786 research outputs found

    Food Design as a Strategy for the Global Community

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    The paper aims to identify the role of Design Culture in adopting food and gastronomic practices as strategic tools to enhance dialogues between different cultures. The research analyses the cases in which contemporary Design Culture adopts food as a possibility of social inclusion, understanding of the global flows of people, transformation techniques, and novel rituals. Food and food cycles can be interpreted as "language", as well as an opportunity to create circular business activities based on the rediscovery and on the strengthening of the links between territories and communities in a globalised scenario increasingly attentive to the experiences of fusion between cultures. Design culture can become a mediator, a facilitator and a promoter of solutions and models of integration between cultural components we commonly consider "strong" and "weak", "host" and "settled", "traditional" and "modern", "slow" and "fast", "typical" and "atopic". Thus an "open" scenario is outlined in which projects and researches oriented to the diffusion of more sustainable and "community centred" food cultures are renewed and take on new meanings. New cultures emerge which, while keeping their cultural roots, evolve into a transcultural society. The Design Culture is called to recognise and co-design these new “food acts” of the contemporary transcultural societies

    Effect of airborne particle abrasion on microtensile bond strength of total-etch adhesives to human dentin

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    Aim of this study was to investigate a specific airborne particle abrasion pretreatment on dentin and its effects on microtensile bond strengths of four commercial total-etch adhesives. Midcoronal occlusal dentin of extracted human molars was used. Teeth were randomly assigned to 4 groups according to the adhesive system used: OptiBond FL (FL), OptiBond Solo Plus (SO), Prime & Bond (PB), and Riva Bond LC (RB). Specimens from each group were further divided into two subgroups: control specimens were treated with adhesive procedures; abraded specimens were pretreated with airborne particle abrasion using 50 mu m Al2O3 before adhesion. After bonding procedures, composite crowns were incrementally built up. Specimens were sectioned perpendicular to adhesive interface to producemultiple beams, which were tested under tension until failure. Data were statistically analysed. Failure mode analysis was performed. Overall comparison showed significant increase in bond strength (p < 0.001) between abraded and no-abraded specimens, independently of brand. Intrabrand comparison showed statistical increase when abraded specimens were tested compared to no-abraded ones, with the exception of PB that did not show such difference. Distribution of failure mode was relatively uniform among all subgroups. Surface treatment by airborne particle abrasion with Al2O3 particles can increase the bond strength of total-etch adhesive

    La nota carducciana alle Odi barbare (1877), la libertĂ  metrica e la poesia di Leopardi

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    Volli congedarmi da’ lettori [scil. delle Odi barbare] co’ i versi alla rima, proprio per segno che io con queste odi non intesi dare veruna battaglia, grande o piccola, fortunata o no, a quella compagna antica e gloriosa della poesia nuova latina. Queste odi poi le intitolai barbare, perché tali sonerebbero agli orecchi e al giudizio dei greci e dei romani, se bene volute comporre nelle forme metriche della loro lirica, e perché tali soneranno pur troppo a moltissimi italiani, se bene composte e armonizzate di versi e di accenti italiani. E così le composi, perché, avendo ad esprimere pensieri e sentimenti che mi parevano diversi da quelli che Dante, il Petrarca, il Poliziano, il Tasso, il Metastasio, il Parini, il Monti, il Foscolo e il Leopardi (ricordo in specie i lirici) originalmente e splendidamente concepirono ed espressero, anche credei che questi pensieri e sentimenti io poteva esprimerli con una forma metrica meno discordante dalla forma organica con la quale mi si andavano determinando nella mente. Che se a Catullo e ad Orazio fu lecito dedurre i metri della lirica eolia nella lingua romana che altri ne aveva suoi originari, se Dante poté arricchire di care rime provenzali la poesia toscana, se di strofe francesi la arricchirono il Chiabrera e il Rinuccini, io dovrei secondo ragione potere sperare, che, di ciò che a quei grandi poeti o a quei rimatori citati fu lode, a me si desse almeno il perdóno.Dunque chiedo perdóno dell’aver creduto che il rinnovamento classico della lirica non fosse sentenziato e finito co’ tentativi per lo più impoetici di Claudio Tolomei e della sua scuola e nei pochissimi saggi del Chiabrera: chiedo perdóno del non aver disperato di questa grande lingua italiana, credendola idonea a far con essa ciò che i poeti tedeschi dal Klopstock in poi fanno assai felicemente con la loro: chiedo perdóno dell’avere osato recare qualche po’ di varietà formale nella nostra lirica moderna, che non ne ha mica quel tanto che alcuni credono. Velleità queste mie, lo so io per il primo, tanto più importune e inopportune oggi, che dinanzi al vero storico, il quale, gloria e tormento del secolo nostro, pervade oramai tutto il pensiero umano, la poesia (mi perdonino i lettori anche queste fantasie funebri) compie di spegnersi.Tant’è: a certi termini di civiltà, a certe età dei popoli, in tutti i paesi, certe produzioni cessano, certe facoltà organiche non operano più. La epopea intanto è sotterrata da un pezzo: violare il sepolcro della gran morta cancaneggiandovi su, anche se non fosse indizio di svogliatezza depravata, non diverte. Il dramma agonizza, e i troppi medici non lo lasciano né meno andare in pace

