28 research outputs found

    The Many Faces of Histidine Triad Nucleotide Binding Protein 1 (HINT1)

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    The histidine triad nucleotide binding protein 1 (HINT1) is a nucleoside phosphoramidase that has garnered interest due to its widespread expression and participation in a broad range of biological processes. Herein, we discuss the role of HINT1 as a regulator of several CNS functions, tumor suppressor, and mast cell activator via its interactions with multiple G-protein-coupled receptors and transcription factors. Importantly, altered HINT1 expression and mutation are connected to the progression of multiple disease states, including several neuropsychiatric disorders, peripheral neuropathy, and tumorigenesis. Additionally, due to its involvement in the activation of several clinically used phosphoramidate prodrugs, tremendous efforts have been made to better understand the interactions behind nucleoside binding and phosphoramidate hydrolysis by HINT1. We detail the substrate specificity and catalytic mechanism of HINT1 hydrolysis, while highlighting the structural biology behind these efforts. The aim of this review is to summarize the multitude of biological and pharmacological functions in which HINT1 participates while addressing the areas of need for future research

    Chemically Self-Assembled Antibody Nanostructures as Potential Drug Carriers

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    Chemically self-assembled antibody nanorings (CSANs) displaying multiple copies of single-chain variable fragments can be prepared from dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) fusion proteins and bis-methotrexate (bisMTX). We have designed and synthesized a bisMTX chemical dimerizer (<b>bisMTX-NH<sub>2</sub></b>) that contains a third linker arm that can be conjugated to fluorophores, radiolabels, and drugs. Monovalent, divalent, and higher-order AntiCD3 CSANs were assembled with a fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeled bis-methotrexate ligand (<b>bisMTX-FITC</b>) and found to undergo rapid internalization and trafficking by HPB-MLT, a CD3+ T-leukemia cell line, to the early and late endosome and lysosome. Because the fluorescence of <b>bisMTX-FITC</b> when incorporated into CSANs was found to be significantly greater than that of the free ligand, the stability of the endocytosed AntiCD3 CSANs could be monitored. The internalized CSANs were found to be stable for several hours, while treatment with the nontoxic DHFR inhibitor trimethoprim resulted in a rapid loss (>80%) of cellular fluorescence within minutes, consistent with efficient intracellular disassembly of the nanorings. Over longer time periods (24 h), cellular fluorescence decreased by 75–90%, regardless of whether cells had been treated with DMSO or trimethoprim. Although bisMTX is a potent inhibitor of DHFR, it was found to be nontoxic (GI<sub>50</sub> > 20 μM) to HPB-MLT cells. In contrast, AntiCD3 CSANs prepared with bisMTX were found to be at least 13-fold more cytotoxic (GI<sub>50</sub> = 0.5–1.5 μM) than bisMTX at 72 h. Consistent with our findings from CSAN stability studies, no increase in cytotoxicity was observed upon treatment with trimethoprim. Taken together, our results suggest that cell receptor targeting CSANs prepared with trifunctional bisMTX could be used as potential tissue selective drug carriers

    Prosthetic Antigen Receptors

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    Chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) have shown great promise for the immunological treatment of cancer. Nevertheless, the need to genetically engineer a patient’s T-cells has presented significant production and safety challenges. To address these issues, we have demonstrated that chemically self-assembled nanorings (CSANs) displaying single chain antibodies can bind to both the CD3 ε subunit of the T-cell-receptor/CD3 complex and the CD22 antigen on malignant B cells such as B-leukemias or lymphomas. We demonstrate that the multivalent and bispecific format allows the antiCD3/antiCD22 CSANs to stably bind to T-cell surfaces for greater than 4 days, while being easily disassembled on the cell membrane by treatment with the nontoxic FDA approved drug, trimethoprim. In the presence of CD22+ Raji cells, T-cells modified with antiCD3/antiCD22 CSANs were shown to selectively up-regulate the production of interleukin-2 (IL-2) and interferon-γ (IFN-γ) and to initiate cytotoxicity. Taken together, our results demonstrate that antiCD3/antiCD22 bispecific CSANs offer a potential alternative to CARs, as prosthetic antigen receptors

    Tunable Supramolecular Assemblies from Amphiphilic Nucleoside Phosphoramidate Nanofibers by Enzyme Activation

