2 research outputs found

    Gastric cancer in Ecuador - current situation

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    Gastric cancer is one of the most frequent cancers and has the worst prognosis worldwide, with a 5-year survival rate of only 15% worldwide. Almost one million new cases are diagnosed each year in the world, representing the fourth cause of death from cancer in the world. And in Guayaquil in 2015, nearly 300 new cases were diagnosed, being the most up-to-date figures in our environment

    Embarazo ect贸pico cervical. Presentaci贸n de caso cl铆nico

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    Cervical pregnancy is the rarest form of ectopic pregnancy, in which the embryo implants and grows within the endocervical canal, like all ectopic pregnancies, can rupture acutely and are the main cause of maternal death in the first trimester of pregnancy, so early recognition and accurate location have significant clinical implications on morbidity and mortality in pregnant women. The aim of this study was to describe a clinical case of cervical ectopic pregnancy, successfully managed with conservative surgical treatment. Relevant aspects about this pathological clinical condition and the importance of timely diagnosis and treatment are described. Informed consent was requested from the patient. Authorization was obtained from the Department of Teaching and Research, allowing the review of clinical history and images for the publication of the case. The present study concludes that cervical ectopic pregnancy is a rare pathological condition with a very high mortality rate if not diagnosed and treated in time. Its management will depend on the hemodynamic state of the patient and her desire to preserve fertilityEl embarazo cervical, es la forma m谩s rara de embarazo ect贸pico, en la cual el embri贸n se implanta y crece dentro del canal endocervical, al igual que todos los embarazos ect贸picos, pueden romperse de forma aguda y son la principal causa de muerte materna en el primer trimestre del embarazo, por lo que, el reconocimiento precoz y la localizaci贸n precisa tienen implicaciones cl铆nicas significativas sobre la morbimortalidad en la gestante. El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir un caso cl铆nico de embarazo ect贸pico cervical, manejado exitosamente con tratamiento quir煤rgico conservador. Se describen aspectos relevantes sobre esta condici贸n cl铆nica patol贸gica y la importancia del diagn贸stico y tratamiento oportuno.  Se solicit贸 el consentimiento informado a la paciente. Se obtuvo la autorizaci贸n del Departamento de docencia e investigaci贸n, permitiendo la revisi贸n de historia cl铆nica e im谩genes para la publicaci贸n del caso. En el presente trabajo se concluye que el embarazo ect贸pico cervical, es una condici贸n patol贸gica rara y con una tasa de mortalidad muy alta si no se diagnostica y trata a tiempo. Su manejo va a depender del estado hemodin谩mico de la paciente y de su deseo de preservaci贸n de la fertilida