23 research outputs found

    Conceptualizing an omnichannel approach for social marketing under the assumptions of the transtheoretical model of change

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    Background: Digital technologies are important touchpoints to stimulate marketing audiences. In the field of social marketing, digital marketing is considered important, but has been mainly used to raise awareness of social causes. Focus of the Article: This paper considers the conceptualization of a model to conduct the conversion of behavior change, using both offline and digital marketing techniques. Research Question: The paper seeks to investigate existing research on how digital marketing concepts can be integrated into a social marketing strategy. Approach: The proposed conceptual model follows the process of the stages of change and considers the theoretical social marketing frameworks, applying the assumptions of citizens’ journey and the use of adequate digital and physical touchpoints to convert behavior. Importance to the Social Marketing Field: The model offers theoretical advances for social marketing, going beyond the stage of raising awareness of social causes in social networks, and integrates the assumptions of an omnichannel strategy for social marketing interventions focused on behavior change conversion. Methods: The paper follows the benchmark method of theories to build a conceptual model. Results: The Omnichannel Social Marketing Model Through Stages of Change presents adequate digital and physical marketing techniques for the different stages of the social change process. Recommendations for Research or Practice: The model can be used in future research to measure the effectiveness of social marketing, considering the inclusion of digital technologies and marketing techniques in social marketing strategy. The model also guides social marketing managers in using both digital and offline marketing techniques in an integrated and strategic manner for effective and long-term conversion of change. Future research can apply the model to social marketing cases to generalize its application. Limitations: The conceptual model is designed in a bottom-up approach, based on the literature review.FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia(UIDB/04647/2020

    Motivations for tourism shopping in department stores: an exploratory research about tourists’ profiles visiting El Corte Inglés Gaia

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    Shopping forms a part of tourism activity. It can be the main motivation to travel (shopping tourism), or a parallel tourist action (tourism shopping). Existing literature explores the attributes of products that tourists look for, as souvenirs. However, department stores are increasingly prominent on tour itineraries and promoted by tour guides, exploring the trend of purchasing luxury goods in tourism experience. This study identifies the profile and motivations of tourists to shop in department stores, whose main products refer to global luxury brands and do not show the authenticity of the destination.The research was developed in the department store El Corte Ingles Gaia, the only department store in the Porto destination. A survey was applied in the store during four days to 210 tourists who contacted the tourism office of the store. The results show that purchasing is not the main motivation for travelling, but it is an important activity. The department store is chosen for tourism shopping because of the quality and variety of products and services, personal selling and the advantages of tax refund for non-residents in the European Union. The paper contributes with the idea that shopping should be seen as an important activity in tourism and retailers should enhance the provision of differentiated services and experiences rather than just the authenticity of local products

    Cosmopolitan tourists in P2P accommodation: an exploratory study of online reviews on airbnb

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    First published online November 24, 2023This study compares guest reviews of Airbnb accommodations by country of origin, in order to identify cultural evidences. An exploratory study was conducted in two selected Airbnb accommodations through content analysis of 775 reviews by guests from 32 different countries. The authors analysed the data according to two dimensions of Hofstede’s Cultural Theory: (1) individualism/collectivism - the vision that the well-being is achieved by the action of each individual versus the collaboration of the society as a group; and (2) masculinity/femininity – a patriarchal society seeking success versus a society where quality of life is based on the well-being of all. The results suggest homogeneity in online reviews by country of origin. This result may be justified by the prevalence of cosmopolitan tourists in Peer-to-Peer (P2P) accommodation – those travellers with experience worldwide, looking to contact with the locals and who avoid reflecting cultural values due to their cosmopolitan mindset. The paper provides important implications both for managers of P2P platforms looking for universal legitimacy and to the theoretical research into cultural studies regarding the cosmopolitanism of the sharing economy.This work is financed by national funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., within the scope of the project «UIDB/04647/2020» of CICS.NOVA – Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences of Universidade Nova de Lisboa

    Keeping exclusivity in an E-Commerce environment: the case of Farfetch.com and the market of luxury clothes

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    Brands are facing the challenge of using mass marketing strategies and simultaneously accentuating the exclusivity dimension of their products in order to get a higher market value. This fact rises the need of a better understanding about the presence of luxury brands in the electronic commerce. While some luxury fashion groups have already launched their e-commerce websites, most of luxury goods' companies still lack guidance on how to preserve luxury brand identity within the ubiquitous digital world. This paper is focused on e-commerce in luxury clothes industry and analyses how companies may overcome the ambivalence between the importance of exclusivity in luxury brands and ubiquity allowed by the Internet. Farfetch.com was used as a case study. Based on secondary data from Farfetch.com, a luxury fashion company, the authors discuss eight propositions created based on literature review. Findings show that it is possible to keep the sense of exclusivity in online platforms, providing appropriate service related to the concepts of luxury. Other factors that enable the existence of luxury in ubiquitous environment and differ luxury e-commerce platforms from mass market are product range, the web design, delivery and return policies. The paper explores challenges for the theory and practice of e-commerce in luxury brands

