200 research outputs found

    De effecten van een open basisregistratie topografie (BRT)

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    Op 1 januari 2012 is basisregistratie topografie (BRT) als open data aan de maatschappij ter beschikking gesteld. Deze stap zal zeer waarschijnlijk aanzienlijke effecten hebben op het gebruik van deze gegevens. Wat deze effecten zijn is echter onbekend. Om meer inzicht in deze effecten te krijgen is door de Wageningen Universiteit en het Kadaster en monitor ontwikkeld. Deze monitor richt zich, via indicatoren, op het meten van de effecten op de maatschappij (externe effecten), de interactie tussen het Kadaster en de maatschappij (relatie effecten) en het Kadaster (interne effecten)

    Impact of COVID-19 on patients from from FACT or autism teams

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    BACKGROUND: Most research focuses on the impact of COVID-19 for the general population. People with mental health problems may suffer even more from its consequences.AIM: Measuring mental health, experiences with outpatient care and government measures of 105 people in mental health care in the Northern Netherlands during the first wave of COVID-19.METHOD: Anonymous, online survey among people in care with autism- or FACT-teams in the Northern Netherlands between July-September 2020.RESULTS: Few participants reported recent COVID-19-related symptoms (n=2); no participant had lab-confirmed COVID-19. Both positive (clear world, tranquility, few stimuli: 28%) and negative experiences (missing face-to-face contact with mental health care professionals: 22%) were reported. Although there was some fluctuation in happiness, the average happiness score did not change due to the first wave. Three-quarters were satisfied with their mental health care. Although in-person contact with mental health care professionals was missed, the continuation of care through (video)calling was appreciated. One third reported an increased or new care need in mental health symptoms or daily functioning. The 'physical' government measures were considered pleasant and doable, but 'social' measures were harder. Newsletters with practical information about the consequences of the measures for personal healthcare were appreciated.CONCLUSION: The results show a nuanced picture of how outpatients experienced the first wave of COVID-19. Continued monitoring is important, as long-term impact of COVID-19 cannot be predicted.</p

    Perspectives on Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis, Symptoms, Treatment and Gender Roles:A Qualitative Study of Similarities and Differences between Sexes

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    This study aims to compare the experiences of women and men of different age groups with regard to their first autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis, symptoms, treatment, and gender roles to inform our understanding in clinical practice of differences as well as similarities. Semi-structured interviews were conducted amongst 22 women ( n = 12) and men ( n = 10) in three adult age groups regarding their diagnostic process, symptoms, treatment, and gender roles. Participants also filled out questionnaires on gender traits, social support, coping, and quality of life. Framework analysis guidelines were followed to identify subthemes within the three pre-defined key themes of the semi-structured interviews, and quantitative analyses were performed on the questionnaire results. Women often had caregiver roles and were more focused on social and family-oriented life aspects than men. Family and societal expectations may have been different for women from an early age onward and were considered burdensome by some, but not all. Views on ASD diagnosis, symptoms, and treatment were largely individually determined. The questionnaire results mostly showed no significant sex differences. Perceived gender roles differed between participants. In diagnosis and treatment, awareness of general gender differences and gender roles is important, but inter-individual differences and similar experiences in men should not be overlooked. </p

    The impact of COVID-19 according to people in care at FACT and autism teams:wave 1 and 2 and Omikron wave

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    Achtergrond COVID-19 had een grote impact op het collectieve welbevinden. Maatregelen tijdens een pandemie kunnen mensen met psychische aandoeningen onevenredig hard treffen.Doel Meten van de impact van COVID-19 gedurende drie golven bij cliënten van FACT- en autismeteams.Methode Deelnemers (golf 1: n = 100; golf 2: n = 150; Omikron-golf: n = 15) rapporteerden met een digitale vragenlijst over: geestelijke gezondheid; ervaringen met ambulante zorg; overheidsmaatregelen en voorlichtingsdiensten.Resultaten Geluk werd gemiddeld met een 6 gewaardeerd in de eerste twee golven, de positieve gevolgen van golf 1 (overzichtelijkere wereld, meer reflectie) bleven bestaan. De meest genoemde negatieve gevolgen waren: verminderde sociale interacties, toename geestelijke problemen en dagelijks functioneren. De Omikron-golf leverde geen nieuwe ervaringen op. De kwaliteit en de hoeveelheid van de zorg werden door 75-80% gewaardeerd met een ≥ 7. (Video)bellen was de meest genoemde positieve zorgervaring; het missen van persoonlijk contact de meest genoemde negatieve ervaring. Maatregelen waren minder goed vol te houden in de tweede golf. De vaccinatiebereidheid en de vaccinatiegraad waren hoog.Conclusie De eerste, tweede en Omikron-golf laten een consistent beeld zien. Telepsychiatrie werd positief ervaren. Gezien de resultaten zou de ggz voorbereid kunnen zijn op een volgende lockdown, rekening houdend met mogelijk hogere verwachtingen van cliënten.BACKGROUND: COVID-19 affected our collective well-being. Measures during a pandemic may disproportionately impact individuals with mental illness.AIM: To measure the impact of COVID-19 on clients of FACT and autism teams over three waves.METHOD: Through a digital questionnaire participants (wave 1: n=100; wave 2: n=150; Omikron wave: n=15) reported on: &lt;br /&gt;1. mental health, 2. outpatient care experiences, 3. government measures and information services.RESULTS: Happiness was rated on average with a 6 in the first two waves, positive consequences of wave 1 (clearer world, more reflection) persisted. The most frequently mentioned negative consequences were: decreased social interactions, increased mental problems and daily functioning. No new experiences were mentioned during the Omikron wave. The quality and amount of mental health care was rated &amp;ge;7 by 75-80%. Phone and video consultations were the most frequently mentioned positive care experience; missing face-to-face contact was considered most negative. Measures were harder to sustain in the second wave. Vaccination readiness and vaccination coverage were high.CONCLUSION: All COVID-19-waves show a consistent picture. Telepsychiatry was evaluated positively. Considering the results, the mental health sector could be ready for a next lockdown taking into account possibly higher expectations of clients.</p

