60 research outputs found

    Exploration of Catalytic Properties of CYP2D6 and CYP3A4 Through Metabolic Studies of Levorphanol and Levallorphan â–ˇ S

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    ABSTRACT: CYP2D6 and CYP3A4, two members of the cytochrome P450 superfamily of monooxygenases, mediate the biotransformation of a variety of xenobiotics. The two enzymes differ in substrate specificity and size and characteristics of the active site cavity. The aim of this study was to determine whether the catalytic properties of these isoforms, reflected by the differences observed from crystal structures and homology models, could be confirmed with experimental data. Detailed metabolite identification, reversible inhibition, and time-dependent inhibition were examined for levorphanol and levallorphan with CYP2D6 and CYP3A4. The studies were designed to provide a comparison of the orientations of substrates, the catalytic sites of the two enzymes, and the subsequent outcomes on metabolism and inhibition. The metabolite identification revealed that CYP3A4 catalyzed the formation of a variety of metabolites as a result of presenting different parts of the substrates to the heme. CYP2D6 was a poorer catalyst that led to a more limited number of metabolites that were interpreted in terms to two orientations of the substrates. The inhibition studies showed evidence for strong reversible inhibition of CYP2D6 but not for CYP3A4. Levallorphan acted as a time-dependent inhibitor on CYP3A4, indicating a productive binding mode with this enzyme not observed with CYP2D6 that presumably resulted from close interactions of the N-allyl moiety oriented toward the heme. All the results are in agreement with the large and flexible active site of CYP3A4 and the more restricted active site of CYP2D6

    Demonstration of Isoleucine 199 as a Structural Determinant for the Selective Inhibition of Human Monoamine Oxidase B by Specific Reversible Inhibitors

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    Abstract Several reversible inhibitors selective for human monoamine oxidase B (MAO B) that do not inhibit MAO A have been described in the literature. The following compounds: 8-(3-chlorostyryl)caffeine, 1,4-diphenyl-2-butene, and trans,trans-farnesol are shown to inhibit competitively human, horse, rat, and mouse MAO B with Ki values in the low micromolar range but are without effect on either bovine or sheep MAO B or human MAO A. In contrast, the reversible competitive inhibitor isatin binds to all known MAO B and MAO A with similar affinities. Sequence alignments and the crystal structures of human MAO B in complex with 1,4-diphenyl-2-butene or with trans,trans-farnesol provide molecular insights into these specificities. These inhibitors span the substrate and entrance cavities with the side chain of Ile-199 rotated out of its normal conformation suggesting that Ile-199 is gating the substrate cavity. Ile-199 is conserved in all known MAO B sequences except bovine MAO B, which has Phe in this position (the sequence of sheep MAO B is unknown). Phe is conserved in the analogous position in MAO A sequences. The human MAO B I199F mutant protein of MAO B binds to isatin (Ki = 3 ÎĽm) but not to the three inhibitors listed above. The crystal structure of this mutant demonstrates that the side chain of Phe-199 interferes with the binding of those compounds. This suggests that the Ile-199 "gate" is a determinant for the specificity of these MAO B inhibitors and provides a molecular basis for the development of MAO B-specific reversible inhibitors without interference with MAO A function in neurotransmitter metabolism

    Brain levels of the neurotoxic pyridinium metabolite HPP+ and extrapyramidal symptoms in haloperidol-treated mice

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    The typical antipsychotic haloperidol is a highly effective treatment for schizophrenia but its use is limited by a number of serious, and often irreversible, motor side effects. These adverse drug reactions, termed extrapyramidal syndromes (EPS), result from an unknown pathophysiological mechanism. One theory relates to the observation that the haloperidol metabolite HPP+ (4-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-[4-(4-fluorophenyl)-4-oxobutyl]-pyridinium) is structurally similar to MPP+ (1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium), a neurotoxin responsible for an irreversible neurodegenerative condition similar to Parkinson's disease. To determine whether HPP+ contributes to haloperidol-induced EPS, we measured brain HPP+ and haloperidol levels in strains of mice at high (C57BL/6J and NZO/HILtJ) and low (BALB/cByJ and PWK/PhJ) liability to haloperidol-induced EPS following chronic treatment (7–10 adult male mice per strain). Brain levels of HPP+ and the ratio of HPP+ to haloperidol were not significantly different between the haloperidol-sensitive and haloperidol-resistant strain groups (P = 0.50). Within each group, however, strain differences were seen (P < 0.01), indicating that genetic variation regulating steady-state HPP+ levels exists. Since the HPP+ levels that we observed in mouse brain overlap the range of those detected in post-mortem human brains following chronic haloperidol treatment, the findings from this study are physiologically relevant to humans. The results suggest that strain differences in steady-state HPP+ levels do not explain sensitivity to haloperidol-induced EPS in the mice we studied

    Cotinine N-oxide, a new metabolite of nicotine

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    Selective Reductions of 1-Methyl-4-phenyl-2-pyridone

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    Structure of hydroxycotinine, a nicotine methobolite

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