49 research outputs found

    Pigmented Nodular Basal Cell Carcinomas in Differential Diagnosis with Nodular Melanomas: Confocal Microscopy as a Reliable Tool for In Vivo Histologic Diagnosis

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    Nodular basal cell carcinoma, especially when pigmented, can be in differential diagnosis with nodular melanomas, clinically and dermoscopically. Reflectance confocal microscopy is a relatively new imaging technique that permits to evaluate in vivo skin tumors with a nearly histological resolution. Here, we present four cases of challenging nodular lesions where confocal microscopy was able to clarify the diagnosis

    Detoxification improves multidomain cognitive dysfunction in high-dose benzodiazepine abusers

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    Purpose: High-dose benzodiazepines (BZDs) abuse has been documented to cause multidomain cognitive dysfunction. We explored whether cognitive abnormalities to high-dose BZD abuse might be reversed by detoxification with slow subcutaneous infusion of flumazenil. Methods: We recruited 96 patients consecutively admitted to the Department of Internal Medicine, Addiction Medicine Unit, Verona University Hospital, Italy for detoxification from high-dose BZD dependence. After selection for inclusion and exclusion criteria, 50 patients (23 men, 27 women; age 42.7 \ub1 10.3 years) were included. They underwent a comprehensive neuropsychological battery to explore verbal memory, visuospatial memory, working memory, attention, and executive functions 28-30 days prior to admission for detoxification (T0) and at the end of detoxification, i.e., 7 days after admission (T1). A group of 50 healthy adults (24 men, 26 women; mean age 44.5 \ub1 12.8 years) matched for age, sex, and education served as controls. Results: At T0, patients scored significantly worse than healthy controls in all the neuropsychological tests. Depression and anxiety scores were associated with impaired verbal memory at T0 in patients. T1-T0 comparison showed improved performances in all neuropsychological tests after the end of detoxification in patients. Conclusion: We confirmed that all neuropsychological domains were significantly and profoundly impaired by high-dose BZD abuse and documented that cognitive abnormalities improved after detoxification with slow subcutaneous infusion of flumazenil

    De Novo Skin Neoplasms in Liver-Transplanted Patients: Single-Center Prospective Evaluation of 105 Cases

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    Background and Objectives: Solid-organ transplant recipients (SOTRs) are notably considered at risk for developing cutaneous malignancies. However, most of the existing literature is focused on kidney transplant-related non-melanoma skin cancers (NMSCs). Conflicting data have been published so far on NMSC incidence among liver transplant recipients (LTRs), and whether LTRs really should be considered at lower risk remains controversial. The aim of the present study was to prospectively collect data on the incidence of cutaneous neoplasms in an LTR cohort. Materials and Methods: All LTRs transplanted at the Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery and Liver Transplantation Unit of Modena University Hospital from October 2015 to June 2021 underwent a post-transplant periodic skin check at the Dermatology Unit according to our institutional integrated care pathway. Data on the presence of cutaneous malignant and premalignant lesions were collected at every timepoint. Results: A total of 105 patients were enrolled in the present study. Nearly 15% of the patients developed cutaneous cancerous and/or precancerous lesions during the follow-up period. Almost half of the skin cancerous lesions were basal cell carcinomas. Actinic keratoses (AKs) were observed in six patients. Four patients developed in situ squamous cell carcinomas, and one patient was diagnosed with stage I malignant melanoma. Otherwise, well-established risk factors for the occurrence of skin tumors, such as skin phototype, cumulative sun exposure, and familial history of cutaneous neoplasms, seemed to have no direct impact on skin cancer occurrence in our cohort, as well as an immunosuppressive regimen and the occurrence of non-cutaneous neoplasms. Conclusions: Close dermatological follow-up is crucial for LTRs, and shared protocols of regular skin checks in this particular subset of patients are needed in transplant centers

    Actinic Keratosis and Non-Invasive Diagnostic Techniques: An Update

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    Actinic keratosis represents the earliest manifestation of non-melanoma skin cancer. Because of their risk of progression to invasive squamous cell carcinoma, an earlier diagnosis and treatment are mandatory. Their diagnosis sometimes could represent a challenge even for expert dermatologists. Dermoscopy, confocal laser microscopy and optical coherence tomography could help clinicians in diagnosis

    Analisi del comportamento e dello stato d'animo di pazienti malati del Morbo di Crohn tramite social networks

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    Al giorno d'oggi una pratica molto comune è quella di eseguire ricerche su Google per cercare qualsiasi tipo di informazione e molte persone, con problemi di salute, cercano su Google sintomi, consigli medici e possibili rimedi. Questo fatto vale sia per pazienti sporadici che per pazienti cronici: il primo gruppo spesso fa ricerche per rassicurarsi e per cercare informazioni riguardanti i sintomi ed i tempi di guarigione, il secondo gruppo invece cerca nuovi trattamenti e soluzioni. Anche i social networks sono diventati posti di comunicazione medica, dove i pazienti condividono le loro esperienze, ascoltano quelle di altri e si scambiano consigli. Tutte queste ricerche, questo fare domande e scrivere post o altro ha contribuito alla crescita di grandissimi database distribuiti online di informazioni, conosciuti come BigData, che sono molto utili ma anche molto complessi e che necessitano quindi di algoritmi specifici per estrarre e comprendere le variabili di interesse. Per analizzare questo gruppo interessante di pazienti gli sforzi sono stati concentrati in particolare sui pazienti affetti dal morbo di Crohn, che è un tipo di malattia infiammatoria intestinale (IBD) che può colpire qualsiasi parte del tratto gastrointestinale, dalla bocca all'ano, provocando una grande varietà di sintomi. E' stato fatto riferimento a competenze mediche ed informatiche per identificare e studiare ciò che i pazienti con questa malattia provano e scrivono sui social, al fine di comprendere come la loro malattia evolve nel tempo e qual'è il loro umore a riguardo

    Business Analytics

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    Actinic Keratosis and Non-Invasive Diagnostic Techniques: An Update

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    Actinic keratosis represents the earliest manifestation of non-melanoma skin cancer. Because of their risk of progression to invasive squamous cell carcinoma, an earlier diagnosis and treatment are mandatory. Their diagnosis sometimes could represent a challenge even for expert dermatologists. Dermoscopy, confocal laser microscopy and optical coherence tomography could help clinicians in diagnosis

    Superficial spreading melanoma

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    Superficial spreading melanoma (SSM) is the most common type of melanoma in Caucasian, accounting for about 70% of all diagnosed melanoma cases [1]. This type of melanoma can strike at any age and occurs slightly more often in females than males. SSM has two growth phases: the radial growth phase and the vertical ones [2]. The radial phase involves expansion of the lesion through the epidermis (upper skin layer). In the early radial phase, the lesion is thin, and it can remain in this phase for months or years. This is the less life threatening of the two phases because once the melanoma enters into the vertical growth stage, the prognosis worsens