200 research outputs found

    Recent palaeoenvironmental evidence for the processing of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) in eastern England during the medieval period

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    [FIRST PARAGRAPH] Hemp (Cannabissativa L.)— whose origins as a domesticated plant probably lie in C.Asia — has been cultivated in England since at least a.d.800 (and before this perhaps in the Roman Period), mainly for its ¿bre, which was used to make sails, ropes, ¿shing nets and clothes, as well as for the oil from hempseed. Hemp cultivation may have reached a peak during the early 16th century, when Henry VIII decreed that increased hemp production was required to supply the expanding navy. Evidence for the locations where the crop was cultivated and processed is available in several different forms, including written evidence in parish records and government reports, place-name evidence (e.g.Hempholme and some instances of Hempstead), and features on old maps, such as Hempis¿eld (hemp¿eld)

    Modification and Optimization of Activated Carbons for Phenolic Compounds Removal

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    Phenols are generally considered to be one of the important organic pollutants discharged into the environment causing unpleasant taste and odour of drinking water. Development of inexpensive adsorbents from industrial wastes for the treatment of wastewaters is an important area in environmental sciences. For the phenolic compounds removal, it appears that the pH of the solution, the real surface area of the solid, and functional groups play a major role. The objective of this study was to screen various adsorbents for potential application for the removal of phenolic compounds for drinking water concentration range. The adsorbents used in this study were AC prepared from recycled PET and AC prepared from cork submitted to a reduction post treatment

    An innovative approach to develop microporous activated carbons in oxidising atmosphere

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    The aim of the study was to investigate a rather oxidising atmosphere such as air for the development of a microporous activated carbon from demineralised kraft lignin. Demineralisation of lignin makes the precursor low in reactivity and hence can allow the use of more oxidising atmospheres. Control of the activation conditions allowed development of microporous activated carbons with type I N2 adsorption isotherms from demineralised kraft lignin having micropore volumes and mean micropore widths up to 0.374 cm3 g-1 and 1.12 nm, respectively. A unique feature of this study is to prepare high surface área (1305 m2 g-1) microporous activated carbon at a high temperature (950 ºC) in air atmosphere. The effect of temperature on the surface area, micropore volume, mean micropore width and total pore volume was also studied for the development of activated carbons from the precursor in the range 550-1050 ºC

    Using Waste Recycled PET for AC Production for Pesticides Removals from Aqueous Solutions

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    Over the last decades the literature has shown the possibility of producing activated carbons (AC) from a wide variety of raw materials and to use them as one of the most environment-friendly solutions for waste disposal. Additionally it has been shown that the adsorption of pollutants from different media by AC is one of the most efficient techniques for remediating or solving this type of problem. In this context, the presence of pesticides in water can cause serious problems in the environment and to human health; their removal from wastewaters is a crucial concern. The work presented here focuses these two problematic areas (solid waste reduction and wastewater treatment). The main idea was to develop low cost and efficiently adsorbent materials for hazardous compounds removal from aquatic media, to level admitted in drinking water

    Activated Carbon Post Treatment - Influence on Phenolic Compounds Removal

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    ● AC preparation from different precursors and their modification / optimisation with sodium hydroxide and urea to improve the adsorption capacities for phenolic compounds from the liquid phase. ● Comparative study of the influence of textural and chemical parameters of AC on the liquid phase adsorption

    Direct Nitrogen Enrichment of Activated Carbon Produced from Synthetic or Natural Precursor

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    The specific application of activated carbons (AC) as adsorbents for gases and vapours depends on the properties of pollutants to be removed, but the performance of the AC depends on various properties. If their porosity is the main parameter in gas adsorption, the chemical nature of their surface plays a significant role in liquid phase interactions and in their usefulness as catalyst support materials. Of particularly interest are the AC containing heteroatoms, such as oxygen, hydrogen, phosphorus, sulphur and nitrogen. Generally, the AC containing various nitrogen groups,present more basic character and increased adsorption of acidic agents is expected. These AC found widespread applications as adsorbents for hydrogen sulphide, sulphur dioxide, sulphur and carbon dioxide and as catalysts for selective oxidation of hydrogen sulphide

    Modification and Optimization of Activated Carbons for Phenolic Compounds removals

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    Phenols are generally considered to be one of the important organic pollutants discharged into the environment causing unpleasant taste and odour of drinking water. Development of inexpensive adsorbents from industrial wastes for the treatment of wastewaters is an important area in environmental sciences. For the phenolic compounds removal, it appears that the pH of the solution, the real surface area of the solid, and functional groups play a major role. The objective of this study was to screen various adsorbents for potential application for the removal of phenolic compounds for drinking water concentration range. The adsorbents used in this study were AC prepared from recycled PET and AC prepared from cork submitted to a reduction post treatment

    Modification and Optimization of Activated Carbons for Phenolic

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    Phenolic compounds are generally considered to be one of the important organic pollutants discharged into the environment causing unpleasant taste and odour of drinking water [1,2]. So, removal of phenolics compounds from industrial effluents is required before sewage disposal. The development of inexpensive adsorbents from industrial wastes for the treatment of wastewaters is an important area in environmental sciences. For the phenolic compounds removal, it appears that the pH of the solution, the real surface area of the solid and functional groups play a major role. Adsorption onto activated carbons (AC) is often considered, amongst the methods currently employed to remove inorganic and organic pollutants, from aqueous or gaseous phases, as the most efficient and one of the most economical. A detailed characterization of physical and chemical surface properties of an AC has become one of the most important issues in adsorption technology because it ascertain its suitability for one or more of the application fields

    The influence of the activated carbon post-treatment on the phenolic

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    The aim of this research was to investigate how post treatment modification, such as those with sodium hydroxide or urea, can influence the capacity of activated carbon (AC) for phenolic compounds removal from liquid media. The ACs modification was performed using urea impregnation followed by pyrolysis at high temperature. With all ACs used, this treatment induced a pore volume increase, a mean pore size broadening, an increase in the point of zero charge and also in the basic character. The modification with sodium hydroxide brings to light the influence of the precursor nature as the achievements are really diverse. With the ACs obtained from PET, a pore volume and mean pore size reduction occurred, with the AC-cloth no textural effect was observed and with the AC obtained from cork, an enlargement of the mean pore size and an increase of the pore volume were confirmed. The difference in the acidic/basic character exhibited by the modified ACs was in agreement with the presence of acidic/basic superficial groups identified by FTIR. The textural and chemical properties of the ACs affect in a direct way the phenolic compounds removal capacity. Particularly, those modified with urea, which exhibited a superior removal capacity for both phenolic compounds

    On the use of ethanol for evaluating microporosity of activated carbons prepared from Polish lignite

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    Microporous activated carbons prepared by KOH chemical activation or steam activation from lignite were characterised by adsorption of N2 at 77 K and CO2 at 298 K. Subsequently, the adsorption of ethanol was carried out and complemented by adsorption of benzene and cyclohexane. The isotherm analysis included application of the αs method using ethanol reference data obtained here by also studying non-porous carbon blacks. The work confirmed that ethanol is an experimentally convenient adsorptive to use and leads to results in overall agreement with those obtained using other probe molecules. Of particular interest was the observation that ethanol can gain access to the whole microporosity even in the case of samples containing constricted micropore entrances. It was also possible to show that certain furnace carbon blacks contain intrinsic microporosity which is more difficult to unambiguously detect by adsorption of N2 at 77 K. On the other hand, the results also suggested that the exact shape of the ethanol adsorption isotherm on a nonporous surface is more sensitive to the nature of the surface than has previously been found with other adsorptives