23 research outputs found

    Modulating the release of bioactive molecules of human mesenchymal stromal cell secretome: Heparinization of hyaluronic acid-based hydrogels

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    An amine derivative of hyaluronic acid (HA) was crosslinked to obtain a 3D dried sponge. The sponge was subsequently rehydrated using secretome from human mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs), resulting in the formation of a hydrogel. The release kinetics analysis demonstrated that the hydrogel effectively sustained secretome release, with 70% of the initially loaded wound-healing-associated cytokines being released over a 12-day period. Tuning the hydrogel properties through heparin crosslinking resulted in a biomaterial with a distinct mechanism of action. Specifically, the presence of heparin enhanced water uptake capacity of the hydrogel and increased its sensitivity to enzymatic degradation. Notably, the heparin crosslinking also led to a significant retention of cytokines within the hydrogel matrix. Overall, the secretome-rehydrated HA hydrogel holds promise as a versatile device for regenerative medicine applications: the non-heparinized hydrogel may function as a biomaterial with low reabsorption rates, sustaining the release of bioactive molecules contained in MSC secretome. In contrast, the heparinized hydrogel may serve as a depot of bioactive molecules with faster reabsorption rates. Given its patch-like characteristic, the HA-based hydrogel appears suitable as topical treatment for external organs, such as the skin

    Exosomes isolation and characterization in serum is feasible in non-small cell lung cancer patients: critical analysis of evidence and potential role in clinical practice

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    Exosomes are nano-sized vesicles of endolysosomal origin, released by several cytotypes in physiological and pathological conditions. Tumor derived exosomes, interacting with other cells of the tumor microenvironment, modulate tumor progression, angiogenic switch, metastasis, and immune escape. Recently, extracellular vesicles were proposed as excellent biomarkers for disease monitoring and prognosis in cancer patients. Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) has a poor 5-year survival rate due to the delay in the detection of the disease. The majority of patients are diagnosed in an advanced disease stage. Exosomes might be promising beneficial tools as biomarker candidates in the scenario of NSCLC, since they contain both, proteins and miRNAs. The clinical case reported in this manuscript is a proof of concept revealing that NSCLC exosomes and sorted miRNAs might constitute, in a near future, novel biomarkers. This review summarizes the role of exosomes in NSCLC, focusing on the importance of exosomal microRNAs in lung cancer diagnosis and prognosi

    A weekly regimen of cisplatin, paclitaxel and topotecan with granulocyte-colony stimulating factor support for patients with extensive disease small cell lung cancer: a phase II study

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    The present study was aimed at defining the antitumour activity of the cisplatin-paclitaxel-topotecan (CPT) weekly administration with G-CSF support in chemo-naive SCLC patients with extensive disease (ED-SCLC). Chemonaive ED-SCLC patients received cisplatin 40 mg/m2, paclitaxel 85 mg/m2, and topotecan 2.25 mg/m2weekly, with G-CSF (5 μg/kg days 3–5) support, for a maximum of 12 weeks. 37 patients were treated, for a total of 348 cycles delivered. 8 complete responses (22%) and 22 partial responses (59%) were recorded, giving an 81% [95% CI = 65–92%] ORR. At a 13-month (range, 4–26) median follow-up, median progression-free and overall survival were 8 months and 12.5 months, with 1-year and 2-year projected survivals of 55% and 21%, respectively. No toxic deaths occurred. Grade 4 neutropenia and thrombocytopenia occurred in 6 and 3 patients, respectively. Only one case of neutropenic sepsis was recorded, while haemorrhagic thrombocytopenia was never observed. Diarrhoea, paraesthesias and fatigue were the main nonhaematologic toxicities being severe in 6, 2 and 10 patients, respectively. The weekly CPT combination with G-CSF support represents a well tolerated therapeutic approach in chemo-naive ED-SCLC patients. The activity rate seems at least similar to that achievable with the standard front-line approaches. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Phenotypical and molecular assessment of the virulence potential of KPC-3-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae ST392 clinical isolates

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    Klebsiella pneumoniae is a Gram-negative bacterium of clinical importance, due to its resistance to several antibiotic classes. We have identified 4 clinical isolates of K. pneumoniae sequence type (ST) 392 KPC-3-producing strains from patients at the Istituto Mediterraneo per i Trapianti e Terapie ad Alta Specializzazione (IRCCS-ISMETT), a Southern Italian transplantation health facility, during a routine surveillance for carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales from in-house clinical samples. Since those were among, to the best of our knowledge, the first KPC-producing K. pneumoniae ST392 isolated in Europe, we assessed their virulence potential, to understand if this particular ST can become an endemic clinical threat. ST392 isolates were investigated to assess their virulence potential, namely resistance to human sera, formation of abiotic biofilms, adhesion to biotic surfaces, exopolysaccharide production and in vivo pathogenesis in the wax moth Galleria mellonella animal model. ST392-belonging strains were highly resistant to human sera. These strains also have a high capacity to form abiotic biofilms and high levels of adhesion to the human epithelial colorectal adenocarcinoma HT-29 cell line. An increase of transcriptional levels of genes involved in serum resistance (aroE and traT) and adhesion (pgaA) was observed when compared with the Klebsiella quasipneumoniae subsp. similipneumoniae strain ATCC 700603 reference strain. Infection of G. mellonella larvae with ST392 clinical isolates showed that the latter were not highly pathogenic in this model. Together, our results indicate that ST392 isolates have the potential to become a strain of clinical relevance, especially in health settings where patients are immunosuppressed, e.g., transplant recipients