    Complex spine deformities in young patients with severe osteogenesis imperfecta: current concepts review

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    The severity of osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), the associated reduced quality and quantity of collagen type I, the degree of bone fragility, ligamentous laxity, vertebral fractures and multilevel vertebral deformities all impair the mechanical integrity of the whole spinal architecture and relate to the high prevalence of progressive kyphoscoliotic deformities during growth. Bisphosphonate therapy may at best slow down curve progression but does not seem to lower the prevalence of deformities or the incidence of surgery. Brace treatment is problematic due to pre-existing chest wall deformities, stiffness of the curve and the brittleness of the ribs which limit transfer of corrective forces from the brace shell to the spine. Progressive curves entail loss of balance, chest deformities, pain and compromise of pulmonary function and eventually require surgical stabilization, usually around puberty. Severe vertebral deformities including deformed, small pedicles, highly brittle bones and chest deformities, short deformed trunks and associated issues like C-spine and cranial base abnormalities (basilar impressions, cervical kyphosis) as well as deformed lower and upper extremities are posing multiple peri-and intraoperative challenges. Hence, an early multidisciplinary approach (anaesthetist, pulmonologist, paediatric orthopaedic spine surgeon) is mandatory.This paper was written under the guidance of the Spine Study Group of the European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society. It highlights the most pertinent information given in the current literature and various practical aspects on surgical care of spine deformities in young OI patients based on the personal experience of the contributing authors

    The impact of COVID-19 according to people in care at FACT and autism teams:wave 1 and 2 and Omikron wave

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    Achtergrond COVID-19 had een grote impact op het collectieve welbevinden. Maatregelen tijdens een pandemie kunnen mensen met psychische aandoeningen onevenredig hard treffen.Doel Meten van de impact van COVID-19 gedurende drie golven bij cliënten van FACT- en autismeteams.Methode Deelnemers (golf 1: n = 100; golf 2: n = 150; Omikron-golf: n = 15) rapporteerden met een digitale vragenlijst over: geestelijke gezondheid; ervaringen met ambulante zorg; overheidsmaatregelen en voorlichtingsdiensten.Resultaten Geluk werd gemiddeld met een 6 gewaardeerd in de eerste twee golven, de positieve gevolgen van golf 1 (overzichtelijkere wereld, meer reflectie) bleven bestaan. De meest genoemde negatieve gevolgen waren: verminderde sociale interacties, toename geestelijke problemen en dagelijks functioneren. De Omikron-golf leverde geen nieuwe ervaringen op. De kwaliteit en de hoeveelheid van de zorg werden door 75-80% gewaardeerd met een ≥ 7. (Video)bellen was de meest genoemde positieve zorgervaring; het missen van persoonlijk contact de meest genoemde negatieve ervaring. Maatregelen waren minder goed vol te houden in de tweede golf. De vaccinatiebereidheid en de vaccinatiegraad waren hoog.Conclusie De eerste, tweede en Omikron-golf laten een consistent beeld zien. Telepsychiatrie werd positief ervaren. Gezien de resultaten zou de ggz voorbereid kunnen zijn op een volgende lockdown, rekening houdend met mogelijk hogere verwachtingen van cliënten.BACKGROUND: COVID-19 affected our collective well-being. Measures during a pandemic may disproportionately impact individuals with mental illness.AIM: To measure the impact of COVID-19 on clients of FACT and autism teams over three waves.METHOD: Through a digital questionnaire participants (wave 1: n=100; wave 2: n=150; Omikron wave: n=15) reported on: &lt;br /&gt;1. mental health, 2. outpatient care experiences, 3. government measures and information services.RESULTS: Happiness was rated on average with a 6 in the first two waves, positive consequences of wave 1 (clearer world, more reflection) persisted. The most frequently mentioned negative consequences were: decreased social interactions, increased mental problems and daily functioning. No new experiences were mentioned during the Omikron wave. The quality and amount of mental health care was rated &amp;ge;7 by 75-80%. Phone and video consultations were the most frequently mentioned positive care experience; missing face-to-face contact was considered most negative. Measures were harder to sustain in the second wave. Vaccination readiness and vaccination coverage were high.CONCLUSION: All COVID-19-waves show a consistent picture. Telepsychiatry was evaluated positively. Considering the results, the mental health sector could be ready for a next lockdown taking into account possibly higher expectations of clients.</p
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