13 research outputs found

    The current status of Migrant Disaster Victim Identification in the Canary Islands

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    This migrant disaster victim identification report is based on an 18-month British Academy funded project, which focused on the Canary Islands, clarifying the state of play of documentation and connections with West Africa: primarily with Senegal, which is described as the main origin of the migrants to the Canary Islands. With the collaboration of Italian and Spanish academics and the utilisation of Canarian data, the report interrogates the challenges associated with the identification of migrant victims off the coast of the Canary Islands through fostered networks in the Canary Islands and Senegal. Finally, the report presents craniofacial depiction/analysis as an alternative biological and biometric tool for Migrant Disaster Victim Identification (MDVI). This project did not involve the implementation of migrant identification and this will hopefully be achieved through follow-up projects. The report ends with a summary of the current status and provides recommendations for future MDVI

    Preterm intraventricular hemorrhage in vitro: Modeling the cytopathology of the ventricular zone

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    BACKGROUND: Severe intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) is one of the most devastating neurological complications in preterm infants, with the majority suffering long-term neurological morbidity and up to 50% developing post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus (PHH). Despite the importance of this disease, its cytopathological mechanisms are not well known. An in vitro model of IVH is required to investigate the effects of blood and its components on the developing ventricular zone (VZ) and its stem cell niche. To address this need, we developed a protocol from our accepted in vitro model to mimic the cytopathological conditions of IVH in the preterm infant. METHODS: Maturing neuroepithelial cells from the VZ were harvested from the entire lateral ventricles of wild type C57BL/6 mice at 1-4 days of age and expanded in proliferation media for 3-5 days. At confluence, cells were re-plated onto 24-well plates in differentiation media to generate ependymal cells (EC). At approximately 3-5 days, which corresponded to the onset of EC differentiation based on the appearance of multiciliated cells, phosphate-buffered saline for controls or syngeneic whole blood for IVH was added to the EC surface. The cells were examined for the expression of EC markers of differentiation and maturation to qualitatively and quantitatively assess the effect of blood exposure on VZ transition from neuroepithelial cells to EC. DISCUSSION: This protocol will allow investigators to test cytopathological mechanisms contributing to the pathology of IVH with high temporal resolution and query the impact of injury to the maturation of the VZ. This technique recapitulates features of normal maturation of the VZ in vitro, offering the capacity to investigate the developmental features of VZ biogenesis

    Marked eburnation among prehispanic individuals from La Gomera (Canary Islands)

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    Marked eburnation among prehispanic individuals from La Gomera (Canary Islands) Eburnation of the articular surfaces is an advanced feature of osteoarthritis. We here report some striking cases of such a condition in the proximal epiphysis of tibiae of prehispanic inhabitants of La Gomera, in the Canary Archipelago

    Facial Reconstruction: Anthropometric Studies Regarding the Morphology of the Nose for Romanian Adult Population I: Nose Width

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    Craniofacial reconstruction often represents a final step in medico-legal identification and is dependent on facial tissue thickness measurements and feature shape estimation. This study’s aim is to create a reliable and readily reproductible method of predicting the maximum nose width (MNW) based on the maximum nasal aperture width (MAW) for a Romanian adult population. A sample of 55 computer tomography (CT) scans consisting of Romanian adult subjects was selected from the database of a neurosurgery hospital. The craniometrics measured consisted of a first measure of MAW and second one of the MNW using 3D systems Freeform Modelling Plus Software. Correlation analysis indicated a moderate link between the MAW and the MNW. Regression analysis showed that MAW and sex form a statistically significant regression pattern (R2 = 0.340, SEE (Standard Error of Estimate) = 3.801). The preliminary results obtained provide reliable predictions of MNW for facial reconstruction based on MAW measured on the skull

    Sexual dimorphism: a comparative study between inhabitants from El Hierro and other populations of the Word.

