11,310 research outputs found

    Achieving a BCS transition in an atomic Fermi gas

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    We consider a gas of cold fermionic atoms having two spin components with interactions characterized by their s-wave scattering length aa. At positive scattering length the atoms form weakly bound bosonic molecules which can be evaporatively cooled to undergo Bose-Einstein condensation, whereas at negative scattering length BCS pairing can take place. It is shown that, by adiabatically tuning the scattering length aa from positive to negative values, one may transform the molecular Bose-Einstein condensate into a highly degenerate atomic Fermi gas, with the ratio of temperature to Fermi temperature T/TF102T/T_F \sim 10^{-2}. The corresponding critical final value of kFak_{F}|a| which leads to the BCS transition is found to be about one half, where kFk_F is the Fermi momentum.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Phys. Rev. Lett. in pres

    RAD6-RAD18-RAD5-pathway-dependent tolerance to chronic low-dose ultraviolet light

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    In nature, organisms are exposed to chronic low- dose ultraviolet light ( CLUV) as opposed to the acute high doses common to laboratory experiments. Analysis of the cellular response to acute high-dose exposure has delineated the importance of direct DNA repair by the nucleotide excision repair pathway(1) and for checkpoint-induced cell cycle arrest in promoting cell survival(2). Here we examine the response of yeast cells to CLUV and identify a key role for the RAD6-RAD18-RAD5 error- free postreplication repair (RAD6 error-free PRR) pathway(3,4) in promoting cell growth and survival. We show that loss of the RAD6 error- free PRR pathway results in DNA-damage-checkpoint- induced G2 arrest in CLUV-exposed cells, whereas wild-type and nucleotide-excision-repair-deficient cells are largely unaffected. Cell cycle arrest in the absence of the RAD6 error- free PRR pathway was not caused by a repair defect or by the accumulation of ultraviolet-induced photoproducts. Notably, we observed increased replication protein A (RPA) and Rad52 - yellow fluorescent protein foci(5) in the CLUV- exposed rad18 Delta cells and demonstrated that Rad52- mediated homologous recombination is required for the viability of the rad18 Delta cells after release from CLUV- induced G2 arrest. These and other data presented suggest that, in response to environmental levels of ultraviolet exposure, the RAD6 error- free PRR pathway promotes replication of damaged templates without the generation of extensive single- stranded DNA regions. Thus, the error- free PRR pathway is specifically important during chronic low- dose ultraviolet exposure to prevent counter- productive DNA checkpoint activation and allow cells to proliferate normally

    Limits of sympathetic cooling of fermions: The role of the heat capacity of the coolant

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    The sympathetic cooling of an initially degenerate Fermi gas by either an ideal Bose gas below TcT_c or an ideal Boltzmann gas is investigated. It is shown that the efficiency of cooling by a Bose gas below TcT_c is by no means reduced when its heat capacity becomes much less than that of the Fermi gas, where efficiency is measured by the decrease in the temperature of the Fermi gas per number of particles evaporated from the coolant. This contradicts the intuitive idea that an efficient coolant must have a large heat capacity. In contrast, for a Boltzmann gas a minimal value of the ratio of the heat capacities is indeed necessary to achieve T=0 and all of the particles must be evaporated.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Magnetic cloaking by a paramagnet/superconductor cylindrical tube in the critical state

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    Cloaking of static magnetic fields by a finite thickness type-II superconductor tube being in the full critical state and surrounded by a coaxial paramagnet shell is studied. On the basis of exact solutions to the Maxwell equations, it is shown that, additionally to previous studies assuming the Meissner state of the superconductor constituent, perfect cloaking is still realizable at fields higher than the field of full flux penetration into the superconductor and for arbitrary geometrical parameters of both constituents. It is also proven that simultaneously the structure is fully undetectable under the cloaking conditions. Differently from the case of the Meissner state the cloaking properties in the application relevant critical state are realized, however, only at a certain field magnitude.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; to be published in Applied Physics Letters. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1401.356

    Abnormal prothrombin (DES-y-Carboxy Prothrombin) in hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Des-γ-carboxy prothrombin (DCP), a protein induced by vitamin K absence or antagonist-II (PIVKA-II) was measured by an enzyme immunoassay (E-1023) using anti-DCP monoclonal antibody in 92 patients with various hepatobiliary diseases. Thirty-six of the 38 patients (94.7%) with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) had abnormal DCP levels greater than 0.1 arbitrary unit (AU)/ml, but only 18 of the 35 patients (51.4%) had AFP greater than 100 ng/ml (suspicious levels for HCC). There was no correlation between plasma or serum DCP and serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) levels. Serum alpha fetoprotein was elevated (above 20 ng/ml) in 23 of the 35 patients (65.7%), and DCP was elevated in all of the remaining 12 patients with normal AFP. DCP levels returned to normal levels following curative hepatic resection or orthotopic liver transplantation for HCC. DCP is a useful tumor marker in the diagnosis and postoperative monitoring of patients with HCC

