12 research outputs found

    Responses to COVID-19 social and economic impacts: A comparative analysis in Southern european countries

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    The COVID-19 pandemic globally affected European societies. This new crisis arrived after a period of gradual recovery from the 2008 financial crisis that had jeopardized the achievement of Europe Strategy 2020 (ES2020) targets. The need to recover for the Southern European countries, which had austerity programs during the financial crisis, is crucial to ensure a continuum of economic and social development. This study aims to analyze the impact of the two last international crises on the accomplishment of ES2020 goals and how the ‘NextGenerationEU’ program presents a mechanism to recover from the pandemic’s socioeconomic impacts. We analyzed secondary statistical data from Eurostat and official European documents. Additionally, we carried out a systematic analysis of 162 measures of the recovery and resilience plan from Southern European countries (Greece, Spain, Italy, and Portugal). The results showed that ES2020 targets were at risk, particularly in the field of employment, combating poverty, and social exclusion. Currently, there is strong European investment in response to the socioeconomic impacts of the pandemic, with all countries defining measures adjusted to protect the most vulnerable groups. However, the implications of these responses require a political commitment for them to effectively contribute to sustainable recovery and development.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Social and ecological sustainability in social work training

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    Social ecology appears as overcoming the functional inconsistencies of the current development model, introducing a new perspective of eco-systemic balance among species and between humans and nature, as well as society systems. This is a theme directly related to Social Work that seeks to ensure social well-being, intervening in multiple dimensions of human, social and sustainable development. This presentation aims to analyse the perception of social work master students about social ecology and the importance of social and ecological sustainability on social work training. We followed a collaborative learning methodology with a group of Erasmus Social Work master's students from various Universities (Portugal, Finland, Slovakia, Spain and Lithuania). Based on a questionnaire given to each student before the group discussion, we assessed the participants' knowledge on this topic. From here we proceeded to a debate activity that allowed systematizing contributions to Social Work, as well as discussing the importance of promoting more sustainable societies and practices. The results showed that many students had limited knowledge about ecological and social sustainability, recognizing that this was a relevant topic for Social Work training. Among the aspects that the group highlighted as essential in the training were: the importance of promoting a more inclusive planet, combating social inequalities and to ensure environment as fundamental right; and the importance of promoting sustainable actions that preserve the environment and respond to climate changes. Additionally, the participants considered that social and ecological sustainability should be part of the Social Work training programme, considering present and future social intervention.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Lo digital en la intervención con familias: un caso práctico

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    This article discusses the responses developed in Portugal during the state of emergency by a family empowerment and intervention team and how this team actively integrated contingency plans and challenges through information and communication technology (ICT). We also explain what was learned during this period and what could have been done better. The family empowerment intervention teams of this organization are specialized multidisciplinary teams that act from a perspective to teach parenting skills to families to ensure that the rights of their children and adolescents are guaranteed. These teams’ interventions normally take place in the home environment. However, the state of emergency meant that this procedure had to be adapted by incorporating digital practices, while home visits and consultations were carried out only in emergencies and other duly justified situations. The result of this experience was extremely positive in terms of the relationships established with the families and couples, the skills developed, and the resilience shown by all.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Preparing students to apply transversal skills a case study in higher education – 2nd phase

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    A diverse vocational offer, with a stronger emphasis on key competences, including transversal ones, can provide much needed routes for individuals to improve their qualifications and thus access the labour market. One of the main purposes of the current education and learning efforts is to equip students with competences that are transferable across contexts and that lie beyond approaches to content or areas of knowledge. This study goes through two phases, the first one already published, aimed to devise a profile of transversal skills of the education professional, able to guide the training work in the higher education institutions, support the tasks of evaluation and certification of the said competences and promote the personal and professional development of 1st cycle students A focus group was guide structured based on the objective of this exploratory study (Teaching, learning and evaluation strategies that differentiate the teacher of transversal competences), had five questions and was applied to the traversal skills teachers. The Profile was developed around the following key values and areas of competence: Valuing diversity - difference is considered a resource and a value for education; Working with others - collaboration and teamwork are essential methodologies for all teachers; Professional and personal development - teaching is a learning activity and teachers are responsible for a lifelong learning and Participation - means that all students are involved in learning activities that are meaningful to them. Access to higher education alone is not enough. In this second phase, based on the results previously found, we try to know the perception that the students of transversal competences courses have about this question. To do this, and based on the variables previously identified, we inquired a sample of students, to compare the results obtained with those of the 1st phase and also add to the results of the 1st phase perception about this issue. This study improves the identification and characterization of the requirements to teach transversal competences, and contributes to improve the processes of teacher selection and training.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Transversal competencies for employability: From higher education to the labour market

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    Aligning learning goals with the needs of the labour market is a difficult task for universities, especially in the present day. Although organisations seek professionals with flexible and varied skills, universities often underestimate the importance of cross-curricular skills. Thus, this article aims to identify the perception of recent graduates as to the importance of the transversal skills that they acquired and developed at university and the ways in which they are now applied in the work environment. In this exploratory study, we sent a questionnaire to recent graduates that allowed us to analyse the development and applicability of these competencies in organisations. The results are further discussed within the broader framework of how universities adapt to the strong socio-economic challenges that characterise current times and the integration of recent graduates into the labour market.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The intervention of multidisciplinary teams for the integration and social protection of socially vulnerable immigrant children and youth