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    Enzymes possess unique qualities that make them ideal regulators of supramolecular assembly. They are uniquely sensitive to biomolecules and biological compartments, catalytic in effecting chemical reactions, and present a biocompatible and degradable platform for assembly regulation. We demonstrate the novel utility of Histidine Triad Nucleotide Binding Protein 1 (HINT1) in regulating supramolecular hydrogel formation. We synthesized nucleoside-phosphoramidate-functionalized self-assembling peptides that we observed to form nanofibers. We found HINT1’s catalytic hydrolysis of the nucleoside phosphoramidate moieties within the nanofiber structures to induce nanofiber organization and higher ordered assembly. The role of HINT1 in effecting this structural change was confirmed with experiments utilizing a high-affinity HINT1 inhibitor and catalytically dead HINT1 mutant. In addition, the kinetics and morphology of hydrogel formation were found to be dependent on the structure of the released nucleoside monophosphate. This work highlights the self-assembly of phosphoramidate nanofibers and their higher organization triggered by HINT1 enzymatic activity

    Programmable Self-Assembly of Antibody–Oligonucleotide Conjugates as Small Molecule and Protein Carriers

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    Dihydrofolate reductase single-chain variable fragment (scFv) fusion proteins can be used for the targeted cellular delivery of oligonucleotides, conjugated small molecules, and proteins via labeling of oligonucleotides by bis-methotrexate

    Caught before Released: Structural Mapping of the Reaction Trajectory for the Sofosbuvir Activating Enzyme, Human Histidine Triad Nucleotide Binding Protein 1 (hHint1)

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    Human histidine triad nucleotide binding protein 1 (hHint1) is classified as an efficient nucleoside phosphoramidase and acyl-adenosine monophosphate hydrolase. Human Hint1 has been shown to be essential for the metabolic activation of nucleotide antiviral pronucleotides (i.e., proTides), such as the FDA approved hepatitis C drug, sofosbuvir. The active site of hHint1 comprises an ensemble of strictly conserved histidines, including nucleophilic His112. To structurally investigate the mechanism of hHint1 catalysis, we have designed and prepared nucleoside thiophosphoramidate substrates that are able to capture the transiently formed nucleotidylated-His112 intermediate (<b>E*</b>) using time-dependent crystallography. Utilizing a catalytically inactive hHint1 His112Asn enzyme variant and wild-type enzyme, the enzyme–substrate (<b>ES</b><sup><b>1</b></sup>) and product (<b>EP</b><sup><b>2</b></sup>) complexes were also cocrystallized, respectively, thus providing a structural map of the reaction trajectory. On the basis of these observations and the mechanistic necessity of proton transfers, proton inventory studies were carried out. Although we cannot completely exclude the possibility of more than one proton in flight, the results of these studies were consistent with the transfer of a single proton during the formation of the intermediate. Interestingly, structural analysis revealed that the critical proton transfers required for intermediate formation and hydrolysis may be mediated by a conserved active site water channel. Taken together, our results provide mechanistic insights underpinning histidine nucleophilic catalysis in general and hHint1 catalysis, in particular, thus aiding the design of future proTides and the elucidation of the natural function of the Hint family of enzymes

    Titratable Avidity Reduction Enhances Affinity Discrimination in Mammalian Cellular Selections of Yeast-Displayed Ligands

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    Yeast surface display selections against mammalian cell monolayers have proven effective in isolating proteins with novel binding activity. Recent advances in this technique allow for the recovery of clones with even micromolar binding affinities. However, no efficient method has been shown for affinity-based selection in this context. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of titratable avidity reduction using dithiothreitol to achieve this goal. A series of epidermal growth factor receptor binding fibronectin domains with a range of affinities are used to quantitatively identify the number of ligands per yeast cell that yield the strongest selectivity between strong, moderate, and weak affinities. Notably, reduction of ligand display to 3,000–6,000 ligands per yeast cell of a 2 nM binder yields 16-fold better selectivity than that to a 17 nM binder. These lessons are applied to affinity maturation of an EpCAM-binding fibronectin population, yielding an enriched pool of ligands with significantly stronger affinity than that of an analogous pool sorted by standard cellular selection methods. Collectively, this study offers a facile approach for affinity selection of yeast-displayed ligands against full-length cellular targets and demonstrates the effectiveness of this method by generating EpCAM-binding ligands that are promising for further applications

    Targeted Delivery of Antisense Oligonucleotides by Chemically Self-Assembled Nanostructures

