179 research outputs found

    Seismic capacity estimation of a masonry bell-tower with verticality imperfection detected by a drone-assisted survey

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    Masonry towers are considered an important part of cultural heritage due to their architectural and historical value. From a structural perspective these kind of buildings are considered slender elements, the same as a cantilever beam. In real cases it is not easy to model with high accuracy these heritage constructions, since the geometry and mechanical properties of the constituent materials are not adequately known. On the other hand, a deep knowledge of the structural and seismic vulnerability of the masonry towers is needed in order to preserve and retrofit, when necessary, their architectural and cultural value. In the present research an exhaustive study is presented, as it regards the assessment of the seismic vulnerability of a heritage masonry bell-tower, built in the 14th century. An innovative protocol of structural survey followed, and it is proposed herein. The geometry of the tower was easily obtained by digital photogrammetry assisted by a drone. The geometrical model was easily converted into a digitalized input, that was introduced into a finite element method (FEM)-based code. The 3D model was used for linear static, linear dynamic and nonlinear static (pushover) structural analyses. The vulnerability of the masonry tower was assessed and at least one kinematic was found to be not verified

    Energy and seismic drawbacks of masonry: a unified retrofitting solution

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    All over the world, a large part of existing buildings is not adequate to satisfy the safety requirement and the thermal comfort criteria. For this reason, the interest in structural and energy retroftting systems has steadily grown in the last decades. In this scenario, an innovative thermal resistant geopolymer mortar has been developed and used for Inorganic Matrix Composite (IMC) systems aimed to a combined seismic and energy new retroftting technique. The geopolymer-based IMC is able to ensure competitive mechanical properties with respect to the traditional lime-based IMCs and, at the same time, a signifcant reduction in thermal conductivity. In this paper, an experimental program is reported considering small-scaled masonry panels with double-side IMC-retroftting and determining both the in-plane shear strength and the thermal resistance. The experimental shear tests are aimed to compare the mechanical performance of the geopolymer innovative systems with those of the traditional lime-based ones. Moreover, the thermal resistance gain of the innovative solutions was measured and compared with traditional systems. The results evidenced the efectiveness of the proposed technique that signifcantly improved the performances of masonry walls from both the thermal and the mechanical point of view

    Seismic strengthening of a theatre masonry building by using active FRP wires

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    Masonry buildings of the architectural heritage were often built with poor materials and according to irregular structural schemes. This occurrence is critical when forces due to earthquakes should be taken into account for the assessment of structural vulnerability. It is well known that seismic forces are able to activate failure mechanisms that constitute typical collapse schemes of masonry buildings during earthquakes, when masonry elements are not adequately connected. In the last years new materials were employed as strengthening systems for structural purposes, and composite materials are those that have found a large field of application in this context. A new technique for seismic strengthening is presented in the paper, with reference to a real application. The application will be presented with reference to a historical masonry building used as public theatre, in which four pre-tensioned Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) wires were designed and applied as external strengthening ties. The paper illustrates a study of seismic vulnerability for a large building used as theatre, through linear and non linear kinematic analyses. The results of the analyses allowed to understand the possible failure mechanisms that needed to be inhibited. The use of FRP pre-tensioned wires, 40 meters long, shows itself to be an effective structural solution in terms of costs and speed of application in order to reduce the seismic vulnerability. The results of the analyses will be illustrated and discussed in the paper, also with reference to the experimental tests that were necessary for the characterization of the material properties. The results will show how the presence of the FRP system is able to prevent possible collapses of the slender walls that are present in the building. The differences between the results of linear and non linear analyses will also be shown and discusse

    Is the Non-Coding RNA miR-195 a Biodynamic Marker in the Pathogenesis of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma? A Prognostic Meta-Analysis

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    Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) represents a heterogeneous group of neoplasms whose histological derivation comes from the mucous membranes lining the epithelium: the oral cavity, the larynx, the hypopharynx, the nasopharynx, and the oropharynx. The etiopathogenetic mechanisms involving tumor genesis including the alteration of cell proliferation, apoptosis, invasion, migration, and death may involve alterations in the expression of microRNA (miR). To date there have been no systematic reviews with meta-analysis conducted specifically on the role of miR-195 in HNSCC; therefore, our hypothesis was to evaluate if the aberrant expression of miR-195 in HNSCC tissues may represent a prognostic biomarker of survival through the hazard ratio (HR) and relative risk (RR) analysis. The systematic review was designed according to the PRISMA indications; in total, three electronic databases were consulted (PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane Central Trial) including Google Scholar and the gray literature, and a combination of keywords was used such as miR-195 AND HNSCC, microRNA AND HNSCC and miR-195. The meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis were performed using RevMan 5.41 software and TSA software (Cochrane Collaboration, Copenhagen, Denmark). This search identified 1592 articles and, at the end of the selection process, three articles were included. The results of the meta-analysis reported an aggregated risk ratio for overall survival (OS) between the expression of miR-195 at the highest and lowest of 0.36 and 6, respectively, 95% CI: [0.25, 0.51]. Heterogeneity was evaluated through Chi2 = 0.05 df = 2 (p = 0.98) and the Higgins index I2 = 0%. The test for the overall effect was Z = 5.77 (p < 0.00001). The forest plot was in favor of higher OS in patients with high miR-195 expression

    Neuroendocrine neoplasms of the breast: diagnostic agreement and impact on outcome

