobiliário usado é um fator-chave para a adoção de uma postura corporal adequada. São inúmeros os fatores que podem influenciar a postura dos alunos na posição de sentados, tais como as suas dimensões antropométricas, bem como as dimensões e o desenho do mobiliário escolar. O mobiliário escolar não é a única causa para o aparecimento de dor e desconforto músculoesquelético em crianças em idade escolar. No entanto, o facto de ter de estar sentado por um longo período de tempo vem sendo associado a relatos de desconforto e dor músculoesquelética. As dimensões do mobiliário escolar, no contexto em que é usado, podem também ter um impacto sobre alguns aspectos físicos dos alunos e no seu desempenho. O objetivo desta tese consistiu em estudar os dados antropométricos de uma amostra de alunos e a sua aplicação no desenho e concepção do mobiliário escolar. A metodologia aplicada pode ser dividida em duas partes. A primeira consistiu no trabalho de campo, onde oito medidas antropométricas foram recolhidas a partir de uma amostra de 3.181 alunos, juntamente com seis dimensões do mobiliário. A segunda parte inclui duas revisões de literatura, que foram desenvolvidas para identificar os estudos anteriormente publicados sobre o tema da (in)compatibilidade antropométrica e a relação entre o mobiliário escolar e os efeitos deste no desempenho dos alunos e em alguns aspectos físicos destes. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a (in)compatibilidade entre as dimensões do mobiliário escolar e das características antropométricas dos alunos é identificado como um fator-chave, principalmente para melhorar algumas questões de natureza física. As características de desenho do mobiliário escolar, como por exemplo mobiliário de maiores dimensões que os seus utilizadores, a posição sentado-de pé, a inclinação do tampo da mesa e do assento, também mostraram poderem ter efeitos significativos. No que diz respeito à definição das equações de (in)compatibilidade (ou mismatch), seis dimensões do mobiliário foram avaliados através de um elevado número de equações. A altura do assento foi a dimensão do mobiliário mais avaliada, tendo-se verificado diferenças consideráveis entre as duas equações que são habitualmente utilizadas. Verificou-se também que a população estudantil Chilena analisada apresenta um crescimento secular positivo, o que é verificado em várias dimensões antropométricas, tais como a estatura, a altura do poplíteo, a largura das ancas e comprimento coxa-poplíteo. As escolas analisadas possuíam vários tipos diferentes de mobiliário escolar, ou conjuntos de mobiliário. Estes conjuntos de mobiliário apresentaram elevados valores de incompatibilidade ao nível da altura do assento, altura da mesa e no espaço entre o assento e a mesa. A aplicação da norma Chilena para a seleção do mobiliário adequado resulta num valor mais elevado de incompatibilidade no que diz respeito à altura da mesa e à profundidade do assento. O nível de incompatibilidade diminui em seis dimensões avaliadas caso sejam considerados os dados obtidos no decorrer desta tese e que são propostos para atualizar a norma Chilena referida anteriormente. Finalmente, a utilização da altura do poplíteo para selecionar o conjunto de mobiliário resulta num menor nível de incompatibilidade, quando comparada com a seleção feita a partir da estatura dos alunos. Considerando os resultados obtidos, pode concluir-se que as dimensões do mobiliário escolar são importantes e podem ter um efeito relevante sobre alguns aspectos físicos dos alunos. A metodologia proposta para a avaliação da adequação do mobiliário escolar ao aluno permitirá que esta análise seja mais fiável e precisa. Além disso, deve-se ressaltar que é de extrema importância avaliar continuamente as dimensões antropométricas dos alunos com o objectivo final de atualização das normas relativas à seleção do mobiliário, que por sua vez deverá ser feita usando a altura do poplíteo, em vez da estatura

    Accuracy, precision and reliability in anthropometric surveys for ergonomics purposes in adult working populations: A literature review

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    Anthropometric surveys are the most common method of gathering human morphometric data, used to design clothing, products and workspaces. The aim of this paper was to assess how current peer reviewed literature addresses the accuracy, reliability and precision regarding manual anthropometric surveys applied to adult working populations in the field of ergonomics. A literature review was performed in two electronic databases for finding relevant papers. A total of 312 papers were reviewed, of which 79 met the inclusion criteria. The results shown that the subjects of these publications are poorly addressed, so that only 27 studies mentioned at least one of the terms and none of the studies evaluated all of the terms. Only one paper mentioned and assessed precision and reliability of the measurement procedure. Furthermore, none of the publications evaluated accuracy. Moreover, the reviewed papers presented large differences in the factors that affect precision, reliability and accuracy. This was particularly clear in the measurer technique/training, measurement tools, subject posture and clothing. Researchers in this area should take more rigorous approaches and explicit indicators with their results should be presented in any report. Relevance for industry: It is important that scientific literature related to manual anthropometric measurements uses methods for assessing measurement error, since these data are often used to design clothing and workspaces as well as to calibrate non manual methods such as 3D scanners.</p

