32 research outputs found

    Highre-solution linkage map and chromosome-scale genome assembly for cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) from 10 populations

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    Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is a major staple crop in Africa, Asia, and South America, and its starchy roots provide nourishment for 800 million people worldwide. Although native to South America, cassava was brought to Africa 400–500 years ago and is now widely cultivated across sub-Saharan Africa, but it is subject to biotic and abiotic stresses. To assist in the rapid identification of markers for pathogen resistance and crop traits, and to accelerate breeding programs, we generated a framework map for M. esculenta Crantz from reduced representation sequencing [genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS)]. The composite 2412-cM map integrates 10 biparental maps (comprising 3480 meioses) and organizes 22,403 genetic markers on 18 chromosomes, in agreement with the observed karyotype. We used the map to anchor 71.9% of the draft genome assembly and 90.7% of the predicted protein-coding genes. The chromosome-anchored genome sequence will be useful for breeding improvement by assisting in the rapid identification of markers linked to important traits, and in providing a framework for genomic selectionenhanced breeding of this important crop


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    MAKING OF OXALIC ACID FROM CASSAVA PEEL WITH VARIATION CONCENTRATION OF NITRIC ACID AND TIME OF HYDROLYSIS PROCESS Dessy Ratnasari, 58 Pages, 12 Tables, and 18 Pictures 4 Attachments The purposes of these research are to produce oxalic acid from cassava peel. The material of this research is cassava peel, because cassava peel contains carbohydrate. The method of this research is oxidation carbohydrate with nitric acid. The oxidation process with nitric acid, matters the contain carbohydrate changed to oxalic acid. The oxidation carbohydrate with nitric acid produce oxalic acid that high purity. The research use variation time of reaction are 40 minutes, 60 minutes and 80 minutes, temperature constant control 75oC, the concentration of nitric acid are 40%, 50% and 60%. The best result of this research from 25 gr cassava peel produce 5,58 gr oxalic acid has 31,11 % yield, by using 60% nitric acid, time of reaction 80 minutes. The influence from the concentrations of nitric acid and time of reaction is higher concentration of nitric acid and time of reaction, so the product will be increase. The quality of oxalic acid has melting point 101,5 oC, dissolve in the water (20oC) and density 1,310 gr/ml. Oxalic acid has white colour crystals

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