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    The classification of breast neuroendocrine neoplasms (Br-NENs) was modified many times over the years and is still a matter of discussion. In the present study, we aimed to evaluate the diagnostic reproducibility and impact on patient outcomes of the most recent WHO 2019 edition of breast tumor classification, namely, for neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) and neuroendocrine carcinomas (NECs). This multicentric observational study included 287 breast neoplasms with NE differentiation. The cases were blindly classified by three independent groups of dedicated breast and/or endocrine pathologists following the 2019 guidelines. Diagnostic concordance and clinical impact were assessed. We observed only a moderate overall diagnostic agreement across the three centers (Cohen’s kappa 0.4532) in distinguishing NET from solid papillary carcinomas (SPCs) and no special type carcinomas (NST) with NE differentiation. Br-NENs were diagnosed in 122/287 (42.5%) cases, subclassified as 11 NET G1 (3.8%), 84 NET G2 (29.3%), and 27 NEC (9.4%), the latter group consisting of 26 large-cell and 1 small-cell NECs. The remaining 165/287 (57.5%) cases were labeled as non-NEN, including SPC, mucinous, NST, and mixed NE carcinomas. While NET and non-NEN cases had a comparable outcome, the diagnosis of NECs showed negative impact on disease-free interval compared to NETs and non-NENs (p = 0.0109). In conclusion, the current diagnostic classification of Br-NENs needs further adjustments regarding morphological and immunohistochemical criteria to increase the diagnostic reproducibility among pathologists. Our data suggest that, apart from high-grade small- and large-cell NECs, Br-NENs behave like non-NEN breast carcinomas and should be managed similarly

    The experience of admission to psychiatric hospital among Chinese adult patients in Hong Kong

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The paper reports on a study to evaluate the psychometric properties and cultural appropriateness of the Chinese translation of the Admission Experience Survey (AES).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The AES was translated into Chinese and back-translated. Content validity was established by focus groups and expert panel review. The Chinese version of the Admission Experience Survey (C-AES) was administered to 135 consecutively recruited adult psychiatric patients in the Castle Peak Hospital (Hong Kong SAR, China) within 48 hours of admission. Construct validity was assessed by comparing the scores from patients admitted voluntarily versus patients committed involuntarily, and those received physical or chemical restraint versus those who did not. The relationship between admission experience and psychopathology was examined by correlating C-AES scores with the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) scores.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Spearman's item-to-total correlations of the C-AES ranged from 0.50 to 0.74. Three factors from the C-AES were extracted using factor analysis. Item 12 was omitted because of poor internal consistency and factor loading. The factor structure of the Process Exclusion Scale (C-PES) corresponded to the English version, while some discrepancies were noted in the Perceived Coercion Scale (C-PCS) and the Negative Pressure Scale (C-NPS). All subscales had good internal consistencies. Scores were significantly higher for patients either committed involuntarily or subjected to chemical or physical restrain, independent on severity of psychotic symptoms.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The Chinese AES is a psychometrically sound instrument assessing the three different aspects of the experience of admission, namely "negative pressure, "process exclusion" and "perceived coercion". The potential of C-AES in exploring subjective experience of psychiatric admission and effects on treatment adherence should be further explored.</p

    Changes in Treatment Content of Services During Trauma-informed Integrated Services for Women with Co-occurring Disorders

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    The experience of trauma is highly prevalent in the lives of women with mental health and substance abuse problems. We examined how an intervention targeted to provide trauma-informed integrated services in the treatment of co-occurring disorders has changed the content of services reported by clients. We found that the intervention led to an increased provision of integrated services as well as services addressing each content area: trauma, mental health and substance abuse. There was no increase in service quantity from the intervention. Incorporation of trauma-specific element in the treatment of mental health and substance abuse may have been successfully implemented at the service level thereby better serve women with complex behavioral health histories

    Psychiatric diagnoses, trauma, and suicidiality

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    BACKGROUND: This study aimed to examine the associations between psychiatric diagnoses, trauma and suicidiality in psychiatric patients at intake. METHODS: During two months, all consecutive patients (n = 139) in a psychiatric hospital in Western Norway were interviewed (response rate 72%). RESULTS: Ninety-one percent had been exposed to at least one trauma; 69 percent had been repeatedly exposed to trauma for longer periods of time. Only 7% acquired a PTSD diagnosis. The comorbidity of PTSD and other psychiatric diagnoses were 78%. A number of diagnoses were associated with specific traumas. Sixty-seven percent of the patients reported suicidal thoughts in the month prior to intake; thirty-one percent had attempted suicide in the preceding week. Suicidal ideation, self-harming behaviour, and suicide attempts were associated with specific traumas. CONCLUSION: Traumatised patients appear to be under- or misdiagnosed which could have an impact on the efficiency of treatment

    Substance abuse and intimate partner violence: treatment considerations

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    Given the increased use of marital- and family-based treatments as part of treatment for alcoholism and other drug disorders, providers are increasingly faced with the challenge of addressing intimate partner violence among their patients and their intimate partners. Yet, effective options for clinicians who confront this issue are extremely limited. While the typical response of providers is to refer these cases to some form of batterers' treatment, three fundamental concerns make this strategy problematic: (1) most of the agencies that provide batterers' treatment only accept individuals who are legally mandated to complete their programs; (2) among programs that do accept nonmandated patients, most substance-abusing patients do not accept such referrals or drop out early in the treatment process; and (3) available evidence suggests these programs may not be effective in reducing intimate partner violence. Given these very significant concerns with the current referral approach, coupled with the high incidence of IPV among individuals entering substance abuse treatment, providers need to develop strategies for addressing IPV that can be incorporated and integrated into their base intervention packages