    X Simposio Internacional y XVI Jornadas de Investigación-Acción en Turismo CONDET 2022. Libro de resúmenes

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    La presente publicación contiene los resúmenes de las ponencias presentadas en el X Simposio Internacional y XVI Jornadas de Investigación-Acción en Turismo (CONDET 2022), realizadas entre el 28 y 30 de septiembre de 2022 en la ciudad de Mar del Plata, Argentina. Desde sus inicios, las reuniones científicas auspiciadas por CONDET han sido efectuadas con el fin de generar un espacio de encuentro, debate y difusión de los resultados de investigaciones realizadas en las universidades implicadas en la formación y el estudio del turismo. Como así también han propiciado instancias de diálogo y comunicación de experiencias o buenas prácticas vinculadas a la docencia,extensión y práctica profesional, cuyos resultados han sido relevantes para el medio social-comunitario y la formación profesional.Fil: Castellucci, Daniela I. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Roldán, Nadia G. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Padilla, Noelia Aymara. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Azcué Vigil, Ignacio. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina

    EPIdemiology of Surgery-Associated Acute Kidney Injury (EPIS-AKI) : Study protocol for a multicentre, observational trial

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    More than 300 million surgical procedures are performed each year. Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common complication after major surgery and is associated with adverse short-term and long-term outcomes. However, there is a large variation in the incidence of reported AKI rates. The establishment of an accurate epidemiology of surgery-associated AKI is important for healthcare policy, quality initiatives, clinical trials, as well as for improving guidelines. The objective of the Epidemiology of Surgery-associated Acute Kidney Injury (EPIS-AKI) trial is to prospectively evaluate the epidemiology of AKI after major surgery using the latest Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) consensus definition of AKI. EPIS-AKI is an international prospective, observational, multicentre cohort study including 10 000 patients undergoing major surgery who are subsequently admitted to the ICU or a similar high dependency unit. The primary endpoint is the incidence of AKI within 72 hours after surgery according to the KDIGO criteria. Secondary endpoints include use of renal replacement therapy (RRT), mortality during ICU and hospital stay, length of ICU and hospital stay and major adverse kidney events (combined endpoint consisting of persistent renal dysfunction, RRT and mortality) at day 90. Further, we will evaluate preoperative and intraoperative risk factors affecting the incidence of postoperative AKI. In an add-on analysis, we will assess urinary biomarkers for early detection of AKI. EPIS-AKI has been approved by the leading Ethics Committee of the Medical Council North Rhine-Westphalia, of the Westphalian Wilhelms-University Münster and the corresponding Ethics Committee at each participating site. Results will be disseminated widely and published in peer-reviewed journals, presented at conferences and used to design further AKI-related trials. Trial registration number NCT04165369

    Wheelchair users’ anthropometric data: analysis of existent available information

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    Anthropometric data represents the characteristics of a given population and, as such, it varies accordingly. Wheelchair users have, most times, different body characteristics than able-bodied people. These differences can be noticed also in terms of anthropometric data. This paper demonstrates the differences between the results ob-tained in several studies where anthropometric data of wheelchair users was collected. The results of the com-parisons between studies demonstrated that there are some dissimilarities on the data collected. The several stud-ies use different data collection protocols, which compromises the results and the comparability of the results obtained. Hence, it become unclear if the data collected in these studies is accurate and valid enough to be used in other future studies

    Mismatch between classroom furniture and anthropometric measures in Chilean schools

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    Author's personal copyChildren spend about five hours per day sitting down while doing their school work. Considering this as well as the potential inadequate use of school furniture, it is likely that some anatomical–functional changes and problems in the learning process may occur. The aim of this study was to compare furniture sizes within three different schools with the anthropometric characteristics of Chilean students in the Valparaíso region, in order to evaluate the potential mismatch between them. The sample consisted of 195 volunteer students (94 male, 101 female) of the 8th grade, ranging from 12.5 to 14.5 years of age from 3 different schools. Regarding the methodology, 6 anthropometric measures (Stature, Popliteal height, Buttock-popliteal length, Elbow height while sitting, Hip width, Thigh thickness and Subscapular height) were gathered, as well as 8 dimensions from the school furniture. For the evaluation of classroom furniture a match criterion equation was defined. After considering the existing classroom furniture dimensions in each match criterion equation, the anthropometric characteristics of the considered population were compared in order to determine the mismatch between them. Results indicated that seat height, which should be considered as the starting point for the design of classroom furniture, was appropriate for students’ popliteal height in only 14% of the 2 out of the 3 schools, and 28% in the third. Seat to desk height was too high and mismatched 99% of the students in one school and 100% in the others. Therefore, it was possible to conclude that the classroom’s furniture was inadequate in almost all the analyzed cases and subjects. It is possible that the high mismatch percentage found between furniture and students’ anthropometry can be associated to the fact that the acquisition and selection of the furniture was made without any ergonomic concern or criteria