35 research outputs found

    Variations in the prevalence of point (pre)hypertension in a Nigerian school-going adolescent population living in a semi-urban and an urban area

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hypertension has been shown to start in early life and to track into adulthood. Detecting adolescents with hypertension and prehypertension will aid early intervention and reduce morbidity and mortality from the disorders. This study reports the point-prevalence of the two disorders in a semi-urban and an urban population of school-going adolescents in Nigeria.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A total of 843 adolescents from two places of domicile were studied. Their blood pressures and anthropometric indices were measured using standard protocol. Point-hypertension and point-prehypertension were defined with respect to each subject's gender, age and height. The prevalence of the disorders was calculated and reported age-wise and nutritional status-wise.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The prevalence of point-prehypertension in the semi-urban area was 22.2% (20.7% for girls and 23.1% for boys) while it was 25.0% (21.8% for girls and 29.2% for boys) in the urban area. The prevalence of point-hypertension was 4.6% (4.1% for girls and 4.8% for boys) in the semi-urban area and 17.5% (18.0% for girls and 16.9% for boys) in the urban area. Point-prehypertension was not detected among the thin subjects of both places of domicile. The prevalence of point-prehypertension was similar in both the urban and semi-urban areas among the subjects who had normal BMI-for-age, and over-weight/obese subjects respectively. From the semi-urban to the urban area, the prevalence of point-hypertension increased approximately 3-folds among thin and normal BMI-for-age subjects, and 10-folds among overweight/obese subjects. Systolic hypertension was more preponderant in both the semi-urban and urban areas.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The prevalence of both disorders is considerably high in the studied populations. Urgent pediatric public health action is needed to address the situation.</p

    Vaccination Programs for Adults in Europe, 2019

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    Background: While all European countries implement vaccination programs for children, there are gaps in terms of vaccination programs for adults. Methods: We studied the 2019 vaccination policies for adults in 42 European countries. Results: Vaccination programs for adults were in place in all countries. However, there were considerable differences between countries in terms of number of vaccinations, target populations and frame of implementation (recommended or mandatory vaccinations). In particular the following vaccination policies were in place: influenza (42 countries), tetanus (31), diphtheria (30), pneumococcus (29), hepatitis B (20), pertussis (18), measles (14), human papilloma virus (14), meningococcus tetravalent A,C,W,Y (14), rubella (13), hepatitis A (11), mumps (11), poliomyelitis (10), herpes zoster (9), varicella (8), tick-born encephalitis (8), meningococcus B (6), rabies (6), Haemophilus influenzae type b (5), tuberculosis (3), typhoid fever (3), meningococcus C (2), and yellow fever (1). Seventeen countries implement mandatory vaccinations, mainly against diphtheria, tetanus and hepatitis B. Conclusions: There are significant differences in vaccination programs for adults in Europe. Routine vaccination programs for adults need to be strengthened. A consensus-based vaccination program is needed

    Seroepidemiology of hepatitis B in Greek children 6 years after the implementation of universal vaccination

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    The seroepidemiology of hepatitis B in children living in Greece 6 years post-implementation of universal infant immunization (1998) was studied. We collected 90-100 sera/year of age, stratified by geographic region. The prevalence of HbsAg(+) was 0.6% (95% CI 0.3-1.3) whereas 4.5% (95% CI 3.4-5.9%) of children over 12 months of age had evidence of past HBV infection. A significant decline in the prevalence of past infection between children born before and after 1998 (5.5% vs 2.9%; RR = 1.9, 95% CI 1.03-3.5) was noted. Conversely, the prevalence of past HBV infection did not change significantly among immigrant children. Reinforcement of early vaccination of immigrant population is necessary. © 2008 Urban &amp; Vogel

    Inverse association between helicobacter pylori infection and childhood asthma in Greece: A case-control study

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    Introduction Helicobacter pylori infection is a well-established etiological factor for a variety of diseases such as peptic ulcer and gastric cancer. On the other hand, there is ongoing research suggesting that H. pylori might have a beneficial effect through a pivotal influence in the immunological response especially in asthma. The aim of the current case-control study was to evaluate the prevalence of H. pylor infection in asthmatic children. Methods Twenty-seven children with exacerbation of persistent asthma, aged 8.6±4.5 years (18 males, 9 females) and 54 age-sex-matched non-asthmatic controls were enrolled. Clinical examination and laboratory investigations were performed. Detection of H. pylori antigen (HpSA) in stool samples was performed by a commercial kit (bioNexia® kit, BioMérieux). Serum specific IgG antibodies were detected by a rapid chromatographic immunoassay (DIAsourceImmunoAssays). Serum IgE concentration was determined by electrochemiluminescence (ECL) (Roche Elecsys) and IgE levels ≥ 90 IU/mL were considered significantly elevated. Results In 3 (11.1%) of the 27 asthmatic children H. pylori infection (based on both detection of HpSA and specific IgG-Abs) was established, whereas as many as 16 of the 54 (29.6%) non-asthmatic ones were found infected (odds ratio 0.1; 95%CI, 0.039-0.305, p=0.026). Conclusions Our findings reveal an inverse relationship between H. pylori infection and children&apos;s persistent asthma in Greece. © GERMS 2019

    Urinary leukotriene E4 levels in atopic and non-atopic preschool children with recurrent episodic (viral) wheezing: A potential marker?

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    Backround: Reliable biological markers for the differentiation of asthma phenotypes in preschool children with wheezing are lacking. The purpose of the study is to assess the relationship of urinary Leukotriene E4 (U-LTE4) to particular asthma phenotypes in preschool children with recurrent episodic (viral) wheezing following upper respiratory tract infections with or without atopic predisposition. Methods: Ninety-six preschool patients with recurrent episodic wheezing participated, 52 atopic and 44 non-atopic, during exacerbation and in remission. Exacerbation was defined on clinical basis (wheeze in the presence of coryzal symptoms). Atopy was determined by specific serum IgE measurement and skin-prick testing. U-LTE4 was determined by enzyme immunoassay. Thirty-six age-matched, non-asthmatic, non-atopic children served as controls. Results: During exacerbation, U-LTE4 was significantly higher in all children with recurrent episodic wheezing in comparison to A: Remission: 642.20 ± 268 versus 399.45 ± 204, p value &lt;0.001 and B: Controls: 642.20 ± 268 versus 271.39 ± 83, p value &lt;0.001. Atopic patients demonstrated significantly higher levels of U-LTE4 compared to non-atopic, both during exacerbation 872.13 ± 246 versus 613.15 ± 150, p value = 0.0013 and during remission 507.59 ± 182 versus 283.59 ± 160, p value &lt;0.001. During remission, a highly significant difference of U-LTE4 was found when controls were compared to atopic patients: 271.39 ± 83 versus 507.59 ± 182, p value = 0.002 but not when compared to non-atopic ones: 271.39 ± 83 versus 283.59 ± 160, p value = 0.432. Conclusion: U-LTE4 is strongly associated with the acute wheeze episode in preschool children, more so in atopics. Increased basal levels of U-LTE4 occur only in atopics. This suggests a potential role of U-LTE4 as a marker of atopic, virus-induced asthma in preschool children. © 2014 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc