13 research outputs found

    Quantitative Proteomics Reveals That ADAM15 Can Have Proteolytic-Independent Functions in the Steady State

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    A disintegrin and metalloproteinase 15 (ADAM15) is a member of the ADAM family of sheddases. Its genetic ablation in mice suggests that ADAM15 plays an important role in a wide variety of biological functions, including cartilage homeostasis. Nevertheless, while the substrate repertoire of other members of the ADAM family, including ADAM10 and ADAM17, is largely established, little is known about the substrates of ADAM15 and how it exerts its biological functions. Herein, we used unbiased proteomics to identify ADAM15 substrates and proteins regulated by the proteinase in chondrocyte-like HTB94 cells. ADAM15 silencing did not induce major changes in the secretome composition of HTB94 cells, as revealed by two different proteomic approaches. Conversely, overexpression of ADAM15 remodeled the secretome, with levels of several secreted proteins being altered compared to GFP-overexpressing controls. However, the analysis did not identify potential substrates of the sheddase, i.e., transmembrane proteins released by ADAM15 in the extracellular milieu. Intriguingly, secretome analysis and immunoblotting demonstrated that ADAM15 overexpression increased secreted levels of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 3 (TIMP-3), a major regulator of extracellular matrix turnover. An inactive form of ADAM15 led to a similar increase in the inhibitor, indicating that ADAM15 regulates TIMP-3 secretion by an unknown mechanism independent of its catalytic activity. In conclusion, high-resolution quantitative proteomics of HTB94 cells manipulated to have increased or decreased ADAM15 expression did not identify canonical substrates of the proteinase in the steady state, but it revealed that ADAM15 can modulate the secretome in a catalytically-independent manner

    Quantitative Proteomics Reveals Changes Induced by TIMP-3 on Cell Membrane Composition and Novel Metalloprotease Substrates

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    Ectodomain shedding is a key mechanism of several biological processes, including cell-communication. Disintegrin and metalloproteinases (ADAMs), together with the membrane-type matrix metalloproteinases, play a pivotal role in shedding transmembrane proteins. Aberrant shedding is associated to several pathological conditions, including arthritis. Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteases 3 (TIMP-3), an endogenous inhibitor of ADAMs and matrix metalloproteases (MMPs), has been proven to be beneficial in such diseases. Thus, strategies to increase TIMP-3 bioavailability in the tissue have been sought for development of therapeutics. Nevertheless, high levels of TIMP-3 may lead to mechanism-based side-effects, as its overall effects on cell behavior are still unknown. In this study, we used a high-resolution mass-spectrometry-based workflow to analyze alterations induced by sustained expression of TIMP-3 in the cell surfaceome. In agreement with its multifunctional properties, TIMP-3 induced changes on the protein composition of the cell surface. We found that TIMP-3 had differential effects on metalloproteinase substrates, with several that accumulated in TIMP-3-overexpressing cells. In addition, our study identified potentially novel ADAM substrates, including ADAM15, whose levels at the cell surface are regulated by the inhibitor. In conclusion, our study reveals that high levels of TIMP-3 induce modifications in the cell surfaceome and identifies molecular pathways that can be deregulated via TIMP-3-based therapies

    An In Vitro Model of Glioma Development

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    Gliomas are the prevalent forms of brain cancer and derive from glial cells. Among them, astrocytomas are the most frequent. Astrocytes are fundamental for most brain functions, as they contribute to neuronal metabolism and neurotransmission. When they acquire cancer properties, their functions are altered, and, in addition, they start invading the brain parenchyma. Thus, a better knowledge of transformed astrocyte molecular properties is essential. With this aim, we previously developed rat astrocyte clones with increasing cancer properties. In this study, we used proteomic analysis to compare the most transformed clone (A-FC6) with normal primary astrocytes. We found that 154 proteins are downregulated and 101 upregulated in the clone. Moreover, 46 proteins are only expressed in the clone and 82 only in the normal cells. Notably, only 11 upregulated/unique proteins are encoded in the duplicated q arm of isochromosome 8 (i(8q)), which cytogenetically characterizes the clone. Since both normal and transformed brain cells release extracellular vesicles (EVs), which might induce epigenetic modifications in the neighboring cells, we also compared EVs released from transformed and normal astrocytes. Interestingly, we found that the clone releases EVs containing proteins, such as matrix metalloproteinase 3 (MMP3), that can modify the extracellular matrix, thus allowing invasion

