469 research outputs found

    Analysis of unswept and swept wing chordwise pressure data from an oscillating NACA 0012 airfoil experiment. Volume 1: Technical Report

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    The unsteady chordwise force response on the airfoil surface was investigated and its sensitivity to the various system parameters was examined. A further examination of unsteady aerodynamic data on a tunnel spanning wing (both swept and unswept), obtained in a wind tunnel, was performed. The main body of this data analysis was carried out by analyzing the propagation speed of pressure disturbances along the chord and by studying the behavior of the unsteady part of the chordwise pressure distribution at various points of the airfoil pitching cycle. It was found that Mach number effects dominate the approach to and the inception of both static and dynamic stall. The stall angle decreases as the Mach number increases. However, sweep dominates the load behavior within the stall regime. Large phase differences between unswept and swept responses, that do not exist at low lift coefficient, appear once the stall boundary is penetrated. It was also found that reduced frequency is not a reliable indicator of the unsteady aerodynamic response in the high angle of attack regime

    Unsteady transition measurements on a pitching three-dimensional wing

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    Boundary layer transition measurements were made during an experimental study of the aerodynamics of a rectangular wing undergoing unsteady pitching motions. The wing was tested at chordwise Mach numbers between 0.2 and 0.6, at sweep angles of 0, 15, and 30 deg, and for steady state, sinusoidal, and constant pitch rate motions. The model was scaled to represent a full size helicopter rotor blade, with chord Reynolds numbers between 2 and 6 x 10(exp 6). Sixteen surface hot-film gages were located along three spanwise stations: 0.08, 0.27, and 0.70 chords from the wing tip. Qualitative heat transfer information was obtained to identify the unsteady motion of the point of transition to turbulence. In combination with simultaneous measurements of the unsteady surface pressure distributions, the results illustrate the effects of compressibility, sweep, pitch rate, and proximity to the wing tip on the transition and relaminarization locations

    Airfoil stall penetration at constant pitch rate and high Reynolds number

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    The model wing consists of a set of fiberglass panels mounted on a steel spar that spans the 8 ft test section of the UTRC Large Subsonic Wind Tunnel. The first use of this system was to measure surface pressures and flow conditions for a series of constant pitch rate ramps and sinusoidal oscillations a Mach number range, a Reynolds number range, and a pitch angle range. It is concluded that an increased pitch rate causes stall events to be delayed, strengthening of the stall vortex, increase in vortex propagation, and increase in unsteady airloads. The Mach number range causes a supersonic zone near the leading edge, stall vortex to be weaker, and a reduction of unsteady airloads

    Analysis of oscillatory pressure data including dynamic stall effects

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    The dynamic stall phenomenon was examined in detail by analyzing an existing set of unsteady pressure data obtained on an airfoil oscillating in pitch. Most of the data were for sinusoidal oscillations which penetrated the stall region in varying degrees, and here the effort was concentrated on the chordwise propagation of pressure waves associated with the dynamic stall. It was found that this phenomenon could be quantified in terms of a pressure wave velocity which is consistently much less than free-stream velocity, and which varies directly with frequency. It was also found that even when the stall region has been deeply penetrated and a substantial dynamic stall occurs during the downstroke, stall recovery near minimum incidence will occur, followed by a potential flow behavior up to stall inception

    A comparison of the pitching and plunging response of an oscillating airfoil

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    An oscillating SC1095 airfoil model was tested for its aerodynamic stability in a rigid body with a single degree of freedom pitch about its quarter chord, and also in a rigid body with single degree of freedom plunge. The ability of pitching data to model plunging motions was evaluated. A one to one correspondence was established between pairs of pitching and plunging motions according to the potential flow transformation formula alpha=ikh. The imposed variables of the experiment were mean incidence angle, amplitude of motion, free stream velocity, and oscillatory frequency. Results indicate that significant differences exist between the aerodynamic responses to the motions, particularly at high load conditions. At high load conditions, the normal force for equivalent pitch is significantly greater than that for true pitch at the geometric incidence angle

    An experimental investigation of gapwise periodicity and unsteady aerodynamic response in an oscillating cascade. Volume 2: Data report. Part 1: Text and mode 1 data

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    Tests were conducted a linear cascade of airfoils oscillating in pitch to measure the unsteady pressure response on selected blade along the leading edge plane of the cascade, over the chord of the center blade, and on the sidewall in the plane of the leading edge. The tests were conducted for all 96 combinations 2 mean camberline incidence angles 2 pitching amplitudes 3 reduced frequencies and 8 interblade phase angles. The pressure data were reduced to Fourier coefficient form for direct comparison, and were also processed to yield integrated loads and particularly, the aerodynamic damping coefficient. Data obtained during the test program, reproduced from the printout of the data reduction program are complied. A further description of the contents of this report is found in the text that follows

    An experimental investigation of gapwise periodicity and unsteady aerodynamic response in an oscillating cascade. Volume 2: Data report. Part 2: Mode 2 data

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    Computer data are provided for tests conducted on a linear cascade of airfoils oscillating in pitch to measure the unsteady pressure response on selected blades along the leading edge plane of the cascade, over the chord of the center blade, and on the sidewall in the plane of the leading edge

    An experimental investigation of gapwise periodicity and unsteady aerodynamic response in an oscillating cascade. 1: Experimental and theoretical results

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    Tests were conducted on a linear cascade of airfoils oscillating in pitch to measure the unsteady pressure response on selected blades along the leading edge plane of the cascade, over the chord of the center blade, and on the sidewall in the plane of the leading edge. The pressure data were reduced to Fourier coefficient form for direct comparison, and were also processed to yield integrated loads and, particularly, the aerodynamic damping coefficient. Results from the unsteady Verdon/Caspar theory for cascaded blades with nonzero thickness and camber were compared with the experimental measurements. The three primary results are: (1) from the leading edge plane blade data, the cascade was judged to be periodic in unsteady flow over the range of parameters tested; (2) the interblade phase angle was found to be the single most important parameter affecting the stability of the oscillating cascade blades; and (3) the real blade theory and the experiment were in excellent agreement for the several cases chosen for comparison

    Some steady and oscillating airfoil test results, including the effects of sweep, from the tunnel spanning wing

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    A large scale tunnel spanning wing was built and tested. The model can be operated as either a swept or unswept wing and can be tested in steady state or oscillated sinusoidally in pitch about its quarter chord. Data is taken at mid-span with an internal 6-component balance and is also obtained from miniature pressure transducers distributed near the center span region. A description is given of the system and a brief discussion of some of the steady and unsteady results obtained to date. These are the steady load behavior to Mach numbers of approximately 1.1 and unsteady loads, including drag, at a reduced frequency of approximately 0.1

    Analysis of unswept and swept wing chordwise pressure data from an oscillating NACA 0012 airfoil experiment. Volume 2: Data report

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    The analysis of the chordwise load distribution and its sensitivity to the various system parameters represents the next phase of the overall study and is the subject of the present two volume report. The present volume is a compilation of all of the time history response data obtained during the test program previously described. The data have been tabulated in the form of Fourier coefficients for reasons of compactness and for ease by the user to reproduce the unsteady component of the individual pressures and the complete (unsteady plus steady state components) integrated load results. This data volume contains the individual pressure response time histories along the chord followed by the corresponding integrated load results. A further description of these data tables can be found in the text that follows