11 research outputs found

    Multirresistência antimicrobiana em cepas de Escherichia coli isoladas de cadelas com piometra Antimicrobial multi-resistance of Escherichia coli strains isolated from bitches with pyometra

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    The antimicrobial sensibility of Escherichia coli strains isolated from the uterine content of bitches was evaluated. Fifteen E. coli strains were tested in relation to their susceptibility to different antimicrobials. The results demonstrated 100% of resistance to all tested drugs, being a quite conflicting finding compared to other works, which observed variable resistance of those bacteria to different antimicrobials but not the same multi-resistance pattern. The detection of those multi-resistance strains configures a problem, with important implications on the antimicrobial therapy. Therefore, additional investigations for a best characterization and extension of this problem are needed

    Effect of amitraz and xylazine on some physiological variables of horses

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    Avaliaram-semos os efeitos das injeções intravenosas (iv) de amitraz (0,1mg/kg) e xilazina (1mg/kg), em cavalos, sobre a atividade cardíaca, freqüência respiratória, atividade motora intestinal, temperatura retal, sudorese e freqüência de apreensão de alimentos. O amitraz causouuma diminuição significativa da atividade cardíaca, da freqüência respiratória e da movimentação intestinal, mas esses efeitos não foram tão pronunciados quanto os causados pela xilazina. O amitraz causou, também, um relaxamento significativo da musculatura lisa retal, e um aparente aumento da sudorese e da freqüência de cavalos flagrados mastigando feno. A temperatura retal não foi influenciada pelo amitraz. Os resultados indicam que o amitraz, na dose utilizada, não causou efeitos colaterais severos em cavalos.The effect of the intravenous injection of amitraz (0.1mg/kg) to horses on cardiac activity, respiratory rate, intestinal motor activity, rectal temperature, sweating and masticating was evaluated and compared to the effect of intravenous administration of xylazine (1mg/kg, iv) on heart rate, respiratory rate and intestinal activity. Amitraz caused a significant decrease in heart activity, respiratory rate and intestinal movements, but these effects were not as pronounced as those caused by xylazine. Amitraz also caused a significant relaxation of the rectal smooth muscle, and an apparent increase in sweating and in the frequency of horses found masticating hay. Rectal temperature was not influenced by amitraz. The results indicated that amitraz, at the dose used, did not cause severe side effects in horses.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Comparison of the quantification of caffeine in human plasma by gas chromatography and ELISA

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    In the present study we evaluated the precision of the ELISA method to quantify caffeine in human plasma and compared the results with those obtained by gas chromatography. A total of 58 samples were analyzed by gas chromatography using a nitrogen-phosphorus detector and routine techniques. For the ELISA test, the samples were diluted to obtain a concentration corresponding to 50% of the absorbance of the standard curve. To determine whether the proximity between the I50 of the standard curve and that of the sample would bring about a more precise result, the samples were divided into three blocks according to the criterion of difference, in modulus, of the I50 of the standard curve and of the I50 of the sample. The samples were classified into three groups. The first was composed of 20 samples with I50 up to 1.5 ng/ml, the second consisted of 21 samples with I50 ranging from 1.51 to 3 ng/ml, and the third of 17 samples with I50 ranging from 3.01 to 13 ng/ml. The determination coefficient (R² = 0.999) showed that the data obtained by gas chromatography represented a reliable basis. The results obtained by ELISA were also reliable, with an estimated Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.82 between the two methods. This coefficient for the different groups (0.88, 0.79 and 0.49 for groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively) showed greater reliability for the test with dilutions closer to I50

    Estudo da ação inflamatória aguda do tiopental intraperitoneal em ratos Acute inflammatory action of tiopental intraperitoneal in rats