    The role of cell cycle–regulated expression in the localization of spatial landmark proteins in yeast

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    In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Bud8p and Bud9p are homologous plasma membrane glycoproteins that appear to mark the distal and proximal cell poles, respectively, as potential sites for budding in the bipolar pattern. Here we provide evidence that Bud8p is delivered to the presumptive bud site (and thence to the distal pole of the bud) just before bud emergence, and that Bud9p is delivered to the bud side of the mother-bud neck (and thence to the proximal pole of the daughter cell) after activation of the mitotic exit network, just before cytokinesis. Like the delivery of Bud8p, that of Bud9p is actin dependent; unlike the delivery of Bud8p, that of Bud9p is also septin dependent. Interestingly, although the transcription of BUD8 and BUD9 appears to be cell cycle regulated, the abundance of BUD8 mRNA peaks in G2/M and that of BUD9 mRNA peaks in late G1, suggesting that the translation and/or delivery to the cell surface of each protein is delayed and presumably also cell cycle regulated. The importance of time of transcription in localization is supported by promoter-swap experiments: expression of Bud8p from the BUD9 promoter leads to its localization predominantly to the sites typical for Bud9p, and vice versa. Moreover, expression of Bud8p from the BUD9 promoter fails to rescue the budding-pattern defect of a bud8 mutant but fully rescues that of a bud9 mutant. However, although expression of Bud9p from the BUD8 promoter fails to rescue a bud9 mutant, it also rescues only partially the budding-pattern defect of a bud8 mutant, suggesting that some feature(s) of the Bud8p protein is also important for Bud8p function. Experiments with chimeric proteins suggest that the critical element(s) is somewhere in the extracytoplasmic domain of Bud8p

    Mediterranean Diet and Healthy Ageing: A Sicilian Perspective

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    Traditional Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) is a common dietary pattern characterizing a lifestyle and culture proven to contribute to better health and quality of life in Mediterranean countries. By analyzing the diet of centenarians from the Sicani Mountains and eating habits of inhabitants of Palermo, it is reported that a close adherence to MedDiet is observed in the countryside, whereas in big towns this adherence is not so close. This has an effect on the rates of mortality at old age (and reciprocally longevity) that are lower in the countryside than in big towns. Concerning the health effects of the diet, the low content of animal protein and the low glycaemic index of the Sicilian MedDiet might directly modulate the insulin/IGF-1 and the mTOR pathways, known to be involved in ageing and longevity. In particular, the reduction of animal protein intake may significantly reduce serum IGF-1 concentrations and inhibit mTOR activity with a down-regulation of the signal that leads to the activation of FOXO3A and, consequently, to the transcription of homeostatic genes that favour longevity. The down-regulation of both IGF-1 and mTORC1 also induces an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition to the effects on sensing pathways, many single components of MedDiet are known to have positive effects on health, reducing inflammation, optimizing cholesterol and other important risk factors of age-related diseases. However, a key role is played by polyphenols represented in high amount in the Sicilian MedDiet (in particular in extra virgin olive oil) that can work as hormetins that provide an environmental chemical signature regulating stress resistance pathways such as nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2