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    Sex estimation based on tibial measurements can be achieved using discriminant functions combining several parameters. However, functions differ from one population to another, because sexual dimorphism may be more or less marked among different ancestry or ethnic groups. Calculation of one of these functions with the dimensions of populations other than that from which the function was obtained may misclassify a different proportion of males or females than when calculated with the dimensions of the original population. By dividing the proportions of correctly classified individuals when the function was applied to the population from which it derived and that of El Hierro (Canary Islands), we can calculate an index of male trait expression and an index of female trait expression, and, by addition of both indices, an index of sexual dimorphism. Therefore, it is possible to compare the degree of sexual dimorphism among several populations, at least regarding those measurements included in the function. Based on this fact we have calculated several functions (reported in the scientific literature), obtained from tibiae of modern black, white, and Japanese populations, and from medieval Croatians and prehispanic inhabitants of Gran Canaria (ap. 1000 BP), with the dimensions of the prehispanic population of El Hierro, genetically sexed, also with an antiquity of ap. 1000 BP. Despite the different antiquity, the population of El Hierro was more dimorphic that the modern Japanese one, but less dimorphic than most of the other groups with which it was compared, especially when functions including distal epiphyseal breadth and minimum shaft perimeter (near the distal end of the tibiae) were calculated: in these cases, dimorphism was lower for the population of El Hierro, due to the fact that, although male trait expression index was higher, many females of El Hierro were misclassified as males because of the abnormally thick distal diaphyseal and epiphyseal breadths of El Hierro inhabitants

    Acquired hydrocephalus is associated with neuroinflammation, progenitor loss, and cellular changes in the subventricular zone and periventricular white matter

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    Abstract Background Hydrocephalus is a neurological disease with an incidence of 80–125 per 100,000 births in the United States. Neuropathology comprises ventriculomegaly, periventricular white matter (PVWM) alterations, inflammation, and gliosis. We hypothesized that hydrocephalus in a pig model is associated with subventricular and PVWM cellular alterations and neuroinflammation that could mimic the neuropathology described in hydrocephalic infants. Methods Hydrocephalus was induced by intracisternal kaolin injections in 35-day old female pigs (n = 7 for tissue analysis, n = 10 for CSF analysis). Age-matched sham controls received saline injections (n = 6). After 19–40 days, MRI scanning was performed to measure the ventricular volume. Stem cell proliferation was studied in the Subventricular Zone (SVZ), and cell death and oligodendrocytes were examined in the PVWM. The neuroinflammatory reaction was studied by quantifying astrocytes and microglial cells in the PVWM, and inflammatory cytokines in the CSF. Results The expansion of the ventricles was especially pronounced in the body of the lateral ventricle, where ependymal disruption occurred. PVWM showed a 44% increase in cell death and a 67% reduction of oligodendrocytes. In the SVZ, the number of proliferative cells and oligodendrocyte decreased by 75% and 57% respectively. The decrease of the SVZ area correlated significantly with ventricular volume increase. Neuroinflammation occurred in the hydrocephalic pigs with a significant increase of astrocytes and microglia in the PVWM, and high levels of inflammatory interleukins IL-6 and IL-8 in the CSF. Conclusion The induction of acquired hydrocephalus produced alterations in the PVWM, reduced cell proliferation in the SVZ, and neuroinflammation

    Biochemical profile of human infant cerebrospinal fluid in intraventricular hemorrhage and post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus of prematurity

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    Abstract Background Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) and post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus (PHH) have a complex pathophysiology involving inflammatory response, ventricular zone and cell–cell junction disruption, and choroid-plexus (ChP) hypersecretion. Increased cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) cytokines, extracellular matrix proteins, and blood metabolites have been noted in IVH/PHH, but osmolality and electrolyte disturbances have not been evaluated in human infants with these conditions. We hypothesized that CSF total protein, osmolality, electrolytes, and immune cells increase in PHH. Methods CSF samples were obtained from lumbar punctures of control infants and infants with IVH prior to the development of PHH and any neurosurgical intervention. Osmolality, total protein, and electrolytes were measured in 52 infants (18 controls, 10 low grade (LG) IVH, 13 high grade (HG) IVH, and 11 PHH). Serum electrolyte concentrations, and CSF and serum cell counts within 1-day of clinical sampling were obtained from clinical charts. Frontal occipital horn ratio (FOR) was measured for estimating the degree of ventriculomegaly. Dunn or Tukey’s post-test ANOVA analysis were used for pair-wise comparisons. Results CSF osmolality, sodium, potassium, and chloride were elevated in PHH compared to control (p = 0.012 − < 0.0001), LGIVH (p = 0.023 − < 0.0001), and HGIVH (p = 0.015 − 0.0003), while magnesium and calcium levels were higher compared to control (p = 0.031) and LGIVH (p = 0.041). CSF total protein was higher in both HGIVH and PHH compared to control (p = 0.0009 and 0.0006 respectively) and LGIVH (p = 0.034 and 0.028 respectively). These differences were not reflected in serum electrolyte concentrations nor calculated osmolality across the groups. However, quantitatively, CSF sodium and chloride contributed 86% of CSF osmolality change between control and PHH; and CSF osmolality positively correlated with CSF sodium (r, p = 0.55,0.0015), potassium (r, p = 0.51,0.0041), chloride (r, p = 0.60,0.0004), but not total protein across the entire patient cohort. CSF total cells (p = 0.012), total nucleated cells (p = 0.0005), and percent monocyte (p = 0.016) were elevated in PHH compared to control. Serum white blood cell count increased in PHH compared to control (p = 0.042) but there were no differences in serum cell differential across groups. CSF total nucleated cells also positively correlated with CSF osmolality, sodium, potassium, and total protein (p = 0.025 − 0.0008) in the whole cohort. Conclusions CSF osmolality increased in PHH, largely driven by electrolyte changes rather than protein levels. However, serum electrolytes levels were unchanged across groups. CSF osmolality and electrolyte changes were correlated with CSF total nucleated cells which were also increased in PHH, further suggesting PHH is a neuro-inflammatory condition