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    Synthetic nucleic acids have shown great potential in the treatment of various diseases. Nevertheless, the selective delivery to a target tissue has proved challenging. The coupling of nucleic acids to targeting peptides, proteins, and antibodies has been explored as an approach for their selective tissue delivery. Nevertheless, the preparation of covalently coupled peptides and proteins that can also undergo intracellular release as well as deliver more than one copy of the nucleic acid has proved challenging. Recently, we have developed a novel method for the rapid noncovalent conjugation of nucleic acids to targeting single chain antibodies (scFv) using chemically self-assembled nanostructures (CSANs). CSANs have been prepared by the self-assembly of two dihydrofolate reductase molecules (DHFR<sup>2</sup>) and a targeting scFv in the presence of bis-methotrexate (bis-MTX). The valency of the nanorings can be tuned from one to eight subunits, depending on the length and composition of the linker between the dihydrofolate reductase molecules. To explore their potential for the therapeutic delivery of nucleic acids as well as the ability to expand the capabilities of CSANs by incorporating smaller cyclic targeting peptides, we prepared DHFR<sup>2</sup> proteins fused through a flexible peptide linker to cyclic-RGD, which targets αvβ3 integrins, and a bis-MTX chemical dimerizer linked to an antisense oligonucleotide (bis-MTX-ASO) that has been shown to silence expression of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E (eIF4E). Monomeric and multimeric cRGD-CSANs were then prepared with bis-MTX-ASO and shown to undergo endocytosis in the breast cancer cell line, MDA-MB-231, which overexpresses αvβ3. The bis-MTX-ASO was shown to undergo endosomal escape resulting in the knock down of eIF4E with at least the same efficiency as ASO delivered by oligofectamine. The modularity, flexibility, and common method of conjugation may prove to be a useful general approach for the targeted delivery of ASOs, as well as other nucleic acids to cells

    <i>In Vivo</i> Evaluation of Site-Specifically PEGylated Chemically Self-Assembled Protein Nanostructures

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    Chemically self-assembled nanorings (CSANs) are made of dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) fusion proteins and have been successfully used <i>in vitro</i> for cellular cargo delivery and cell surface engineering applications. However, CSANs have yet to be evaluated for their <i>in vivo</i> stability, circulation, and tissue distribution. In an effort to evaluate CSANs <i>in vivo</i>, we engineered a site-specifically PEGylated epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) targeting DHFR molecules, characterized their self-assembly into CSANs with bivalent methotrexates (bis-MTX), visualized their <i>in vivo</i> tissue localization by microPET/CT imaging, and determined their <i>ex vivo</i> organ biodistribution by tissue-based gamma counting. A dimeric DHFR (DHFR<sup>2</sup>) molecule fused with a C-terminal EGFR targeting peptide (LARLLT) was engineered to incorporate a site-specific ketone functionality using unnatural amino acid mutagenesis. Aminooxy-PEG, of differing chain lengths, was successfully conjugated to the protein using oxime chemistry. These proteins were self-assembled into CSANs with bis-MTX DHFR dimerizers and characterized by size exclusion chromatography and dynamic light scattering. <i>In vitro</i> binding studies were performed with fluorescent CSANs assembled using bis-MTX-FITC, while <i>in vivo</i> microPET/CT imaging was performed with radiolabeled CSANs assembled using bis-MTX-DOTA­[<sup>64</sup>Cu]. PEGylation reduced the uptake of anti-EGFR CSANs by mouse macrophages (RAW 264.7) up to 40% without altering the CSAN’s binding affinity toward U-87 MG glioblastoma cells <i>in vitro</i>. A significant time dependent tumor accumulation of <sup>64</sup>Cu labeled anti-EGFR-CSANs was observed by microPET/CT imaging and biodistribution studies in mice bearing U-87 MG xenografts. PEGylated CSANs demonstrated a reduced uptake by the liver, kidneys, and spleen resulting in high contrast tumor imaging within an hour of intravenous injection (9.6% ID/g), and continued to increase up to 24 h (11.7% ID/g) while the background signal diminished. CSANs displayed an <i>in vivo</i> profile between those of rapidly clearing small molecules and slow clearing antibodies. Thus, CSANs offer a modular, programmable, and stable protein based platform that can be used for <i>in vivo</i> drug delivery and imaging applications

    Anchimerically Activated ProTides as Inhibitors of Cap-Dependent Translation and Inducers of Chemosensitization in Mantle Cell Lymphoma

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    The cellular delivery of nucleotides through various pronucleotide strategies has expanded the utility of nucleosides as a therapeutic class. Although highly successful, the highly popular ProTide system relies on a four-step enzymatic and chemical process to liberate the corresponding monophosphate. To broaden the scope and reduce the number of steps required for monophosphate release, we have developed a strategy that depends on initial chemical activation by a sulfur atom of a methylthioalkyl protecting group, followed by enzymatic hydrolysis of the resulting phosphoramidate monoester. We have employed this ProTide strategy for intracellular delivery of a nucleotide antagonist of eIF4E in mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) cells. Furthermore, we demonstrated that chemical inhibition of cap-dependent translation results in suppression of c-Myc expression, increased p27 expression, and enhanced chemosensitization to doxorubicin, dexamethasone, and ibrutinib. In addition, the new ProTide strategy was shown to enhance oral bioavailability of the corresponding monoester phosphoramidate