    City branding and place attachment: a case study about Viana do Castelo

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    The competitiveness of places has been growing with no signs of slowing down. People are more informed and demanding when looking for a place to live or visit and the development of an emotional marketing has been an important dimension in city and tourism management. The literature has focused on factors promoting place attachment and its consequence in place satisfaction and loyalty. However, little is known about the contrary - the effect of city brand in place attachment. This study analyses how the construction of a territorial brand and the perceived identity of it enhance the place attachment. Viana do Castelo city, in the north of Portugal, whose city brand was created in 2010, was chosen as a unit of analysis. A mixed methodology was conducted. To analyse the brand's construction, the City's Councilor of Culture was interviewed. To identify the brand's perceived identity, two important personalities of the city were interviewed. A focus group with residents and visitors discussed the elements of the city brand and an inquiry with a sample of 285 respondents was used to measure the place attachment to the city. The results show that place attachment is strong, especially concerning emotional factors. The study highlights the need to motivate the interaction between the target audience and the brand managers to monitoring city brand performance, by adopting a more engaging and active communication strategy. When the averages dimensions of the connection to the place are analysed, the place identity is higher than the place dependence for residents and visitors. These results suggest an effect of emotional city branding strategies in place attachment.(undefined

    Micro, macro and mega-influencers on instagram: The power of persuasion via the parasocial relationship

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    This study analyzes the effect of the parasocial relationship on the audience's intention to adopt the recom-mendations of micro, macro and mega-influencers, considering the number of followers, perceived popularity and opinion leadership. A sample of 140 Portuguese social media influencers (SMIs) was classified into micro, macro or mega-influencers. 577 valid responses to a questionnaire were analyzed using Andrew Hayes' macro PROCESS for SPSS. The findings suggest that the indirect effect between the number of followers and the intention to adopt SMIs' recommendations is mediated by the perceived popularity and opinion leadership, and are moderated by the parasocial relationship. Significant differences are found between micro, macro and mega-influencers in terms of credibility, attractiveness and established relationship. The categorization into micro, macro and mega-influencers is adapted to the context of a small country. This paper provides relevant infor-mation on the process of SMI selection.- (undefined

    A influência da marca territorial na predisposição do consumidor turístico: O caso Cabo Verde

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    Objetivo: O principal objetivo do presente trabalho consiste em discutir a influência da criação de uma marca territorial na identidade percebida pelo consumidor em contextos de turismo, no caso particular de Cabo Verde. Desenho/metodologia/abordagem: Como estudo exploratório, analisou-se a criação da marca territorial Cabo Verde na perspetiva dos pressupostos teóricos do prisma de identidade da marca e propõe-se um modelo que relaciona a influência da identidade local com as intenções comportamentais em turismo por parte de residentes e turistas. Resultados: Os resultados obtidos mostram uma gestão da marca territorial Cabo Verde (em específico a identidade da marca) relacionada com a identidade local, o que sugere que se trate de um determinante importante na procura turística do destino Cabo Verde. Estudos futuros deverão testar esta relação através de um modelo de equações estruturais no que toca aos construtos motivação, satisfação e lealdade, bem como discutir a identidade percecionada pelos turistas através de entrevistas, relacionando-a com a marca territorial desenvolvida e a identidade local presente na logomarca. Limitações/implicações: O estudo constitui um instrumento de auxílio da gestão territorial em contextos específicos de turismo, aliado ao estudo do comportamento do consumidor turístico, o que se reflete na maior ou menor competitividade entre destinos turísticos (i.e. planeamento de espaços, estratégias de comunicação, promoção de serviços, vendas integradas e combate à sazonalidade). Originalidade/valor: Desenvolvimento da teoria em contextos específicos de turismo numa ótica de marketing (comportamento do consumidor). Numa perspetiva interdisciplinar, este artigo apresenta uma reflexão teórica no sentido de melhor compreender a gestão da marca em contextos de destinos turísticos.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A experiência e o marketing turístico em contextos religiosos e de peregrinação: o caso ilustrativo dos Caminhos de Santiago

