63 research outputs found

    Adhesive F-actin Waves: A Novel Integrin-Mediated Adhesion Complex Coupled to Ventral Actin Polymerization

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    At the leading lamellipodium of migrating cells, protrusion of an Arp2/3-nucleated actin network is coupled to formation of integrin-based adhesions, suggesting that Arp2/3-mediated actin polymerization and integrin-dependent adhesion may be mechanistically linked. Arp2/3 also mediates actin polymerization in structures distinct from the lamellipodium, in “ventral F-actin waves” that propagate as spots and wavefronts along the ventral plasma membrane. Here we show that integrins engage the extracellular matrix downstream of ventral F-actin waves in several mammalian cell lines as well as in primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts. These “adhesive F-actin waves” require a cycle of integrin engagement and disengagement to the extracellular matrix for their formation and propagation, and exhibit morphometry and a hierarchical assembly and disassembly mechanism distinct from other integrin-containing structures. After Arp2/3-mediated actin polymerization, zyxin and VASP are co-recruited to adhesive F-actin waves, followed by paxillin and vinculin, and finally talin and integrin. Adhesive F-actin waves thus represent a previously uncharacterized integrin-based adhesion complex associated with Arp2/3-mediated actin polymerization

    Adhesive F-actin Waves: A Novel Integrin-Mediated Adhesion Complex Coupled to Ventral Actin Polymerization

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    At the leading lamellipodium of migrating cells, protrusion of an Arp2/3-nucleated actin network is coupled to formation of integrin-based adhesions, suggesting that Arp2/3-mediated actin polymerization and integrin-dependent adhesion may be mechanistically linked. Arp2/3 also mediates actin polymerization in structures distinct from the lamellipodium, in “ventral F-actin waves” that propagate as spots and wavefronts along the ventral plasma membrane. Here we show that integrins engage the extracellular matrix downstream of ventral F-actin waves in several mammalian cell lines as well as in primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts. These “adhesive F-actin waves” require a cycle of integrin engagement and disengagement to the extracellular matrix for their formation and propagation, and exhibit morphometry and a hierarchical assembly and disassembly mechanism distinct from other integrin-containing structures. After Arp2/3-mediated actin polymerization, zyxin and VASP are co-recruited to adhesive F-actin waves, followed by paxillin and vinculin, and finally talin and integrin. Adhesive F-actin waves thus represent a previously uncharacterized integrin-based adhesion complex associated with Arp2/3-mediated actin polymerization

    A Structural Model for Vinculin Insertion into PIP 2 -Containing Membranes and the Effect of Insertion on Vinculin Activation and Localization

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    Vinculin, a scaffolding protein that localizes to focal adhesions (FAs) and adherens junctions, links the actin cytoskeleton to the adhesive super-structure. While vinculin binds to a number of cytoskeletal proteins, it can also associate with phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) to drive membrane association. To generate a structural model for PIP2-dependent interaction of vinculin with the lipid bilayer, we conducted lipid-association, nuclear magnetic resonance, and computational modeling experiments. We find that two basic patches on the vinculin tail drive membrane association: the basic collar specifically recognizes PIP2, while the basic ladder drives association with the lipid bilayer. Vinculin mutants with defects in PIP2-dependent liposome association were then expressed in vinculin knockout murine embryonic fibroblasts. Results from these analyses indicate that PIP2 binding is not required for localization of vinculin to FAs or FA strengthening, but is required for vinculin activation and turnover at FAs to promote its association with the force transduction FA nanodomain

    Molecular mechanism of vinculin activation and nanoscale spatial organization in focal adhesions

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    Focal adhesions (FAs) link the extracellular matrix (ECM) to the actin cytoskeleton to mediate cell adhesion, migration, mechanosensing and signaling. FAs have conserved nanoscale protein organization, suggesting that the position of proteins within FAs regulates their activity and function. Vinculin binds different FA proteins to mediate distinct cellular functions, but how vinculin’s interactions are spatiotemporally organized within FA is unknown. Using interferometric photo-activation localization (iPALM) super-resolution microscopy to assay vinculin nanoscale localization and a FRET biosensor to assay vinculin conformation, we found that upward repositioning within the FA during FA maturation facilitates vinculin activation and mechanical reinforcement of FA. Inactive vinculin localizes to the lower integrin signaling layer in FA by binding to phospho-paxillin. Talin binding activates vinculin and targets active vinculin higher in FA where vinculin can engage retrograde actin flow. Thus, specific protein interactions are spatially segregated within FA at the nano-scale to regulate vinculin activation and function

