277 research outputs found
Looking to the Future, Selling the Past: Churchill Weavers Marketing Strategies in the 1950s
This thesis explores the Churchill Weavers stereocards housed at the Kentucky Historical Society and Berea College based on visual analysis. By examining the stereocards as advertisements and comparing them to a series of short films created by the company, I will discuss how the Churchill Weavers created a brand that emphasized both an image of traditional American rural production and modern urban consumption. I will further discuss how the marketing strategies used by the Churchill Weavers exemplify a larger trend in American advertising in the years following World War Two
Factors That Contribute to hIAPP Amyloidosis in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Cases of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) are increasing at an alarming rate due to the rise in obesity, sedentary lifestyles, glucose-rich diets and other factors. Numerous studies have increasingly illustrated the pivotal role that human islet amyloid polypeptide (hIAPP) plays in the pathology of T2DM through damage and subsequent loss of pancreatic β-cell mass. HIAPP can misfold and form amyloid fibrils which are preceded by pre-fibrillar oligomers and monomers, all of which have been linked, to a certain extent, to β-cell cytotoxicity through a range of proposed mechanisms. This review provides an up-to-date summary of recent progress in the field, highlighting factors that contribute to hIAPP misfolding and aggregation such as hIAPP protein concentration, cell stress, molecular chaperones, the immune system response and cross-seeding with other amyloidogenic proteins. Understanding the structure of hIAPP and how these factors affect amyloid formation will help us better understand how hIAPP misfolds and aggregates and, importantly, help identify potential therapeutic targets for inhibiting amyloidosis so alternate and more effective treatments for T2DM can be developed
How Breastfeeding Behavior is Affected by the Breastfeeding Perspectives of Fathers in Georgia (USA)
Background: Father support has recently been associated with increasing breastfeeding rates, but research is limited on how the American father’s perspectives of breastfeeding influence breastfeeding behavior. The aim of the study was to investigate the perspectives of fathers residing in Georgia on breastfeeding and to understand if it contributed to mothers’ decisions to breastfeed.
Methods: We conducted 10 semi-structured, in-depth interviews with parents of ever-breastfeed infants who were at least six months of age.
Results: Mothers often led the decision-making process to breastfeed based on her prepartum knowledge of breastfeeding. Many fathers had no prepartum opinion on breastfeeding, and their lack of opinion was not a determining factor in a mother\u27s decision to initiate and continue exclusive breastfeeding. Fathers generally developed a favorable opinion of breastfeeding due to the perceived benefits their child(ren) received. Data also suggested that reasons for supplementing or transitioning to formula were not associated with the father’s perspective of breastfeeding.
Conclusions: Although the father’s perspective on breastfeeding had minimal impact on the mother’s decision to breastfeed, having the father\u27s support during breastfeeding aided mothers on their breastfeeding journey and with everyday care taking
Blarney in St. Louie: Performing Irishness at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904
The dynamics of power between the privileged and those who must be subordinate to them was glaringly apparent at the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St. Louis. While natives from many countries were displayed in ethnographic villages, the Irish were represented in the Irish Industrial Exposition concession on the Pike. A group of ninety performers came from Ireland to show their skills this concession; among these were a troupe of actors from Dublin. The Dublin troupe was engaged to perform AE’s Deirdre, but left before they had been at the exposition for a month because they felt that the Irish were not being well represented in the Irish Industrial Exposition. The performances given in this exhibit expounded on a view of the Irish that both challenged and conformed to prominent stereotypes of the time. By employing James C. Scott’s Domination and the Arts of Resistance, I reveal the complex and multifaceted power dynamics involved in the performances at the Irish Industrial Exposition
Failure to meet aerobic fitness standards among urban elementary students
The aim of this study was to explore the relationship of aerobic fitness with the elementary school environment and student characteristics among 4th and 5th grade children attending urban public schools in St. Louis, MO, USA. This cross-sectional study was conducted during 2012–2015 and included 2381 children (mean age 10.5 y) who completed the FITNESSGRAM® 20-m Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run. Healthy Fitness Zone (HFZ) was defined according to FITNESSGRAM® aerobic capacity criteria. Other student-level variables included age, race, National School Lunch Program eligibility, BMI z-score, weight status, and daily pedometer steps. School environment variables included playground features and playground safety, physical education and recess practices, and school census tract data on vacant houses and median household income. Bivariate analyses with sex stratification were used to identify student-level and school-level predictors of failure to achieve the aerobic HFZ; predictors were then included in a multivariable logistic regression model. Failure to meet the aerobic HFZ was observed among 33% of boys and 57% of girls. School environment was not predictive, but higher age and fewer daily steps were: each additional year of age was associated with 41% higher odds of failing to meet the aerobic HFZ among boys and 100% higher odds among girls. Conversely, each additional 1000 daily steps was associated with 15% (boys) and 13% (girls) lower odds of failure. Obesity posed a 60% higher risk of failure to meet HFZ among girls. These results highlight the importance of childhood physical activity opportunities, especially for girls residing in low-resource areas. Keywords: Aerobic fitness, School, Environment, Student, Child, Urban, Low-resourc
The role of fenugreek in the management of type 2 diabetes
The number of people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes is on the increase worldwide. Of growing concern, the prevalence of type 2 diabetes in children and youths is increasing rapidly and mirrors the increasing burden of childhood obesity. There are many risk factors associated with the condition; some are due to lifestyle, but many are beyond our control, such as genetics. There is an urgent need to develop better therapeutics for the prevention and management of this complex condition since current medications often cause unwanted side effects, and poorly managed diabetes can result in the onset of related comorbidities. Naturally derived compounds have gained momentum for preventing and managing several complex conditions, including type 2 diabetes. Here, we provide an update on the benefits and limitations of fenugreek and its components as a therapeutic for type 2 diabetes, including its bioavailability and interaction with the microbiome
Linking hIAPP misfolding and aggregation with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a structural perspective
There are over 40 identified human disorders that involve certain proteins folding incorrectly, accumulating in the body causing damage to cells and organs and causing disease. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is one of these protein misfolding disorders and involves human islet amyloid polypeptide misfolding and accumulating in parts of the body, primarily in the pancreas causing damage to islet cells and affecting glucose regulation. In this review, we have summarised our current understanding of what causes hIAPP to misfold, what conformations are found in different parts of the body with a particular focus on what is known about the structure of hIAPP and how this links to Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Understanding the molecular basis behind these misfolding events is essential for understanding the role of hIAPP to develop better therapeutics since type 2 diabetes currently affects over 4.9 million people in the UK alone and is predicted to increase as our population ages
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