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    O contexto de peregrinação incorpora uma forte componente turística, pelas motivações identificadas dos peregrinos que tendem a ser mais espirituais e de caráter experiencial. O turismo de peregrinos, de que os Caminhos de Santiago são um exemplo, é por isso enquadrado nas atividades de marketing turístico, considerando tanto os efeitos económicos da existência dessas rotas de peregrinação, como a forma como essas mesmas rotas se posicionam junto do mercado, numa orientação para diferentes procuras experienciais. Contudo, a literatura existente parece revelar uma lacuna no que concerne ao planeamento e gestão de destinos turísticos em contextos religiosos. Este estudo visa compreender o comportamento do consumidor em contextos de turismo religioso, no caso particular no contexto de peregrinação recorrendo ao exemplo ilustrativo dos Caminhos de Santiago. Propõe-se um modelo de análise do impacto da afetividade relativa aos destinos de peregrinação nas intenções comportamentais e predisposição do consumidor turístico. O modelo teórico proposto baseia-se na premissa de que a afetividade ao caminho de peregrinação se revela antecedente das intenções comportamentais no turismo religioso aplicado aos Caminhos de Santiago. No final, procede-se a uma reflexão sobre o tema com a explicitação de um modelo e discutem-se linhas de investigação futura.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Barriers to volunteering in the field of intellectual disability: a cluster analysis [corrected]

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    This paper aims to characterise the profles of individuals likely to feel discouraged to volunteer in the feld of intellectual disability. The socio-emotional contours of intellectual disability hinder the involvement of volunteers in this feld. There is evidence of the particular barriers to volunteering in activities involving intellectually disabled people, but there is a dearth of research on the characteristics of individuals that mention such barriers. A survey applied to 197 individuals allowed, through latent classes, to identify three clusters of individuals—assuming volunteering as having a negative impact; unawareness of the reality of intellectual disability; and no barriers to volunteering; and three groups of barriers to volunteering in the feld of intellectual disability—characteristics of intellectually disabled people; awareness; introversion. Based on the characteristics of the clusters identifed, the study addresses possible strategies to overcome the constraints, aiming at involving volunteers in activities targeting individuals with intellectual impairments and to better target the recruitment of volunteering actions in this feld. The continuous understanding of barriers to donate time can allow institutions to minimise constraints and overcome hurdles by emphasising the value of experiences that meet the motivations of volunteers.Beatriz Casais acknowledges this work is fnanced by national funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., within the scope of the project «UIDB/04647/2020» of CICS.NOVA – Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences of Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Marisa R. Ferreira and Ana Borges gratefully acknowledges fnancial support from FCT- Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (Portugal), national funding through project UIDB/04728/2020

    Relacionamentos na qualidade percebida do Ensino Superior Politécnico: um estudo exploratório

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    Objetivo: averiguar o impacto dos relacionamentos interpessoais (entre os prestadores de serviços e os alunos) e o grau de relacionamento na qualidade percebida e na satisfação no Ensino Superior Público Politécnico em Portugal. Desenho/metodologia/abordagem: a metodologia é exploratória e procedeu-se a uma análise na Escola Superior de Ciências Empresariais (ESCE) do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo (IPVC). O método utilizado é de caráter descritivo, de natureza quantitativa e teve por base um inquérito presencial que aplica o modelo SERVQUAL e uma escala de avaliação do grau de relacionamento e da estratégia de fidelização. Resultados: os cento e oitenta e dois inquéritos aplicados aos alunos da ESCE evidenciam que a dimensão empatia é aquela em que as perceções mais se aproximam das expetativas entre as cinco dimensões do modelo SERVQUAL. A dimensão com menores diferenças (gap) entre as perceções e expetativas é a empatia (-0.76). A dimensão segurança ocupa a segunda dimensão percebida com menor diferença (-0.77). De seguida, seguem-se as dimensões capacidade de resposta (-0.79), fiabilidade (-0.91) e tangibilidade (-1.35). Os resultados evidenciam que existe um grau de relacionamento e uma estratégia de fidelização por parte da escola em relação aos alunos. Assim, a instituição deverá continuar a investir na dimensão empatia e no marketing relacional para potenciar a qualidade percebida e a satisfação dos alunos. Originalidade/valor: os relacionamentos são fontes de valor na qualidade percebida e satisfação dos alunos de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior Público Politécnico em Portugal.Andreia Teixeira agradece à Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia pela bolsa de pós-doutoramento SFRH/BPD/ 86383/ 2012, financiada por fundos nacionais do Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior e pelo Fundo Social Europeu através do POCH - Programa Operacional Capital Humanoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio