34,958 research outputs found

    Thermodynamics and Stability of Higher Dimensional Rotating (Kerr) AdS Black Holes

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    We study the thermodynamic and gravitational stability of Kerr anti-de Sitter black holes in five and higher dimensions. We show, in the case of equal rotation parameters, ai=aa_i=a, that the Kerr-AdS background metrics become stable, both thermodynamically and gravitationally, when the rotation parameters aia_i take values comparable to the AdS curvature radius. In turn, a Kerr-AdS black hole can be in thermal equilibrium with the thermal radiation around it only when the rotation parameters become not significantly smaller than the AdS curvature radius. We also find with equal rotation parameters that a Kerr-AdS black hole is thermodynamically favored against the existence of a thermal AdS space, while the opposite behavior is observed in the case of a single non-zero rotation parameter. The five dimensional case is however different and also special in that there is no high temperature thermal AdS phase regardless of the choice of rotation parameters. We also verify that at fixed entropy, the temperature of a rotating black hole is always bounded above by that of a non-rotating black hole, in four and five dimensions, but not in six and more dimensions (especially, when the entropy approaches zero or the minimum of entropy does not correspond to the minimum of temperature). In this last context, the six dimensional case is marginal.Comment: 15 pages, 23 eps figures, RevTex

    An analysis of the crossover between local and massive separation on airfoils

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    Massive separation on airfoils operating at high Reynolds number is an important problem to the aerodynamicist, since its onset generally determines the limiting performance of an airfoil, and it can lead to serious problems related to aircraft control as well as turbomachinery operation. The phenomenon of crossover between local separation and massive separation on realistic airfoil geometries induced by airfoil thickness is investigated for low speed (incompressible) flow. The problem is studied both for the asymptotic limit of infinite Reynolds number using triple-deck theory, and for finite Reynolds number using interacting boundary-layer theory. Numerical results are presented which follow the evolution of the flow as it develops from a mildly separated state to one dominated by the massively separated flow structure as the thickness of the airfoil geometry is systematically increased. The effect of turbulence upon the evolution of the flow is considered, and the impact is significant, with the principal effect being the suppression of the onset of separation. Finally, the effect of surface suction and injection for boundary-layer control is considered. The approach which was developed provides a valuable tool for the analysis of boundary-layer separation up to and beyond stall. Another important conclusion is that interacting boundary-layer theory provides an efficient tool for the analysis of the effect of turbulence and boundary-layer control upon separated vicsous flow

    Spinning BTZ Black Hole versus Kerr Black Hole : A Closer Look

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    By applying Newman's algorithm, the AdS_3 rotating black hole solution is ``derived'' from the nonrotating black hole solution of Banados, Teitelboim, and Zanelli (BTZ). The rotating BTZ solution derived in this fashion is given in ``Boyer-Lindquist-type'' coordinates whereas the form of the solution originally given by BTZ is given in a kind of an ``unfamiliar'' coordinates which are related to each other by a transformation of time coordinate alone. The relative physical meaning between these two time coordinates is carefully studied. Since the Kerr-type and Boyer-Lindquist-type coordinates for rotating BTZ solution are newly found via Newman's algorithm, next, the transformation to Kerr-Schild-type coordinates is looked for. Indeed, such transformation is found to exist. And in this Kerr-Schild-type coordinates, truely maximal extension of its global structure by analytically continuing to ``antigravity universe'' region is carried out.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, Revtex, Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    A new coordinate transformation for turbulent boundary layer flows

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    The transformation permits a uniform mesh to be used in the computational coordinate which extends across the layer. This coordinate transformation uses the local value of the skin friction coefficient to scale the thickness of the wall layer region, and the local maximum value of turbulent viscosity to scale the boundary-layer thickness. Results are presented for two dimensional boundary layers in both positive and negative pressure gradients and comparisons are made with experimental data and conventional variable-grid results for low speed turbulent boundary-layers. The cases chosen illustrate the capability of this new transformation to capture the boundary layer growth over the full extent of laminar, transitional, and turbulent flow with no grid adjustment as well as its ability to consistently enlarge the wall layer region for accurate shear stress representation. Results of mesh refinement studies using the new coordinate transformation are presented

    The use of a simplified structural model as an aid in the strain gage calibration of a complex wing

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    The use of a relatively simple structural model to characterize the load responses of strain gages located on various spars of a delta wing is examined. Strains measured during a laboratory load calibration of a wing structure are compared with calculations obtained from a simplified structural analysis model. Calculated and measured influence coefficient plots that show the shear, bending, and torsion characteristics of typical strain gage bridges are presented. Typical influence coefficient plots are shown for several load equations to illustrate the derivation of the equations from the component strain gage bridges. A relatively simple structural model was found to be effective in predicting the general nature of strain distributions and influence coefficient plots. The analytical processes are shown to be an aid in obtaining a good load calibration. The analytical processes cannot, however, be used in lieu of an actual load calibration of an aircraft wing

    Listing of solar radiation measuring equipment and glossary

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    An attempt is made to list and provide all available information about solar radiation measuring equipment which are being manufactured and are available on the market. The list is in tabular form and includes sensor type, response time, cost data and comments for each model. A cost code is included which shows ranges only

    Effect of atomic scale plasticity on hydrogen diffusion in iron: Quantum mechanically informed and on-the-fly kinetic Monte Carlo simulations

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    We present an off-lattice, on-the-fly kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) model for simulating stress-assisted diffusion and trapping of hydrogen by crystalline defects in iron. Given an embedded atom (EAM) potential as input, energy barriers for diffusion are ascertained on the fly from the local environments of H atoms. To reduce computational cost, on-the-fly calculations are supplemented with precomputed strain-dependent energy barriers in defect-free parts of the crystal. These precomputed barriers, obtained with high-accuracy density functional theory calculations, are used to ascertain the veracity of the EAM barriers and correct them when necessary. Examples of bulk diffusion in crystals containing a screw dipole and vacancies are presented. Effective diffusivities obtained from KMC simulations are found to be in good agreement with theory. Our model provides an avenue for simulating the interaction of hydrogen with cracks, dislocations, grain boundaries, and other lattice defects, over extended time scales, albeit at atomistic length scales

    Interaction of a two-dimensional strip boundary layer with a three-dimensional transonic swept-wing code

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    A 3D inviscid transonic analysis code was combined with a 2D strip integral boundary layer technique to form an approximate interaction procedure for analyzing the flow over a high aspect ratio wing near cruise conditions. Converged results obtained using the procedure for an aspect ratio 10.3 supercritical wing are discussed. Angle of attack adjustments were made during the iterative procedure in order to compensate for the viscous lift loss. A comparison of the calculations with experimental data is presented

    Cosmic Vortons and Particle Physics Constraints

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    We investigate the cosmological consequences of particle physics theories that admit stable loops of superconducting cosmic string - {\it vortons}. General symmetry breaking schemes are considered, in which strings are formed at one energy scale and subsequently become superconducting in a secondary phase transition at what may be a considerably lower energy scale. We estimate the abundances of the ensuing vortons, and thereby derive constraints on the relevant particle physics models from cosmological observations. These constraints significantly restrict the category of admissible Grand Unified theories, but are quite compatible with recently proposed effects whereby superconducting strings may have been formed close to the electroweak phase transition.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figures, RevTe
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