4 research outputs found

    Effective Management of Flatulence

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    Probiotics and rifaximin (Xifaxan) have been shown to reduce total number of flatus episodes and associated discomfort. (Strength of Recommendation [SOR]: B, based on small randomized controlled trials [RCTs]). Oral alpha-galactosidase (Beano) has been shown to reduce volume of flatus associated with fermentable carbohydrates and high-fiber diets. (SOR: B, based on small RCTs). Oral bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol) and odor-reducing external devices containing activated charcoal have shown benefit in reducing flatus-associated odor. (SOR: C, based on disease-oriented evidence). Evidence for oral activated charcoal and simethicone has been inconsistent and does not support their use. (SOR: B, based on multiple small RCTs)

    What treatments work best for constipation in children?

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    Osmotic laxatives produce the best results. Fiber and behavior modification may have a role. Increased fiber and behavior modification are the most often recommended first steps in managing chronic functional constipation (CFC) in children, but only limited evidence supports this approach (strength of recommendation [SOR]: B for fiber, 1 randomized controlled trial [RCT]; C for behavior modification, 1 small trial). For pharmacologic management, the best evidence supports osmotic laxatives (SOR: A, 6 fair- to good-quality RCTs)

    Are there any known health risks to early introduction of solids to an infant's diet?

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    Few studies support an association between early introduction of solid food and atopic conditions, obesity, or any other illness (strength of recommendation [SOR]: B, cohort studies with mixed results). Very weak evidence suggests an increased risk of atopic dermatitis. A single cohort study found an association between early gluten exposure and increased risk of celiac disease in high-risk infants, who carry the HLA-DR3 or DR4 allele (SOR: B, single cohort study)

    What drugs are best for bipolar depression?

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    Antidepressants, including tricyclics and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), are useful adjuncts in short-term treatment of bipolar depression and have low rates of inducing mania (strength of recommendation [SOR]: A, 1 systematic review and randomized controlled trials [RCTs]). Lamotrigine is beneficial for both acute treatment of bipolar depression and prevention of recurrent episodes (SOR: A, 1 systematic review and 1 RCT)