3 research outputs found

    Sample Preparation for Determination of Bioaccessibility of Essential and Toxic Elements in Legumes

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    The methods used to estimate the bioavailability of elements have different approaches. These tests are based on selective extraction or simulation of the physiology of the gastrointestinal tract. The sample preparation methods require studies about extraction procedures, thermal treatment, and decomposition of organic matter. The method of decomposing organic matter assisted by microwaves introduced adequate results for most chemical elements in pulses. The content of the elements present in the extracts obtained by employing the method physiologically based extraction test (PBET) is lower than those obtained by simple bioaccessibility extraction test (SBET) due to complexing effects of metal ions. The mineral content in the gastric and intestinal stages can vary significantly with the investigated leguminous species and the elements. The thermal processing can affect the concentrations of the elements analyzed in samples from leguminous species. This results from the heat capacity to change the speciation of chemical elements. The change speciation may modify the solubility and mobility of chemical species under the conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, which alters the bioavailability. In this sense, it can be concluded that the domestic cooking process can influence the nutritional and toxicological potential of pigeon pea, cowpea, and mangalo

    Determination of metallic ions in bivalve molluscs from the petroliferous region of São Francisco do Conde Mangrove - Reconcavo Baiano

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    Orientadores: Solange Cadore, Sergio Luis Costa FerreiraTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de QuimicaResumo: A poluição dos mares, baías e estuários provocada pela emissão de efluentes industriais e residenciais contendo íons metálicos é um dos principais fatores que favorece a contaminação dos moluscos bivalves. Esses organismos sofrem de maneira intensa a bioacumulação de íons metálicos, mesmo em baixas concentrações, tornando-se muitas vezes impróprios para o consumo humano e, além disso, podem refletir o grau de contaminação ambiental. Métodos de digestão com aquecimento assistido por microondas (MW) e com bloco digestor (BD) foram desenvolvidos para a determinação de íons metálicos em tecido de moluscos bivalves, por Espectrometria de Emissão Óptica em Plasma com Acoplamento Indutivo (ICP OES). Um planejamento de misturas do tipo simplex-centróide foi utilizado para estudar o efeito dos reagentes HNO3, HCl e H2O2 nos dois métodos. A análise de material de referência certificado de tecido de ostra (SRM 1566b - NIST) em condições instrumentais otimizadas e nos comprimentos de onda selecionados, apresentaram recuperação dos íons estudados entre 90 - 105%, para o método de digestão com aquecimento assistido por MW, e entre 90 - 100% para o método de digestão com aquecimento no BD. A eficiência das digestões foi avaliada pela determinação do carbono orgânico total (TOC) presente na solução, obtendo-se uma variação de 0,05 a 0,64%. A acidez das soluções variaram de 1,3 a 5,6% sendo que as soluções provenientes da digestão em forno de MW apresentaram menores valores comparados com a decomposição no bloco digestor. Usando o modelamento de misturas foi possível ajustar modelos matemáticos e determinar a composição adequada da mistura HCl - HNO3 - H2O2 para a decomposição de tecidos de moluscos bivalves. As proporções dos componentes foram 0,333: 0,333: 0,334 e 0,200: 0,200: 0,600 para digestão assistida por microondas e em bloco digestor, respectivamente. Os métodos empregados permitiram determinar macro e microconstituintes em tecidos de moluscos, constituindo-se em importantes ferramentas a serem empregadas para a solução de problemas ambientaisAbstract: The pollution of oceans, bays and estuaries as a result of industrial and domestic effluents that contain metallic ions is one of the most important factors that lead to the contamination of bivalve molluscs. These organisms are greatly affected by the bioaccumulation of inorganic species, even at low concentrations, reflecting the environmental contamination level. Under these conditions the ingestion of this kind of food is not recommended. Digestion methods based on heating in a microwave oven (MW) or with a digester block BD) for the subsequent determination of metallic ions in bivalve tissues by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP OES) were developed. Mixtures planned using a simplex-centroide program were to study the effect of the reagents HNO3, HCl e H2O2 in both methods. The analysis of a certified reference material of oyster tissue (SEM 1566b - NIST) under the optimized instrumental conditions at the selected wavelengths showed recoveries of 90 -105%, for digestion by MW and of 90 -100%, for digestion by BD. The efficiency of digestion was evaluated by the determination of total organic carbon (TOC) remaining in the solution and values between 0.05 and 0.64% were obtained. The digestion using MW heating showed lower values compared with BD decomposition. Using the modelling of the mixtures it was possible to determine the most adequate composition of HCl-HNO3-H2O2 mixture for the decomposition of bivalve mollusc tissues. The ratios of mixtures were: 0.333:0.333:0.334, for MW digestion and 0.200:0.200:0.600 for BD digestion. The developed methods allowed the determination of macro and microconstituents in mollusc tissues and are important tools for environmental studiesDoutoradoQuimica AnaliticaDoutor em Ciência