24 research outputs found

    The Cytotoxic Norditerpene Dilactones Of Podocarpus Milanjianus And Podocarpus Sellowii

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    The cytotoxic norditerpene dilactones nagilactone F and its new congener nagilactone G have been isolated from the bark constituents of Podocarpus milanjianus and Podocarpus sellowii. The diterpenes totarol, 19-oxototarol and macrophyllic acid were also isolated. © 1979.181016911694Galbraith, Horn, Sasse, Adamson, The structures of podolactones A and B, inhibitors of expansion and division of plant cells (1970) Journal of the Chemical Society D: Chemical Communications, p. 170Galbraith, Horn, Sasse, (1972) Experientia, 28, p. 253Hayashi, Yokoi, Watanabe, Sakan, Masuda, Yamamoto, STRUCTURES OF NAGILACTONE E AND F, AND BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY OF NAGILACTONES AS PLANT GROWTH REGULATOR (1972) Chemistry Letters, p. 759Ito, Kodama, Sunagawa, Koreeda, Nakanishi, Structure of the norditerpene ponalactone A and its glucoside, plant growth inhibitors (1971) Journal of the Chemical Society D: Chemical Communications, p. 855Russell, Fenemore, Singh, (1972) Aust. J. Biol. Sci., 25, p. 1025Russell, Fenemore, Singh, Structure of hallactones A and B, insect toxins from Podocarpus hallii (1973) Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, p. 166Singh, Fenemore, Russell, (1973) Aust. J. Biol. Sci., 26, p. 911Ito, Kodama, Norditerpene Dilactones from Podocarpus Species (1976) HETEROCYCLES, 4, p. 595Kodama, Kabuto, Sunagawa, Ito, (1977) Tetrahedron Letters, p. 2909Hayashi, Yuki, Matsumoto, Sakan, (1977) Tetrahedron Letters, p. 2953Hayashi, Yuki, Matsumoto, Sakan, (1977) Tetrahedron Letters, p. 3637Hayashi, Matsumoto, Yuki, Sakan, (1977) Tetrahedron Letters, p. 4215Kupchan, Baxter, Ziegler, Smith, Bryan, (1975) Experientia, 31, p. 137Hayashi, Sakan, (1975) Gann, 66, p. 587Geran, Greenberg, MacDonald, Schumacher, Abbott, (1972) Cancer Chemother. Rep., 3, p. 1. , Part 3Chow, Erdtman, The Chemistry of the Natural Order Cupressales. 45. The Structure and Configuration of Totarol and Totarolone. (1962) Acta Chemica Scandinavica, 16, p. 1305Nakanishi, Koreeda, Chang, Hsu, (1968) Tetrahedron Letters, p. 1105Cambie, Simpson, Colebrook, (1963) Tetrahedron, 19, p. 209Ito, Kodama, Sunagawa, Takahashi, Imamura, Honda, (1965) Tetrahedron Letters, p. 2065Sanchez, Brown, Jr., Nishida, Durham, Duffield, (1970) An. Acad. Bras. Cienc., 42, p. 77. , (Suppl.)Taylor, (1963) J. Chem. Soc., p. 6050Aplin, Cambie, Rutledge, (1963) Phytochemistry, 2, p. 205Kingston, Gerhart, (1976) J. Chromatogr., 116, p. 182Enzell, Ryhage, (1966) Ark. Kemi, 26, p. 42

    NEXT Ion Propulsion System Production Readiness

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