    Growth of primordial black holes in a universe containing a massless scalar field

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    The evolution of primordial black holes in a flat Friedmann universe with a massless scalar field is investigated in fully general relativistic numerical relativity. A primordial black hole is expected to form with a scale comparable to the cosmological apparent horizon, in which case it may go through an initial phase with significant accretion. However, if it is very close to the cosmological apparent horizon size, the accretion is suppressed due to general relativistic effects. In any case, it soon gets smaller than the cosmological horizon and thereafter it can be approximated as an isolated vacuum solution with decaying mass accretion. In this situation the dynamical and inhomogeneous scalar field is typically equivalent to a perfect fluid with a stiff equation of state p=ρp=\rho. The black hole mass never increases by more than a factor of two, despite recent claims that primordial black holes might grow substantially through accreting quintessence. It is found that the gravitational memory scenario, proposed for primordial black holes in Brans-Dicke and scalar-tensor theories of gravity, is highly unphysical.Comment: 24 pages, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Semi-Static Hedging Based on a Generalized Reflection Principle on a Multi Dimensional Brownian Motion

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    On a multi-assets Black-Scholes economy, we introduce a class of barrier options. In this model we apply a generalized reflection principle in a context of the finite reflection group acting on a Euclidean space to give a valuation formula and the semi-static hedge.Comment: Asia-Pacific Financial Markets, online firs

    Limits of sympathetic cooling of fermions by zero temperature bosons due to particle losses

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    It has been suggested by Timmermans [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 87}, 240403 (2001)] that loss of fermions in a degenerate system causes strong heating. We address the fundamental limit imposed by this loss on the temperature that may be obtained by sympathetic cooling of fermions by bosons. Both a quantum Boltzmann equation and a quantum Boltzmann \emph{master} equation are used to study the evolution of the occupation number distribution. It is shown that, in the thermodynamic limit, the Fermi gas cools to a minimal temperature kBT/μ(γloss/γcoll)0.44k_{{\rm B}}T/\mu\propto(\gamma_{{\rm loss}}/\gamma_{{\rm coll}})^{0.44}, where γloss\gamma_{{\rm loss}} is a constant loss rate, γcoll\gamma_{{\rm coll}} is the bare fermion--boson collision rate not including the reduction due to Fermi statistics, and μkBTF\mu\sim k_{{\rm B}}T_{{\rm F}} is the chemical potential. It is demonstrated that, beyond the thermodynamic limit, the discrete nature of the momentum spectrum of the system can block cooling. The unusual non-thermal nature of the number distribution is illustrated from several points of view: the Fermi surface is distorted, and in the region of zero momentum the number distribution can descend to values significantly less than unity. Our model explicitly depends on a constant evaporation rate, the value of which can strongly affect the minimum temperature.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures. Phys. Rev. A in pres

    Delivery actuator for a transcervical sterilization device

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    The use of delivery systems in the human body for positioning and deploying implants, such as closure devices, dilation balloons, stents, coils and sterilization devices, are gaining more importance to preclude surgical incisions and general anesthesia. The majorities of the non-surgical medical devices are delivered in a low profile into human body form and subsequently require specialized operations for their deployment and release. An analogous procedure for permanent female sterilization is the transcervical approach that does not require either general anesthesia or surgical incision and uses a normal body passage. The objective of this paper is to detail the design, development and verification of an ergonomic actuator for a medical application. In particular, this actuator is designed for the deployment and release of an implant to achieve instant permanent female sterilization via the transcervical approach. This implant is deployed under hysteroscopic visualization and requires a sequence of rotary and linear operations for its deployment and release. More specifically, this manually operated actuator is a hand held device designed to transmit the required forces in a particular sequence to effect both implant deployment and release at a target location. In order to design the actuator and to investigate its mechanical behavior, a three-dimensional (3D) Computer Aided Design (CAD) model was developed and Finite Element Method (FEM) was used for simulations and optimization. Actuator validation was performed following a number of successful bench-top in-air deployments and in-vitro deployments in animal tissue and explanted human uteri. During these deployments it was observed that the actuator applied the required forces to the implant resulting in successful deployment. Initial results suggest that this actuator can be used single handedly during the deployment phase. The ongoing enhancement of this actuator is moving towards “first-in- man” clinical trials