We give necessary and sufficient conditions in order that inequalities of the
type ∥TK​f∥Lq(dμ)​≤C∥f∥Lp(dσ)​,f∈Lp(dσ), hold for a class of integral operators TK​f(x)=∫Rn​K(x,y)f(y)dσ(y) with nonnegative kernels, and measures dμ and
dσ on Rn, in the case where p>q>0 and p>1.
An important model is provided by the dyadic integral operator with kernel
KD​(x,y)∑Q∈D​K(Q)χQ​(x)χQ​(y), where
D={Q} is the family of all dyadic cubes in Rn, and K(Q) are
arbitrary nonnegative constants associated with Q∈D.
The corresponding continuous versions are deduced from their dyadic
counterparts. In particular, we show that, for the convolution operator Tk​f=k⋆f with positive radially decreasing kernel k(∣x−y∣), the trace
inequality ∥Tk​f∥Lq(dμ)​≤C∥f∥Lp(dx)​,f∈Lp(dx), holds if and only if Wk​[μ]∈Ls(dμ), where
s=p−qq(p−1)​. Here Wk​[μ] is a nonlinear Wolff
potential defined by Wk​[μ](x)=∫0+∞​k(r)kˉ(r)p−11​μ(B(x,r))p−11​rn−1dr, and
kˉ(r)=rn1​∫0r​k(t)tn−1dt. Analogous inequalities for
1≤q<p were characterized earlier by the authors using a different method
which is not applicable when q<1
In this work we characterize the boundedness, compactness and membership in the Schatten class of small Hankel operators on generalized weighted Fock spaces Fαp,ℓ​(ω) associated to an Apℓ​ weight ω, for 10
In this paper we show that if b∈L2(Rn), then the bilinear form defined on the product of the non-homogeneous Sobolev spaces Hs2​(Rn)×Hs2​(Rn), 0<s<1 by (f,g)∈Hs2​(Rn)×Hs2​(Rn)→∫Rn​(Id−Δ)s/2(fg)(x)b(x)dx, is continuous if and only if the positive measure ∣b(x)∣2dx is a trace measure for Hs2​(Rn)
In this paper we characterize the boundedness on the product of Sobolev spaces Hs(T)×Hs(T) on the unit circle T, of the bilinear form Λb​ with symbol b∈Hs(T) given by \Lambda_b(\varphi, \psi):=\int_{\mathbb{T}}\left((-\Delta)^s+I\right)(\varphi \psi)(\eta) b(\eta) d \sigma(\eta)$