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar um estudo de natureza exploratória sobre a intervenção de equipas multidisciplinares com crianças e jovens imigrantes em risco. Os projetos e programas nesta temática têm se traduzido em ações e resultados que visam a melhoria da integração e a inclusão social de crianças e jovens imigrantes em territórios socialmente vulneráveis. O estudo elaborado centrou-se numa abordagem qualitativa através da realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas a profissionais inseridos em equipas multidisciplinares na área das migrações, infância e juventude, procedendo-se a análise de conteúdo categorial para o tratamento de dados. Os resultados permitiram identificar estratégias e métodos de intervenção com impacto positivo na integração social suportados por metodologias colaborativas e participativas, mas também referenciar limitações para as quais é urgente valorizar o papel central das crianças e jovens.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Looking at b-learning and online experience in higher education during COVID-19

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    COVID-19 caused changes in teaching practices at various levels of education, namely in higher education. This study aims to present an analysis of an experience with higher education students in a b-learning pedagogical model, before and during the current pandemic and in different moments of the confinement measures. The curricular unit analyzed started with a blended-learning approach since 2018, considering the importance of innovative pedagogical models in student learning and became an essential resource during the pandemic period. This case study was composed of a sample of 269 students from a Portuguese public University who attended the curricular unit Methods and Study Techniques, as optional, in their 1st year of degree, between February 2018 and March 2021.The data were processed using SPSS v.27, seeking to analyze different moments, according to the different confinement measures decreed by the Portuguese Government. Participants are aged between 17 and 64 years old, 62.5% female and 24.5% worker-students. It was found that regardless of the context of confinement, students showed positive satisfaction with the online course, with its contents, with the platform and with the b-learning pedagogical method, especially during total confinement when classes were in distance learning. The most valued aspects in this modality were the flexibility of teaching the curricular unit and time management. The acquired tools were highly valued by the students, first for the adaptability that gave them, but mainly to face the distance learning challenge in their 1st year of degree, giving them planning and organizing skills for autonomous work. Most students did not point out a disadvantage in this modality, although they expressed the importance of face-to-face classes that were suspended in the context of a pandemic.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Racial and ethnic discrimination in Portugal in times of pandemic crisis

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    During the last two years, the pandemic has dominated the public attention and debate around the world, centering on socio-economic aspects and having camouflaged other social, cultural and even environmental issues. This study sought to analyze ethno-racial discrimination processes, identifying significant events in Portugal during the period of the current global crisis. We utilized document analysis of national and international reports produced in the last five years, complementing with secondary statistical data and the analysis of online news and users’ comments published in national media during the last two years. The results show that, although there has been a development in Portuguese legislation and in anti-discrimination measures, there has been an increase in racist and xenophobic phenomena in Portugal. Citizens’ perceptions, indicators and reports from official bodies show evidence of discriminatory behavior. Additionally, within this framework, we see a greater political presence of extreme right-wing movements, as well as an increase in hate speech in online news comments. Thus, although there is an awareness of the seriousness of these phenomena, there is an urgent need for actions against racial and ethnic intolerance and greater effective measures for ideological crimes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The importance of transversal skills in higher education curricula for today's labor market

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    In the process of teaching and training, aligning learning goals with the needs of the labor market is a difficult task for universities. It is necessary to promote and develop generic skills that provide competitive advantages for students entering the job market. Although organizations seek professionals with flexible and varied skills, universities often underestimate the importance of cross-curricular skills. In addition, it is intended that the university promote in the students' personal development through their academic, personal, social and professional adjustment. Organizations today tend to approach work globally and organically and it is increasingly important that any activity be framed in a global understanding of work processes and backed by up-to-date and specialized knowledge. These skills are a prerequisite for adapting to change and by promoting lifelong learning. In the transition from the university to the job market, in addition to technical and professional skills, it is essential to have personal and social skills such as communication, organization and time management, teamwork and conflict management, essential in this highly competitive context. Thus, this article aims to identify the perception of recent graduates as to the importance of the transversal competences acquired and developed in the academic environment and what and how they are applied in the organizational environment. Answering the following question: How do students perceive competency training as a driver of competitive advantages for the challenges of the labor market world? Specifically, it aims to analyse the impact of the training in transversal competences that occurred during the 1st cycle of higher studies on the promotion of competences in the work environment. The answers to a questionnaire to identify the perception of recent graduates on this issue allowed us to analyse the development and applicability of these competences in the organizations. This analysis underlines the importance of transversal skills in the integration of young people into the labor market, and also highlights the importance of higher education's contribution to their acquisition and development. The results are further discussed in the broader framework of how universities adapt to the strong socio-economic changes that characterize current times.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Aprendizagem e competências transversais: um estudo de caso

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    Com a implementação do Processo de Bolonha no ensino superior as competências são o eixo central do processo de ensino/aprendizagem, quer na dimensão técnico profissional, quer na perspectiva da transversalidade. Apesar de o conceito de competência transversal não gerar consenso, um dos principais propósitos da actual educação e dos esforços de aprendizagem é dotar os/as estudantes de competências que sejam transferíveis entre contextos e que se encontram para além das abordagens por conteúdos ou áreas do saber. O propósito da investigação que se encontra em curso é o de conceber um perfil de competências transversais do/a profissional de educação, capaz de orientar o trabalho formativo nas instituições de ensino superior, apoiar as tarefas de avaliação e certificação das referidas competências e promover o desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional dos estudantes de 1º ciclo, onde será analisado como estudo de caso a implementação do laboratório de competências transversais no ISCTE, comparando indicadores de desempenho e formas de adesão à transferência de competências por parte dos estudantes. Exercer este papel só é possível, se o professor for um profissional reflexivo, agente da sua própria formação e estimulador da formação do estudante, mediando a construção do conhecimento com actividades lúdicas, reflexivas, desafiadoras e criativas, possibilitando aos estudantes, tornarem-se sujeitos participantes, autónomos e críticos.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio