4 research outputs found

    Using Wavelets for Gait and Arm Swing Analysis

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    The human walking pattern can be affected by different factors such as accidents, transplants, or diseases, like Parkinson’s disease, which affects motor and mental functions. In motor terms, this disease can generate alterations such as tremors, festination, rigidity, unbalance, slowness, and freezing of gait. Additionally, it is estimated that for the year 2040, the number of people with Parkinson’s in the world will be between 12.9 and 14.2 million people. These alarming figures make Parkinson’s disease an important focus of attention. In this chapter, we present contributions that suggest wavelet techniques as a useful tool to perform a gait and arm swing analysis; this represents an important approximation that can contribute to describe and differentiate people with Parkinson’s disease in early stages of the disease

    Enfermedad de Parkinson : análisis motor desde la ingeniería

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    El libro Enfermedad de Parkinson: análisis motor desde la ingeniería está focalizado en la comprobación de las bondades del uso de dispositivos tecnológicos no especializados, como alternativa a los laboratorios de marcha, en la captura de movimientos, en un entorno clínico, que aporten información objetiva que complemente de manera acertada, oportuna y relevante al criterio de los profesionales de la salud, expertos en neurología, durante sus actividades de diagnóstico, pronóstico y monitoreo del avance de la enfermedad de Parkinson y su tratamiento.Incluye referencias bibliográfica

    Saturdays-in-Motion: Education and Empowerment through an Interdisciplinary Team Approach for Parkinson’s Disease in Cali-Colombia

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    Introduction. Parkinson’s disease (PD) is one of the most prevalent age-related neurodegenerative disorders. The progression of PD produces an important disease burden in patients due to functional impairment, which also has repercussions on caregivers. In addition, it has become a challenge for health systems, especially in developing countries, which have limited resources. Multidisciplinary teams with a community approach have proved effective in high-income countries; however, there is no reported literature in low- and middle-income countries about this kind of initiative. Objective. This paper aims to document the experience of patients, caregivers, and experts in a community approach as an innovative model in a middle-income country. Methods. A quantitative descriptive research was conducted. The selection criteria were having a PD diagnosis, attending with a caregiver to Saturdays in Motion (SIM), or being a clinical expert invited to SIM. PD patients and their caregivers answered three surveys on their points of view with respect to SIM: SIM and their quality of life (QoL) and PDQ-39 and Zarit, whereas clinical experts completed two questions related to the SIM program. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize the results of the surveys and clinical tests. Results. Forty-eight, twenty-four, and twenty-one subjects answered surveys one, two, and three, respectively. In total, four clinical experts were interviewed. 87.9% of the patients consider that SIM activities improved their QoL. The most affected areas in PDQ-39 were those related to the social area. Around 66.6% of the caregivers reported a mild burden on Zarit and think that SIM enhances the PD patient’s QoL. Clinical experts highlighted the sense of community and empathy. Conclusion. Our preliminary experience shows a multidisciplinary model with a community approach which redefines the traditional relationship between patients, caregivers, and clinical experts. This aim of this initiative is that education and empowerment patients and caregivers reach a better perception of QoL

    Automatización de pruebas clínicas para el diagnóstico y monitoreo de la enfermedad de Parkinson

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    Este libro compila los resultados obtenidos por los grupos de investigación i2t y Biomédica de la Universidad Icesi, en asocio con la Fundación Valle del Lili, en sus investigaciones sobre las posibilidades y formas de uso de un dispositivo electrónico de juegos (Kinect™) aplicado como herramienta de captura de movimiento que complemente de manera acertada, oportuna y relevante –y le aporte elementos cuantitativos–, a la evaluación clínica que realizan los profesionales de la salud para diagnosticar la enfermedad de Parkinson o monitorear aspectos propios de evolución. Los investigadores, no solo han probado la utilidad del dispositivo, sino que han desarrollado una serie de herramientas que hacen posible su aprovechamiento. Su trabajo representa un aporte significativo a los sistemas de salud pública de los países en desarrollo, pues pone a su alcance herramientas tecnológicas adecuadas para su uso en la consulta clínica, que son de baja complejidad operativa y no requieren de grandes inversiones