16 research outputs found

    Macroscopic Quantum Fluctuations in the Josephson Dynamics of Two Weakly Linked Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We study the quantum corrections to the Gross-Pitaevskii equation for two weakly linked Bose-Einstein condensates. The goals are: 1) to investigate dynamical regimes at the borderline between the classical and quantum behaviour of the bosonic field; 2) to search for new macroscopic quantum coherence phenomena not observable with other superfluid/superconducting systems. Quantum fluctuations renormalize the classical Josephson oscillation frequencies. Large amplitude phase oscillations are modulated, exhibiting collapses and revivals. We describe a new inter-well oscillation mode, with a vanishing (ensemble averaged) mean value of the observables, but with oscillating mean square fluctuations. Increasing the number of condensate atoms, we recover the classical Gross-Pitaevskii (Josephson) dynamics, without invoking the symmetry-breaking of the Gauge invariance.Comment: Submitte

    Studying the Effects of the Intensity of US State Growth Management Approaches on Land Development Outcomes

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    Summary. Driven by negative externalities from suburban sprawl, many states in the US have adopted comprehensive growth management legislation in an effort to regulate land development more directly. Most extant scholarship evaluating the effects of growth management programmes employs a design that averages growth management’s effect across all of the growth management states. Yet, this approach largely ignores descriptive analyses of individual state growth management approaches which show large variation in both the methods and intensity of means by which states manage growth. This paper seeks to ascertain if differences in growth management intensity yield different evaluative outcomes. Analysis of panel data for nine growth management states using fixed effects regressions, across eight different model specifications, shows that only states with the strongest growth management intensity experience consistent success at reducing the expansion of urban land and increasing population densities. Beginning with the enactment of Hawaii’s Land Use Law in 1961, a number of US states have adopted comprehensive growth management legislation in an effort to pre

    Levelling the playing field: A case study of how non-market values can compete in policy debates over wastewater allocation in a semi-arid region

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    In this paper we describe how benefits are transferred from previous non-market valuation research to inform the public policy debate on the allocation of treated wastewater to Riparian Projects in the semi-arid city of Tucson, Arizona, United States. Specifically, we transfer property premiums associated with proximity to riparian habitat to two proposed, and one accidental, urban Riparian Project. The study demonstrates that nearby property owners would likely benefit from wastewater reuse in riparian corridor restoration projects. Furthermore, the variable costs of supplying supplementary treated wastewater to one of the Riparian Projects are covered by incremental property tax revenues. We conclude that there is a window of opportunity to utilize a portion of Tucson's treated wastewater, over half of which is currently discharged at the northern end of the city, for additional in-town riparian restoration projects. Such riparian restoration projects also provide a mechanism for Endangered Species Act compliance

    Decomposition of regional metropolitan and nonmetropolitan income inequality

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    This paper examines the inequality characteristics for regional per capita personal income in metropolitan and nonmetropolian areas. Total inequality is disaggregated into between and within portions. The findings show no statistically significant differences between metro and nonmetro. For both metro and nonmetro during the early 1970s decade, there was a general trend toward equality whereby the nonmetro areas’ income approached the metro areas’ income but showed significant divergences thereafter. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A00DH021 0000