    Ventricular Zone Disruption in Human Neonates With Intraventricular Hemorrhage

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    To determine if ventricular zone (VZ) and subventricular zone (SVZ) alterations are associated with intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) and posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus, we compared postmortem frontal and subcortical brain samples from 12 infants with IVH and 3 nonneurological disease controls without hemorrhages or ventriculomegaly. Birth and expiration estimated gestational ages were 23.0-39.1 and 23.7-44.1 weeks, respectively; survival ranges were 0-42 days (median, 2.0 days). Routine histology and immunohistochemistry for neural stem cells (NSCs), neural progenitors (NPs), multiciliated ependymal cells (ECs), astrocytes (AS), and cell adhesion molecules were performed. Controls exhibited monociliated NSCs and multiciliated ECs lining the ventricles, abundant NPs in the SVZ, and medial vs. lateral wall differences with a complex mosaic organization in the latter. In IVH cases, normal VZ/SVZ areas were mixed with foci of NSC and EC loss, eruption of cells into the ventricle, cytoplasmic transposition of N-cadherin, subependymal rosettes, and periventricular heterotopia. Mature AS populated areas believed to be sites of VZ disruption. The cytopathology and extension of the VZ disruption correlated with developmental age but not with brain hemorrhage grade or location. These results corroborate similar findings in congenital hydrocephalus in animals and humans and indicate that VZ disruption occurs consistently in premature neonates with IVH

    A novel model of acquired hydrocephalus for evaluation of neurosurgical treatments

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    Abstract Background Many animal models have been used to study the pathophysiology of hydrocephalus; most of these have been rodent models whose lissencephalic cerebral cortex may not respond to ventriculomegaly in the same way as gyrencephalic species and whose size is not amenable to evaluation of clinically relevant neurosurgical treatments. Fewer models of hydrocephalus in gyrencephalic species have been used; thus, we have expanded upon a porcine model of hydrocephalus in juvenile pigs and used it to explore surgical treatment methods. Methods Acquired hydrocephalus was induced in 33–41-day old pigs by percutaneous intracisternal injections of kaolin (n = 17). Controls consisted of sham saline-injected (n = 6) and intact (n = 4) animals. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was employed to evaluate ventriculomegaly at 11–42 days post-kaolin and to plan the surgical implantation of ventriculoperitoneal shunts at 14–38-days post-kaolin. Behavioral and neurological status were assessed. Results Bilateral ventriculomegaly occurred post-induction in all regions of the cerebral ventricles, with prominent CSF flow voids in the third ventricle, foramina of Monro, and cerebral aqueduct. Kaolin deposits formed a solid cast in the basal cisterns but the cisterna magna was patent. In 17 untreated hydrocephalic animals. Mean total ventricular volume was 8898 ± 5917 SD mm3 at 11–43 days of age, which was significantly larger than the baseline values of 2251 ± 194 SD mm3 for 6 sham controls aged 45–55 days, (p < 0.001). Past the post-induction recovery period, untreated pigs were asymptomatic despite exhibiting mild-moderate ventriculomegaly. Three out of 4 shunted animals showed a reduction in ventricular volume after 20–30 days of treatment, however some developed ataxia and lethargy, from putative shunt malfunction. Conclusions Kaolin induction of acquired hydrocephalus in juvenile pigs produced an in vivo model that is highly translational, allowing systematic studies of the pathophysiology and clinical treatment of hydrocephalus