2,221 research outputs found

    The triangle map: a model of quantum chaos

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    We study an area preserving parabolic map which emerges from the Poincar\' e map of a billiard particle inside an elongated triangle. We provide numerical evidence that the motion is ergodic and mixing. Moreover, when considered on the cylinder, the motion appear to follow a gaussian diffusive process.Comment: 4 pages in RevTeX with 4 figures (in 6 eps-files

    Measurement and Information Extraction in Complex Dynamics Quantum Computation

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    We address the problem related to the extraction of the information in the simulation of complex dynamics quantum computation. Here we present an example where important information can be extracted efficiently by means of quantum simulations. We show how to extract efficiently the localization length, the mean square deviation and the system characteristic frequency. We show how this methods work on a dynamical model, the Sawtooth Map, that is characterized by very different dynamical regimes: from near integrable to fully developed chaos; it also exhibits quantum dynamical localization.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, Proceeding of "First International Workshop DICE2002 - Piombino (Tuscany), (2002)

    Quantum Ergodicity and Localization in Conservative Systems: the Wigner Band Random Matrix Model

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    First theoretical and numerical results on the global structure of the energy shell, the Green function spectra and the eigenfunctions, both localized and ergodic, in a generic conservative quantum system are presented. In case of quantum localization the eigenfunctions are shown to be typically narrow and solid, with centers randomly scattered within the semicircle energy shell while the Green function spectral density (local spectral density of states) is extended over the whole shell, but sparse.Comment: 4 pages in RevTex and 4 Postscript figures; presented to Phys. Lett.

    Quantum chaos and the double-slit experiment

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    We report on the numerical simulation of the double-slit experiment, where the initial wave-packet is bounded inside a billiard domain with perfectly reflecting walls. If the shape of the billiard is such that the classical ray dynamics is regular, we obtain interference fringes whose visibility can be controlled by changing the parameters of the initial state. However, if we modify the shape of the billiard thus rendering classical (ray) dynamics fully chaotic, the interference fringes disappear and the intensity on the screen becomes the (classical) sum of intensities for the two corresponding one-slit experiments. Thus we show a clear and fundamental example in which transition to chaotic motion in a deterministic classical system, in absence of any external noise, leads to a profound modification in the quantum behaviour.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Anomalous diffusion and dynamical localization in a parabolic map

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    We study numerically classical and quantum dynamics of a piecewise parabolic area preserving map on a cylinder which emerges from the bounce map of elongated triangular billiards. The classical map exhibits anomalous diffusion. Quantization of the same map results in a system with dynamical localization and pure point spectrum.Comment: 4 pages in RevTeX (4 ps-figures included

    The role of quasi-momentum in the resonant dynamics of the atom-optics kicked rotor

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    We examine the effect of the initial atomic momentum distribution on the dynamics of the atom-optical realisation of the quantum kicked rotor. The atoms are kicked by a pulsed optical lattice, the periodicity of which implies that quasi-momentum is conserved in the transport problem. We study and compare experimentally and theoretically two resonant limits of the kicked rotor: in the vicinity of the quantum resonances and in the semiclassical limit of vanishing kicking period. It is found that for the same experimental distribution of quasi-momenta, significant deviations from the kicked rotor model are induced close to quantum resonance, while close to the classical resonance (i.e. for small kicking period) the effect of the quasi-momentum vanishes.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, to be published in J. Phys. A, Special Issue on 'Trends in Quantum Chaotic Scattering

    Regular and Anomalous Quantum Diffusion in the Fibonacci Kicked Rotator

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    We study the dynamics of a quantum rotator kicked according to the almost-periodic Fibonacci sequence. A special numerical technique allows us to carry on this investigation for as many as 101210^{12} kicks. It is shown that above a critical kick strength the excitation of the system is well described by regular diffusion, while below this border it becomes anomalous, and sub-diffusive. A law for the dependence of the exponent of anomalous sub-diffusion on the system parameters is established numerically. The analogy between these results and quantum diffusion in models of quasi-crystal and in the kicked Harper system is discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Quantum Ratchet Accelerator without a Bichromatic Lattice Potential

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    In a quantum ratchet accelerator system, a linearly increasing directed current can be dynamically generated without using a biased field. Generic quantum ratchet acceleration with full classical chaos [Gong and Brumer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 240602 (2006)] constitutes a new element of quantum chaos and an interesting violation of a sum rule of classical ratchet transport. Here we propose a simple quantum ratchet accelerator model that can also generate linearly increasing quantum current with full classical chaos. This new model does not require a bichromatic lattice potential. It is based on a variant of an on-resonance kicked-rotor system, periodically kicked by two optical lattice potentials of the same lattice constant, but with unequal amplitudes and a fixed phase shift between them. The dependence of the ratchet current acceleration rate on the system parameters is studied in detail. The cold-atom version of our new quantum ratchet accelerator model should be realizable by introducing slight modifications to current cold-atom experiments.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Controlled Quantum State Transfer in a Spin Chain

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    Control of the transfer of quantum information encoded in quantum wavepackets moving along a spin chain is demonstrated. Specifically, based on a relationship with control in a paradigm of quantum chaos, it is shown that wavepackets with slow dispersion can automatically emerge from a class of initial superposition states involving only a few spins, and that arbitrary unspecified travelling wavepackets can be nondestructively stopped and later relaunched with perfection. The results establish an interesting application of quantum chaos studies in quantum information science.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Physical Review

    Quantum Resonances of Kicked Rotor and SU(q) group

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    The quantum kicked rotor (QKR) map is embedded into a continuous unitary transformation generated by a time-independent quasi-Hamiltonian. In some vicinity of a quantum resonance of order qq, we relate the problem to the {\it regular} motion along a circle in a (q21)(q^2-1)-component inhomogeneous "magnetic" field of a quantum particle with qq intrinsic degrees of freedom described by the SU(q)SU(q) group. This motion is in parallel with the classical phase oscillations near a non-linear resonance.Comment: RevTeX, 4 pages, 3 figure