    Quantitative proteomics reveals that ADAM15 can have proteolytic-independent functions in the steady state

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    A disintegrin and metalloproteinase 15 (ADAM15) is a member of the ADAM family of sheddases. Its genetic ablation in mice suggests that ADAM15 plays an important role in a wide variety of biological functions, including cartilage homeostasis. Nevertheless, while the substrate repertoire of other members of the ADAM family, including ADAM10 and ADAM17, is largely established, little is known about the substrates of ADAM15 and how it exerts its biological functions. Herein, we used unbiased proteomics to identify ADAM15 substrates and proteins regulated by the proteinase in chondrocyte-like HTB94 cells. ADAM15 silencing did not induce major changes in the secretome composition of HTB94 cells, as revealed by two different proteomic approaches. Conversely, overexpression of ADAM15 remodeled the secretome, with levels of several secreted proteins being altered compared to GFP-overexpressing controls. However, the analysis did not identify potential substrates of the sheddase, i.e., transmembrane proteins released by ADAM15 in the extracellular milieu. Intriguingly, secretome analysis and immunoblotting demonstrated that ADAM15 overexpression increased secreted levels of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 3 (TIMP-3), a major regulator of extracellular matrix turnover. An inactive form of ADAM15 led to a similar increase in the inhibitor, indicating that ADAM15 regulates TIMP-3 secretion by an unknown mechanism independent of its catalytic activity. In conclusion, high-resolution quantitative proteomics of HTB94 cells manipulated to have increased or decreased ADAM15 expression did not identify canonical substrates of the proteinase in the steady state, but it revealed that ADAM15 can modulate the secretome in a catalytically-independent manner

    Klebsiella pneumoniae Lipopolysaccharides Serotype O2afg Induce Poor Inflammatory Immune Responses Ex Vivo

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    Currently, Klebsiella pneumoniae is a pathogen of clinical relevance due to its plastic ability of acquiring resistance genes to multiple antibiotics. During K. pneumoniae infections, lipopolysaccharides (LPS) play an ambiguous role as they both activate immune responses but can also play a role in immune evasion. The LPS O2a and LPS O2afg serotypes are prevalent in most multidrug resistant K. pneumoniae strains. Thus, we sought to understand if those two particular LPS serotypes were involved in a mechanism of immune evasion. We have extracted LPS (serotypes O1, O2a and O2afg) from K. pneumoniae strains and, using human monocytes ex vivo, we assessed the ability of those LPS antigens to induce the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. We observed that, when human monocytes are incubated with LPS serotypes O1, O2a or O2afg strains, O2afg and, to a lesser extent, O2a but not O1 failed to elicit the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, which suggests a role in immune evasion. Our preliminary data also shows that nuclear translocation of NF-κB, a process which regulates an immune response against infections, occurs in monocytes incubated with LPS O1 and, to a smaller extent, with LPS O2a, but not with the LPS serotype O2afg. Our results indicate that multidrug resistant K. pneumoniae expressing LPS O2afg serotypes avoid an initial inflammatory immune response and, consequently, are able to systematically spread inside the host unharmed, which results in the several pathologies associated with this bacterium

    Comparison of Immunosuppressive and Angiogenic Properties of Human Amnion-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells between 2D and 3D Culture Systems