    Human Myo19 Is a Novel Myosin that Associates with Mitochondria

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    Mitochondria are pleomorphic organelles [1, 2] that have central roles in cell physiology. Defects in their localization and dynamics lead to human disease [3-5]. Myosins are actin-based motors that power processes such as muscle contraction, cytokinesis, and organelle transport [6]. Here we report the initial characterization of myosin-XIX (Myo19), the founding member of a novel class of myosin that associates with mitochondria. The 970aa heavy chain consists of a motor domain, three IQ motifs, and a short tail. Myo19 mRNA is expressed in multiple tissues and antibodies to human Myo19 detect a ∌109kD band in multiple cell lines. Both endogenous Myo19 and GFP-Myo19 exhibit striking localization to mitochondria. Deletion analysis reveals that the Myo19 tail is necessary and sufficient for mitochondrial localization. Expressing full-length GFP-Myo19 in A549 cells reveals a remarkable gain-of-function where the majority of the mitochondria move continuously. Moving mitochondria travel for many microns with an obvious leading end and distorted shape. The motility and shape-change are sensitive to latrunculin B, indicating that both are actin-dependent. Expressing the GFP-Myo19 tail in CAD cells resulted in decreased mitochondrial run lengths in neurites. These results suggest that this novel myosin functions as an actin-based motor for mitochondrial movement in vertebrate cells

    AKT1 polymorphisms are associated with risk for metabolic syndrome

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    Converging lines of evidence suggest that AKT1 is a major mediator of the responses to insulin, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1), and glucose. AKT1 also plays a key role in the regulation of both muscle cell hypertrophy and atrophy. We hypothesized that AKT1 variants may play a role in the endophenotypes that make up metabolic syndrome. We studied a 12-kb region including the first exon of the AKT1 gene for association with metabolic syndrome-related phenotypes in four study populations [FAMUSS cohort (n = 574; age 23.7 ± 5.7 years), Strong Heart Study (SHS) (n = 2,134; age 55.5 ± 7.9 years), Dynamics of Health, Aging and Body Composition (Health ABC) (n = 3,075; age 73.6 ± 2.9 years), and Studies of a Targeted Risk Reduction Intervention through Defined Exercise (STRRIDE) (n = 175; age 40–65 years)]. We identified a three SNP haplotype that we call H1, which represents the ancestral alleles at the three loci and H2, which represents the derived alleles at the three loci. In young adult European Americans (FAMUSS), H1 was associated with higher fasting glucose levels in females. In middle age Native Americans (SHS), H1 carriers showed higher fasting insulin and HOMA in males, and higher BMI in females. In older African-American and European American subjects (Health ABC) H1 carriers showed a higher incidence of metabolic syndrome. Homozygotes for the H1 haplotype showed about twice the risk of metabolic syndrome in both males and females (p < 0.001). In middle-aged European Americans with insulin resistance (STRRIDE) studied by intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT), H1 carriers showed increased insulin resistance due to the Sg component (p = 0.021). The 12-kb haplotype is a risk factor for metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance that needs to be explored in further populations

    Exercise and bone health across the lifespan

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    With ageing, bone tissue undergoes significant compositional, architectural and metabolic alterations potentially leading to osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is the most prevalent bone disorder, which is characterised by progressive bone weakening and an increased risk of fragility fractures. Although this metabolic disease is conventionally associated with ageing and menopause, the predisposing factors are thought to be established during childhood and adolescence. In light of this, exercise interventions implemented during maturation are likely to be highly beneficial as part of a long-term strategy to maximise peak bone mass and hence delay the onset of age- or menopause-related osteoporosis. This notion is supported by data on exercise interventions implemented during childhood and adolescence, which confirmed that weight-bearing activity, particularly if undertaken during peripubertal development, is capable of generating a significant osteogenic response leading to bone anabolism. Recent work on human ageing and epigenetics suggests that undertaking exercise after the fourth decade of life is still important, given the anti-ageing effect and health benefits provided, potentially occurring via a delay in telomere shortening and modification of DNA methylation patterns associated with ageing. Exercise is among the primary modifiable factors capable of influencing bone health by preserving bone mass and strength, preventing the death of bone cells and anti-ageing action provided

    Reconstitution of Phase-Separated Signaling Clusters and Actin Polymerization on Supported Lipid Bilayers

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    Liquid–liquid phase separation driven by weak interactions between multivalent molecules contributes to the cellular organization by promoting the formation of biomolecular condensates. At membranes, phase separation can promote the assembly of transmembrane proteins with their cytoplasmic binding partners into micron-sized membrane-associated condensates. For example, phase separation promotes clustering of nephrin, a transmembrane adhesion molecule, resulting in increased Arp2/3 complex-dependent actin polymerization. In vitro reconstitution is a powerful approach to understand phase separation in biological systems. With a bottom-up approach, we can determine the molecules necessary and sufficient for phase separation, map the phase diagram by quantifying de-mixing over a range of molecular concentrations, assess the material properties of the condensed phase using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), and even determine how phase separation impacts downstream biochemical activity. Here, we describe a detailed protocol to reconstitute nephrin clusters on supported lipid bilayers with purified recombinant protein. We also describe how to measure Arp2/3 complex-dependent actin polymerization on bilayers using fluorescence microscopy. These different protocols can be performed independently or combined as needed. These general techniques can be applied to reconstitute and study phase-separated signaling clusters of many different receptors or to generally understand how actin polymerization is regulated at membranes.</jats:p
