97 research outputs found

    PSBS: Practical Size-Based Scheduling

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    Size-based schedulers have very desirable performance properties: optimal or near-optimal response time can be coupled with strong fairness guarantees. Despite this, such systems are very rarely implemented in practical settings, because they require knowing a priori the amount of work needed to complete jobs: this assumption is very difficult to satisfy in concrete systems. It is definitely more likely to inform the system with an estimate of the job sizes, but existing studies point to somewhat pessimistic results if existing scheduler policies are used based on imprecise job size estimations. We take the goal of designing scheduling policies that are explicitly designed to deal with inexact job sizes: first, we show that existing size-based schedulers can have bad performance with inexact job size information when job sizes are heavily skewed; we show that this issue, and the pessimistic results shown in the literature, are due to problematic behavior when large jobs are underestimated. Once the problem is identified, it is possible to amend existing size-based schedulers to solve the issue. We generalize FSP -- a fair and efficient size-based scheduling policy -- in order to solve the problem highlighted above; in addition, our solution deals with different job weights (that can be assigned to a job independently from its size). We provide an efficient implementation of the resulting protocol, which we call Practical Size-Based Scheduler (PSBS). Through simulations evaluated on synthetic and real workloads, we show that PSBS has near-optimal performance in a large variety of cases with inaccurate size information, that it performs fairly and it handles correctly job weights. We believe that this work shows that PSBS is indeed pratical, and we maintain that it could inspire the design of schedulers in a wide array of real-world use cases.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1403.599

    Cloud-based Content Distribution on a Budget

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    To leverage the elastic nature of cloud computing, a solution provider must be able to accurately gauge demand for its offering. For applications that involve swarm-to-cloud interactions, gauging such demand is not straightforward. In this paper, we propose a general framework, analyze a mathematical model, and present a prototype implementation of a canonical swarm-to-cloud application, namely peer-assisted content delivery. Our system – called Cyclops – dynamically adjusts the off-cloud bandwidth consumed by content servers (which represents the bulk of the provider's cost) to feed a set of swarming clients, based on a feedback signal that gauges the real-time health of the swarm. Our extensive evaluation of Cyclops in a variety of settings – including controlled PlanetLab and live Internet experiments involving thousands of users – show significant reduction in content distribution costs (by as much as two orders of magnitude) when compared to non-feedback-based swarming solutions, with minor impact on content delivery times

    Revisiting Size-Based Scheduling with Estimated Job Sizes

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    We study size-based schedulers, and focus on the impact of inaccurate job size information on response time and fairness. Our intent is to revisit previous results, which allude to performance degradation for even small errors on job size estimates, thus limiting the applicability of size-based schedulers. We show that scheduling performance is tightly connected to workload characteristics: in the absence of large skew in the job size distribution, even extremely imprecise estimates suffice to outperform size-oblivious disciplines. Instead, when job sizes are heavily skewed, known size-based disciplines suffer. In this context, we show -- for the first time -- the dichotomy of over-estimation versus under-estimation. The former is, in general, less problematic than the latter, as its effects are localized to individual jobs. Instead, under-estimation leads to severe problems that may affect a large number of jobs. We present an approach to mitigate these problems: our technique requires no complex modifications to original scheduling policies and performs very well. To support our claim, we proceed with a simulation-based evaluation that covers an unprecedented large parameter space, which takes into account a variety of synthetic and real workloads. As a consequence, we show that size-based scheduling is practical and outperforms alternatives in a wide array of use-cases, even in presence of inaccurate size information.Comment: To be published in the proceedings of IEEE MASCOTS 201

    Experimental Performance Evaluation of Cloud-Based Analytics-as-a-Service

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    An increasing number of Analytics-as-a-Service solutions has recently seen the light, in the landscape of cloud-based services. These services allow flexible composition of compute and storage components, that create powerful data ingestion and processing pipelines. This work is a first attempt at an experimental evaluation of analytic application performance executed using a wide range of storage service configurations. We present an intuitive notion of data locality, that we use as a proxy to rank different service compositions in terms of expected performance. Through an empirical analysis, we dissect the performance achieved by analytic workloads and unveil problems due to the impedance mismatch that arise in some configurations. Our work paves the way to a better understanding of modern cloud-based analytic services and their performance, both for its end-users and their providers.Comment: Longer version of the paper in Submission at IEEE CLOUD'1

    In-memory caching for multi-query optimization of data-intensive scalable computing workloads

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    In modern large-scale distributed systems, analytics jobs submitted by various users often share similar work. Instead of optimizing jobs independently, multi-query optimization techniques can be employed to save a considerable amount of cluster resources. In this work, we introduce a novel method combining in-memory cache primitives and multi-query optimization, to improve the efficiency of data-intensive, scalable computing frameworks. By careful selection and exploitation of common (sub) expressions, while satisfying memory constraints, our method transforms a batch of queries into a new, more efficient one which avoids unnecessary recomputations. To find feasible and efficient execution plans, our method uses a cost-based optimization formulation akin to the multiple-choice knapsack problem. Experiments on a prototype implementation of our system show significant benefits of worksharing for TPC-DS workloads

    Elastic Provisioning of Cloud Caches: a Cost-aware TTL Approach

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    We consider elastic resource provisioning in the cloud, focusing on in-memory key-value stores used as caches. Our goal is to dynamically scale resources to the traffic pattern minimizing the overall cost, which includes not only the storage cost, but also the cost due to misses. In fact, a small variation on the cache miss ratio may have a significant impact on user perceived performance in modern web services, which in turn has an impact on the overall revenues for the content provider that uses those services. We propose and study a dynamic algorithm for TTL caches, which is able to obtain close-to-minimal costs. Since high-throughput caches require low complexity operations, we discuss a practical implementation of such a scheme requiring constant overhead per request independently from the cache size. We evaluate our solution with real-world traces collected from Akamai, and show that we are able to obtain a 17% decrease in the overall cost compared to a baseline static configuration

    Cache-Based Multi-Query Optimization for Data-Intensive Scalable Computing Frameworks

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    In modern large-scale distributed systems, analytics jobs submitted by various users often share similar work, for example scanning and processing the same subset of data. Instead of optimizing jobs independently, which may result in redundant and wasteful processing, multi-query optimization techniques can be employed to save a considerable amount of cluster resources. In this work, we introduce a novel method combining in-memory cache primitives and multi-query optimization, to improve the efficiency of data-intensive, scalable computing frameworks. By careful selection and exploitation of common (sub)expressions, while satisfying memory constraints, our method transforms a batch of queries into a new, more efficient one which avoids unnecessary recomputations. To find feasible and efficient execution plans, our method uses a cost-based optimization formulation akin to the multiple-choice knapsack problem. Extensive experiments on a prototype implementation of our system show significant benefits of worksharing for both TPC-DS workloads and detailed micro-benchmarks
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