24 research outputs found

    Human Tumor Growth is Inhibited by a Vaccinia Virus Carrying the E2 Gene of Bovine Papillomavirus.

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    Papillomavirus is the etiologic agent associated with cervical carcinoma. The papilloma E2 protein is able to regulate negatively the expression of E6 and E7 papilloma oncoproteins. Therefore, a new, highly attenuated vaccinia virus known as modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA), which carries the papillomavirus E2 gene, was used for the treatment of tumors associated with human papillomavirus. Analysis of expression of the E2 gene from the recombinant vaccinia virus was performed by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction of RNA isolated from infected cells. Detection of the E2 protein was done by immunoprecipitation from proteins labeled with [(35)S]-methionine, isolated from infected cells. The therapeutic effect of the MVA E2 recombinant virus over human tumors was tested in nude mice bearing tumors generated by inoculation of HeLa cells. Series of 10 nude mice with tumors of different sizes were injected with MVA, MVA E2, or phosphate-buffered saline. Tumor size was monitored every week to assess growth. The MVA E2 recombinant virus efficiently expressed the E2 protein in BS-C-1 cells. This protein was able to repress, in vivo, the papillomavirus P105 promoter, which controls the expression of the E6 and E7 oncoproteins. In nude mice the MVA E2 virus reduced tumor growth very efficiently. In contrast, tumors continued to grow in mice treated with MVA or PBS. The life expectancy of MVA E2-treated mice was also increased three- to fourfold compared with that of animals that received MVA or PBS. The growth of human tumors was efficiently inhibited by the MVA E2 recombinant vaccinia virus. The absence of side effects in treated animals suggested that the MVA E2 virus is a safe biologic agent that could in the future be used in humans for the treatment of cervical carcinoma

    Blood group O alleles in Native Americans: Implications in the peopling of the Americas

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    All major ABO blood alleles are found in most populations worldwide, whereas the majority of Native Americans are nearly exclusively in the O group. O allele molecular characterization could aid in elucidating the possible causes of group O predominance in Native American populations. In this work, we studied exon 6 and 7 sequence diversity in 180 O blood group individuals from four different Mesoamerican populations. Additionally, a comparative analysis of genetic diversity and population structure including South American populations was performed. Results revealed no significant differences among Mesoamerican and South American groups, but showed significant differences within population groups attributable to previously detected differences in genetic drift and founder effects throughout the American continent. Interestingly, in all American populations, the same set of haplotypes O1, O1v, and O1v(G542A) was present, suggesting the following: (1) that they constitute the main genetic pool of the founding population of the Americas and (2) that they derive from the same ancestral source, partially supporting the single founding population hypothesis. In addition, the consistent and restricted presence of the G542A mutation in Native Americans compared to worldwide populations allows it to be employed as an Ancestry informative marker (AIM). Present knowledge of the peopling of the Americas allows the prediction of the way in which the G542A mutation could have emerged in Beringia, probably during the differentiation process of Asian lineages that gave rise to the founding population of the continent. Am J Phys Anthropol 142:85-94, 2010. � 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc

    New insights into radioresistance in breast cancer identify a dual function of miR‐122 as a tumor suppressor and oncomiR

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    Radioresistance of tumor cells gives rise to local recurrence and disease progression in many patients. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are master regulators of gene expression that control oncogenic pathways to modulate the radiotherapy response of cells. In the present study, differential expression profiling assays identified 16 deregulated miRNAs in acquired radioresistant breast cancer cells, of which miR‐122 was observed to be up‐regulated. Functional analysis revealed that miR‐122 has a role as a tumor suppressor in parental cells by decreasing survival and promoting radiosensitivity. However, in radioresistant cells, miR‐122 functions as an oncomiR by promoting survival. The transcriptomic landscape resulting from knockdown of miR‐122 in radioresistant cells showed modulation of the ZNF611, ZNF304, RIPK1, HRAS, DUSP8 and TNFRSF21 genes. Moreover, miR‐122 and the set of affected genes were prognostic factors in breast cancer patients treated with radiotherapy. Our data indicate that up‐regulation of miR‐122 promotes cell survival in acquired radioresistant breast cancer and also suggest that miR‐122 differentially controls the response to radiotherapy by a dual function as a tumor suppressor an and oncomiR dependent on cell phenotype