1 research outputs found

    Diente retenido invertido. Presentaci贸n de un caso

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    Impacted teeth are those which remain enclosed within the jaws maintaining the integrity of their physiological peri coronary sac during the arrival of their normal eruption. It is presented the case of a 10 -year -old- female patient, who attended to Orthodontics due to a clinical absence of the upper right permanent incisor. The patient presented Angle Class III occlusion, a protuberance of 1 mm exceeding 1 mm and 2/3 of the crown, cross bite in 21, 22, 23 and transposition between 12 and 13. The X-ray examination evidenced an inverted tooth with incisal edge to the base of the nostrils, and a slight flattening on the floor of the nostril in the same side. The orthodontic treatment was performed to uncross the bite and place the 12 and 13 into their proper position. She was inter-consulted with the Maxillofacial Surgery Department, where she was surgically treated and a surgical link was made to bring the tooth to its normal position. A year after the surgery the tooth is located in a normal position and the space is maintained by means of orthodontic appliances.Se denomina dientes retenidos a aquellos que, una vez llegada la 茅poca normal de su erupci贸n, quedan encerrados dentro de los maxilares manteniendo la integridad de su saco pericoronario fisiol贸gico. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 10 a帽os, de sexo femenino, que acudi贸 a la consulta de Ortodoncia por presentar ausencia cl铆nica del incisivo superior permanente del lado derecho. La paciente presentaba oclusi贸n Clase III de Angle, resalte de 1 mil铆metros y sobrepase de 2/3 de la corona, mordida cruzada en 21, 22 ,23 y trasposici贸n entre 12 y 13. 聽Al examen con rayos X se observ贸 un diente invertido con borde incisal hacia la base de las fosas nasales, y un ligero aplanamiento en el piso de la fosa nasal del mismo lado. Se realiz贸 tratamiento ortod贸ncico para descruzar la mordida y colocar el 12 y 13 en su lugar correspondiente. Se interconsult贸 con聽聽 el Servicio de Cirug铆a M谩xilo Facial, donde fue intervenida quir煤rgicamente y se realiz贸 un enlace quir煤rgico para llevar el diente a su posici贸n normal. Al a帽o de operada se observa el diente ubicado en posici贸n normal y se mantiene el espacio mediante aparatolog铆a ortod贸ncica