21 research outputs found

    Recent changes in avalanche activity in the French Alps and their links with climatic drivers: an overview

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    [Departement_IRSTEA]Eaux [TR1_IRSTEA]RIVAGEInternational audienceThis paper synthetizes our ongoing work on relations between natural avalanche activity and climate change in the French Alps and subregions. Firm results mainly concern occurrences, runout altitudes and high return period avalanches on long time scales (averages over “full” winters and winter-spring sub-seasons) since ~1950. Work in progress concerns extrapolation under future climate, shorter time scales (avalanche cycles), and more generally risk assessment under unstationarity. The strength and interest of the approach rely on the exceptional quality/quantity of avalanche records and snow and weather covariates available/used and on the development of specific statistical treatment methods

    Sulfur cycle at Last Glacial Maximum: Model results versus Antarctic ice core data

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    International audienceFor the first time, an atmospheric general circulation and sulfur chemistry model is used to simulate sulfur deposition in Antarctica at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Dimethylsulfide (DMS), emitted by phytoplankton, is the dominant source of atmospheric sulfur in Antarctica. Once in the atmosphere, it is oxidized into sulfur aerosols which are measured in ice cores. Such measurements allow for validating climate and chemistry models for glacial‐interglacial changes. Our glacial simulations test the effect of a recent re‐evaluation of glacial sea‐ice coverage on DMS sources and sulfur aerosol deposition. Using the present‐day oceanic concentrations of DMS, the model reproduces observed glacial and interglacial sulfur concentrations in the ice. This result suggests that climate change at the LGM did not greatly impact on DMS production in the oceanic sectors where sulfur aerosols deposited in central East Antarctica originate from

    Snow and weather climatic control on snow avalanche occurrence fluctuations over 50 yr in the French Alps

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    International audienceSnow avalanche activity is controlled to a large extent by snow and weather patterns. However, its response to climate fluctuations remains poorly documented. Previous studies have focused on direct extraction of trends in avalanche and winter climate data, and this study employs a time-implicit method to model annual avalanche activity in the French Alps during the 1958–2009 period from its most representative climatic drivers. Modelled snow and weather data for different elevations and aspects are considered as covariates that explain actual observed avalanche counts, modelled instability indexes, and a combination of both avalanche activity indicators. These three series present relatively similar fluctuations over the period and good consistency with historically harsh winters. A stepwise procedure is used to obtain regression models that accurately represent trends as well as high and low peaks with a small number of physically meaningful covariates, showing their climatic relevance. The activity indicators and their regression models seen as time series show, within a high interannual variability, a predominant bell-shaped pattern presumably related to a short period of colder and snowier winters around 1980, as well as a very slight but continuous increase between 1975 and 2000 concomitant with warming. Furthermore, the regression models quantify the respective weight of the different covariates, mostly temperature anomalies and south-facing snowpack characteristics to explain the trends and most of the exceptional winters. Regional differences are discussed as well as seasonal variations between winter and spring activity and confirm rather different snow and weather regimes influencing avalanche activity over the Northern and Southern Alps, depending on the season

    fluctuations over 50 yr in the French Alps

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    Snow and weather climatic control on snow avalanche occurrenc

    Projected changes of snow conditions and avalanche activity in a warming climate: the French Alps over the 2020-2050 and 2070-2100 periods

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    International audienceProjecting changes in snow cover due to climate warming is important for many societal issues, including the adaptation of avalanche risk mitigation strategies. Efficient modelling of future snow cover requires high resolution to properly resolve the topography. Here, we introduce results obtained through statistical downscaling techniques allowing simulations of future snowpack conditions including mechanical stability estimates for the mid and late 21st century in the French Alps under three climate change scenarios. Refined statistical descriptions of snowpack characteristics are provided in comparison to a 1960-1990 reference period, including latitudinal, altitudinal and seasonal gradients. These results are then used to feed a statistical model relating avalanche activity to snow and meteorological conditions, so as to produce the first projection on annual/seasonal timescales of future natural avalanche activity based on past observations. The resulting statistical indicators are fundamental for the mountain economy in terms of anticipation of changes. Whereas precipitation is expected to remain quite stationary, temperature increase interacting with topography will constrain the evolution of snow-related variables on all considered spatio-temporal scales and will, in particular, lead to a reduction of the dry snowpack and an increase of the wet snowpack. Overall, compared to the reference period, changes are strong for the end of the 21st century, but already significant for the mid century. Changes in winter are less important than in spring, but wet-snow conditions are projected to appear at high elevations earlier in the season. At the same altitude, the southern French Alps will not be significantly more affected than the northern French Alps, which means that the snowpack will be preserved for longer in the southern massifs which are higher on average. Regarding avalanche activity, a general decrease in mean (20-30 %) and interannual variability is projected. These changes are relatively strong compared to changes in snow and meteorological variables. The decrease is amplified in spring and at low altitude. In contrast, an increase in avalanche activity is expected in winter at high altitude because of conditions favourable to wet-snow avalanches earlier in the season. Comparison with the outputs of the deterministic avalanche hazard model MEPRA (Modele Expert d'aide a la Prevision du Risque d'Avalanche) shows generally consistent results but suggests that, even if the frequency of winters with high avalanche activity is clearly projected to decrease, the decreasing trend may be less strong and smooth than suggested by the statistical analysis based on changes in snowpack characteristics and their links to avalanches observations in the past. This important point for risk assessment pleads for further work focusing on shorter timescales. Finally, the small differences between different climate change scenarios show the robustness of the predicted avalanche activity changes

    Temporal trends in avalanche activity in the French Alps and subregions: from occurrences and runout altitudes to unsteady return periods.

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    We present an analysis of temporal trends in ∼55 000 avalanches recorded between 1946 and 2010 in the French Alps and two north/south subregions. First, Bayesian hierarchical modelling is used to isolate low-, intermediate- and high-frequency trends in the mean avalanche occurrence and runout altitude per year/winter. Variables are then combined to investigate their correlation and the recent evolution of large avalanches. Comparisons are also made to climatic and flow regime covariates. The results are important for risk assessment, and the development of new high-altitude climate proxies. At the entire French Alps scale, a major change-point exists in ∼1978 at the heart of a 10 year period of high occurrences and low runout altitudes corresponding to colder and snowier winters. The differences between this change-point and the beginning/end of the study period are 0.1 avalanche occurrences per winter and per path and 55 m in runout altitude. Trends before/after are well correlated, leading to enhanced minimal altitudes for large avalanches at this time. A marked upslope retreat (80 m for the 10 year return period runout altitude) accompanied by a 12% decrease in the proportion of powder snow avalanches has occurred since then, interrupted from about 2000. The snow-depth and temperature control on these patterns seems significant (R = 0.4–0.6), but is stronger at high frequencies for occurrences, and at lower frequencies for runout altitudes. Occurrences between the northern and southern French Alps are partially coupled (R∼0.4, higher at low frequencies). In the north, the main change-point was an earlier shift in ∼1977, and winter snow depth seems to be the main control parameter. In the south, the main change-point occurred later, ∼1979–84, was more gradual, and trends are more strongly correlated with winter temperature