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    Determinou-se a ação inflamatória aguda do tiopental intraperitoneal (IP) utilizando-se 72 ratos, divididos em grupo-tratado (40mg/kg de tiopental a 2,5% IP) e grupo-controle (0,25ml de solução fisiológica IP). Para determinar o processo inflamatório, colheu-se o lavado peritoneal às 2, 6, 12, 24 e 48h após a inoculação. Os animais foram anestesiados com isoflurano e submetidos à eutanásia por secção dos vasos cervicais. Administraram-se 5ml de solução fisiológica heparinizada por via IP e, após homogeneização, divulsionou-se o peritôneo e colheu-se a amostra. Determinaram-se a dosagem de proteínas plasmáticas (PP), a contagem global (CGL) e a diferencial (CDL) de leucócitos. Não foi observada diferença na PP entre os grupos em nenhum momento exceto às 2h. Entre os momentos, a dosagem foi superior às 6 e 12h nos dois grupos. Não houve diferença entre os grupos para a CGL. Entre os momentos, a CGL diferiu dos demais às 6h em ambos os grupos. Verificou-se o mesmo perfil para a CDL entre os grupos exceto para os eosinófilos às 6h. Entre os momentos, os valores foram diferentes em relação aos neutrófilos em ambos os grupos, às 6 e 12h. Observou-se reação inflamatória aguda no processo provavelmente desencadeada pela ação mecânica da injeção. A eosinofilia observada no grupo-tratado após 6h sugere uma certa ação irritante do tiopental.<br>The acute inflammatory action of thiopental intraperitoneal (IP) in rats was studied. Seventy two animals were divided in treated (40mg/kg of thiopental, 2.5% IP) and control (0.25ml of saline solution IP) rats. In order to evaluate the inflammatory process, peritoneal fluid was taken at 2h, 6h, 12h, 24h e 48h after drug administration. The animals were anesthetized with isoflurane and submitted to euthanasia through cervical vessels section. Five millilitres of heparinized saline solution were injected IP, homogenized by abdomen massage and then withdrawn. Plasma protein (PP), global leukocyte count (GLC) and differential leukocyte count (DLC) were analysed. No difference in PP intergroup at any moment was observed, but at 2h. Intragroup, PP was higher between 6 and 12h in both groups. There was no statistical difference of GLC intergroup. There was a difference (P<0.05) of GLC results between groups at 6h post-injection. There was a similar pattern of DLC intergroups, except eosinophil cells at 6h. Intragroup cell counts of neutrophils were different (P<0.05) in both groups at 6 and 12h. The acute inflammatory reaction observed was probably trigged by the mechanically action of injection. The eosinophilia observed in treated group after 6h suggests some irritant action of thiopental

    Ação antiarrítmica do isofluorano em cães submetidos à arritmias ventriculares induzidas por cloreto de bário Antiarrhytmic action of isoflurane in dogs submitted to ventricular arrhytmia by barium chloride

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    Avaliou-se a ação antiarrítmica do isofluorano em cães submetidos a arritmias ventriculares pelo uso de cloreto de bário, utilizando-se de seis cães, machos e fêmeas, que receberam uma dose de 3mg/kg de peso IV de cloreto de bário a 2,5% (G1). O mesmo protocolo foi repetido, nos mesmos animais, sob anestesia geral com isofluorano (G2). Usou-se a eletrocardiografia computadorizada para avaliar o ritmo cardíaco, a duração e/ou amplitude das ondas e os intervalos eletrocardiográficos. Não se verificou alteração no ritmo cardíaco em G2, diferente de G1, que apresentou freqüentes arritmias ventriculares na forma de bigeminismo e taquicardia ventricular multifocal. Houve diferença significativa entre os grupos em relação à freqüência cardíaca nos minutos iniciais de observação, quando ocorreu aumento na freqüência cardíaca em G1. A utilização do isofluorano conferiu ação antiarrítmica em cães com arritmias induzidas pelo cloreto de bário, reforçando suas indicações a pacientes com risco considerável de desenvolvimento de arritmias ventriculares.<br>Antiarrhythmic action of isoflurane was evaluated in dogs submitted a ventricular arrhythmias by the use of barium chloride, using six dogs, males and females, that received 3mg/kgLW intravenous dose of barium chloride 2.5% solution (G1). The same protocol was repeated on the same animals, after general anesthesia with isoflurane (G2). Computerized electrocardiography was used to evaluate the cardiac rhythm, waves duration and/or amplitude and electrocardiographic intervals. No alteration on the cardiac rhythm in G2 animals was observed, different from G1 animals, that showed frequent ventricular arrhythmias in bigeminism form, as well as mutifocal ventricular tachycardia. Differences between groups in relation of cardiac frequency in the observed initial minutes were showed, occurring an increase in cardiac frequency in G1 animals. The utilization of isoflurane conferred antiarrhythmic action in dogs with arrhythmias barium chloride induced, reforcing its indication for patients with considerable risk of ventricular arrhythmias development