    Participation of older newly-diagnosed cancer patients in an observational prospective pilot study: an example of recruitment and retention

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There have been few prospective observational studies which recruited older newly-diagnosed cancer patients, and of these only some have reported information on the number needed to screen to recruit their study sample, and the number and reasons for refusal and drop-out. This paper reports on strategies to recruit older newly-diagnosed cancer patients prior to treatment into an observational prospective pilot study and to retain them during a six-month period.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Medical charts of all patients in the Segal Cancer Centre aged 65 and over were screened and evaluated for inclusion. Several strategies to facilitate recruitment and retention were implemented. Reasons for exclusion, refusal and loss to follow-up were recorded. Descriptive statistics were used to report the reasons for refusal and loss to follow-up. A non-response analysis using chi-square tests and t-tests was conducted to compare respondents to those who refused to participate and to compare those who completed the study to those who were lost to follow-up. A feedback form with open-ended questions was administered following the last interview to obtain patient's opinions on the length of the interviews and conduct of this pilot study.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>3060 medical charts were screened and 156 eligible patients were identified. Of these 112 patients participated for a response rate of 72%. Reasons for refusal were: feeling too anxious (40%), not interested (25%), no time (12.5%), too sick (5%) or too healthy (5%) or other reasons (5%). Ninety-one patients participated in the six-month follow-up (retention 81.3%), seven patients refused follow-up (6.2%) and fourteen patients died (12.5%) during the course of the study. The median time to conduct the baseline interview was 45 minutes and 57% of baseline interviews were conducted at home. Most patients enjoyed participation and only five felt that the interviews were too long.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>It was feasible to recruit newly-diagnosed cancer patients prior to treatment although it required considerable time and effort. Once patients were included, the retention rate was high despite the fact that most were undergoing active cancer treatment.</p

    Comparison of Immunosuppressive and Angiogenic Properties of Human Amnion-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells between 2D and 3D Culture Systems

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    The secretion of potential therapeutic factors by mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) has aroused much interest given the benefits that it can bring in the field of regenerative medicine. Indeed, the in vitro multipotency of these cells and the secretive capacity of both angiogenic and immunomodulatory factors suggest a role in tissue repair and regeneration. However, during culture, MSCs rapidly lose the expression of key transcription factors associated with multipotency and self-renewal, as well as the ability to produce functional paracrine factors. In our study, we show that a three-dimensional (3D) culture method is effective to induce MSC spheroid formation, to maintain the multipotency and to improve the paracrine activity of a specific population of human amnion-derived MSCs (hAMSCs). The regenerative potential of both 3D culture-derived conditioned medium (3D CM) and their exosomes (EXO) was assessed against 2D culture products. In particular, tubulogenesis assays revealed increased capillary maturation in the presence of 3D CM compared with both 2D CM and 2D EXO. Furthermore, 3D CM had a greater effect on inhibition of PBMC proliferation than both 2D CM and 2D EXO. To support this data, hAMSC spheroids kept in our 3D culture system remained viable and multipotent and secreted considerable amounts of both angiogenic and immunosuppressive factors, which were detected at lower levels in 2D cultures. This work reveals the placenta as an important source of MSCs that can be used for eventual clinical applications as cell-free therapies

    Sorafenib (SFB) treated elderly patients (E) with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC): Chromogranine A (CGA) plus vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) as predicting factors (PF) of treatment outcome.

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    Background: HCC accounts for approximately 90% of all primary liver cancers, and is the fifth most common cancer in the world and prognosis is so far very poor,particularly in E patients.Between all tentative of treatment till know SFB seems to be the most promising drug in patients with advanced or metastatic HCC.Aim of the study is to investigate if SFB is efficient and safe also in E HCC patients despite the comorbidities and other problems. Objectives: To investigate if CgA and VEGF work as predicting factors of Sorafenib treatment outcomes. Methods: 51 patients, mean age 68,9 (65-85) with HCC were enrolled . Serum CgA, VEGF and αFP were evaluated at baseline and after end of treatment (SFB 400mg p.o. bid), until disease progression. Clinical response (RECIST), Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment and PFS were considered as well. Results: CgA mean value (baseline: 77.9 – after treatment: 26.25 UI/L) and VEGF levels (baseline: 67.3 – after treatment 47.2 pg/ml) seems to have a predictive role in clinical benefit. A correlation between lower values of CgA and VEGF was noted in pts with longer PFS. Furthermore 3-4 toxicity was not observed in these pts. OS median was 11 months. Conclusions: The most relevant data in this study refer to the role of serum CgA and VEGF levels, for prediction of tumor response. If these findings were confirmed in future largest studies, it could be sufficient to measure these markers levels for identification of those HCC patients who have more probability of obtaining clinical benefit from a sorafenib treatment