    African Design Wave. Paradigmi estetici, materici e identitĂ  di un Sud glocale

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    Il design contemporaneo manifesta un continuo e profondo interesse verso tradizioni linguistiche, tipologiche, tecnologiche “altre” ed “esotiche”, provenienti da luoghi storicamente poco indagati, ma ricchi di “narrazioni” e identità. Gli scenari produttivi e culturali africani, in particolare, si prestano a riflessioni orientate ad abbattere etichette e identità stereotipate e a ridiscutere i rapporti tra processi di produzione locale e consumo globale, tra un “Sud” e un “Nord” contemporaneamente geografici e simbolici. Si delineano così profili progettuali e paradigmi estetici, materici e tecnici di un Sud glocale, capace di intervenire sui consumi globali, diffondersi a livello mondiale collocandosi in mercati maturi e raggiungendo posizionamenti autorevoli, senza rischiare di appiattirsi o omologarsi, poiché forte di patrimoni morfologici e tradizioni artigianali e segniche “tipiche”. Le pratiche del meticciato oggettuale, il concetto di glocalizzazione, e le narrazioni plurali si incontrano e partecipano allo sviluppo di contesti produttivi e di consumo multiculturali, in cui il design si dimostra valido veicolo di sperimentazione e dialogo tra culture, luoghi e tradizioni che si fondono in un nuovo modello di spazio identitario, “umano” ed etico.Contemporary design shows a constant and deep interest in “other” and “exotic” linguistic, typological, technological traditions, coming from places that have been little explored, but rich in “narratives” and identities. African production and cultural scenarios, in particular, suggest analyses aimed at breaking down stereotypes, labels and identities, and at re-discussing the relationships between local production processes and global consumption, and between the concepts of “South” and “North” as both physical and symbolic entities. This glocal South has recognizable aesthetic, material and technical profiles, is capable of intervening on global consumption, spreads worldwide by placing itself in mature markets, and reaches appealing positions, without risking to homologate, as it has strong morphological and typological traditions. Hybrid objects, glocalization, and plural narratives meet and participate in the development of productive and multicultural consumption contexts, in which design proves to be a valid vehicle for experimentation and dialogue between cultures, places and traditions that merge in a new model of identity, “human” and ethical space

    Inflammatory mediators as biomarkers in brain disorders.

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    Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer, Parkinson, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and Huntington are incurable and debilitating conditions that result in progressive death of the neurons. The definite diagnosis of a neurodegenerative disorder is disadvantaged by the difficulty in obtaining biopsies and thereby to validate the clinical diagnosis with pathological results. Biomarkers are valuable indicators for detecting different phases of a disease such as prevention, early onset, treatment, progression, and monitoring the effect of pharmacological responses to a therapeutic intervention. Inflammation occurs in neurodegenerative diseases, and identification and validation of molecules involved in this process could be a strategy for finding new biomarkers. The ideal inflammatory biomarker needs to be easily measurable, must be reproducible, not subject to wide variation in the population, and unaffected by external factors. Our review summarizes the most important inflammation biomarkers currently available, whose specificity could be utilized for identifying and monitoring distinctive phases of different neurodegenerative diseases

    Genotype-specific changes associated to early synthesis of autotetraploids in wild potato species

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    Polyploidy is an important factor in plant evolution that may trigger drastic genome reorganization and phenotypic differentiation. In the last decade, extensive studies have been carried to understand the consequences of allopolyploidization, where the effects of ploidy change may be confounded by interspecific hybridization. By contrast, less is known on autopolyploidization, which only involves doubling of homologous chromosomes. This study was undertaken to assess leaf anatomical modifications and gene expression changes occurring after doubling the somatic chromosome complement of diploid (2n = 2x = 24) potato species Solanum commersonii Dunal and S. bulbocastanum Dunal. Polyploidization did not induce qualitative changes in leaf structure and, for several leaf traits, anatomic modifications were stochastic. In addition, in both species a diploid superiority was generally observed, suggesting the occurrence of a high-ploidy syndrome. Expression change study was carried out on eight important cell cycle-regulatory genes in plant. It revealed a strong alteration of the expression patterns in the 4x genotypes with respect to the 2x parents. Changes often exceed the twofold, with no consistent trend towards up- or down regulation when comparing 2x vis-Ă -vis 4x. We discuss the possible relevance of epigenetic changes in controlling the expression of duplicated genes
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