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    The secretion of potential therapeutic factors by mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) has aroused much interest given the benefits that it can bring in the field of regenerative medicine. Indeed, the in vitro multipotency of these cells and the secretive capacity of both angiogenic and immunomodulatory factors suggest a role in tissue repair and regeneration. However, during culture, MSCs rapidly lose the expression of key transcription factors associated with multipotency and self-renewal, as well as the ability to produce functional paracrine factors. In our study, we show that a three-dimensional (3D) culture method is effective to induce MSC spheroid formation, to maintain the multipotency and to improve the paracrine activity of a specific population of human amnion-derived MSCs (hAMSCs). The regenerative potential of both 3D culture-derived conditioned medium (3D CM) and their exosomes (EXO) was assessed against 2D culture products. In particular, tubulogenesis assays revealed increased capillary maturation in the presence of 3D CM compared with both 2D CM and 2D EXO. Furthermore, 3D CM had a greater effect on inhibition of PBMC proliferation than both 2D CM and 2D EXO. To support this data, hAMSC spheroids kept in our 3D culture system remained viable and multipotent and secreted considerable amounts of both angiogenic and immunosuppressive factors, which were detected at lower levels in 2D cultures. This work reveals the placenta as an important source of MSCs that can be used for eventual clinical applications as cell-free therapies

    High-Resolution Secretome Analysis of Chemical Hypoxia Treated Cells Identifies Putative Biomarkers of Chondrosarcoma

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    Chondrosarcoma is the second most common bone tumor, accounting for 20% of all cases. Little is known about the pathology and molecular mechanisms involved in the development and in the metastatic process of chondrosarcoma. As a consequence, there are no approved therapies for this tumor and surgical resection is the only treatment currently available. Moreover, there are no available biomarkers for this type of tumor, and chondrosarcoma classification relies on operator-dependent histopathological assessment. Reliable biomarkers of chondrosarcoma are urgently needed, as well as greater understanding of the molecular mechanisms of its development for translational purposes. Hypoxia is a central feature of chondrosarcoma progression. The hypoxic tumor microenvironment of chondrosarcoma triggers a number of cellular events, culminating in increased invasiveness and migratory capability. Herein, we analyzed the effects of chemically-induced hypoxia on the secretome of SW 1353, a human chondrosarcoma cell line, using high-resolution quantitative proteomics. We found that hypoxia induced unconventional protein secretion and the release of proteins associated to exosomes. Among these proteins, which may be used to monitor chondrosarcoma development, we validated the increased secretion in response to hypoxia of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), a glycolytic enzyme well-known for its different functional roles in a wide range of tumors. In conclusion, by analyzing the changes induced by hypoxia in the secretome of chondrosarcoma cells, we identified molecular mechanisms that can play a role in chondrosarcoma progression and pinpointed proteins, including GAPDH, that may be developed as potential biomarkers for the diagnosis and therapeutic management of chondrosarcoma

    Extracellular Vesicle-Derived microRNAs of Human Wharton’s Jelly Mesenchymal Stromal Cells May Activate Endogenous VEGF-A to Promote Angiogenesis

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    Despite low levels of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-A, the secretome of human Wharton’s jelly (WJ) mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) effectively promoted proangiogenic responses in vitro, which were impaired upon the depletion of small (~140 nm) extracellular vesicles (EVs). The isolated EVs shared the low VEGF-A profile of the secretome and expressed five microRNAs, which were upregulated compared to fetal dermal MSC-derived EVs. These upregulated microRNAs exclusively targeted the VEGF-A gene within 54 Gene Ontology (GO) biological processes, 18 of which are associated with angiogenesis. Moreover, 15 microRNAs of WJ-MSC-derived EVs were highly expressed (Ct value ≤ 26) and exclusively targeted the thrombospondin 1 (THBS1) gene within 75 GO biological processes, 30 of which are associated with the regulation of tissue repair. The relationship between predicted microRNA target genes and WJ-MSC-derived EVs was shown by treating human umbilical-vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) with appropriate doses of EVs. The exposure of HUVECs to EVs for 72 h significantly enhanced the release of VEGF-A and THBS1 protein expression compared to untreated control cells. Finally, WJ-MSC-derived EVs stimulated in vitro tube formation along with the migration and proliferation of HUVECs. Our findings can contribute to a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the proangiogenic responses induced by human umbilical cord-derived MSCs, suggesting a key regulatory role for microRNAs delivered by EVs