548 research outputs found

    Ilustrado en la prensa de los virreinatos de Nueva España y Nueva Granada (1760-1824)

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    La voz ilustrar, así como sus derivados ilustrado e ilustración, se aplica en el siglo XVIII a cualquier ciencia o personaje del cual se quiera destacar que tiene o da “luces” en el sentido cartesiano de razón. Estas palabras se encuentran en los textos publicados en los virreinatos americanos, donde las ideas ilustradas llegan más tarde, pero colaboran en la costrucción de una fuerte identidad criolla, uno de los elementos que empujan las colonias americanas a la independencia en las primeras décadas del siglo XIX. El presente trabajo estudia ilustrar y sus derivados en la prensa del Virreinato de Nueva España y Nueva Granada disponible en la Hemeroteca Digital de la BNE, y abarcan distintas posiciones políticas, desde las más conservadoras y realistas hasta las llamadas insurgentes. En el análisis se adopta un enfoque que conjuga la lexicología con la historia de las ideas (Lapesa 1978), y se propone averiguar la frecuencia de uso, la dispersión diacrónica, la variación semántica de las tres voces y las creaciones poliléxicas a las cuales dan lugar. Dichos elementos, además de enfocar las palabras objeto del estudio desde la orilla americana, van a permitir averiguar lingüísticamente la efectiva influencia de las ideas ilustradas en el comienzo de los movimientos indipendentistas mejicanos

    Humanitarian Pedagogies of Transit

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    Refugees increasingly access informal education services and drop out from formal education provision. In this framework, what I call "emergency education" is increasingly provided as a humanitarian aid toolkit item. What social implications does this have? How do child subjectivities envision their future in schools established with short-term humanitarian goals, which may become permanent? Here the role of anthropology is vital in capturing such "pedagogies of transit", that is exploring school materials and curricula approved and provided by host governments and humanitarian agencies of alleged temporary governance. I use the case of Syrian refugee camps in northern Jordan to open up new avenues of inquiry

    Muslim Women and Gender Inequality in Australia's Assimilationist-Multicultural Policies. Participation in Sport as a Case Study

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    This work aims to investigate quality of working life (QWL) in Italian call centers in a gender-sensitive perspective. The research design involves the integration of qualitative and quantitative approaches in order to bring to light and try to understand the reasons for gender differences in the QWL in this sector of the labour market. The results of the analysis conducted on a sample of 1715 workers indicate that women have a higher level of QWL than men, despite lower retributions and worst contracts. In-depth interviews show that the differentiation in individual reactions to working conditions is closely connected to aspirations, expectations, motivations and individual needs

    Reflections on Faith-Based Solidarity and Social Membership: Beyond Religion? The Case of Lebanese Shiite FBOs

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    During the July 2006 postwar period in Beirut’s southern suburbs (Dahiye), which were destroyed by the Israeli air force in its effort to annihilate the Lebanese Shiite party Hezbollah, the Islamic Shi‘a philanthropic sphere has been growing. It has pioneered the postwar reconstruction process and local relief provision, while diversely defining itself in relation to its secular and faith-based counterparts. This paper examines the extent to which religious providers develop solidarity with or antagonism towards provider members of the same community in times of crisis. Indeed, intracommunity solidarity among different aid providers tends to be taken for granted. Problematizing this common belief is particularly important for defining the ways in which social solidarity either develops or contracts across faith-based communities during conflict-induced displacement. In this context, aid provision and local accountability remain fundamental litmus papers. Drawing on in-depth, semi-structured interviews conducted in Dahiye from 2011 to 2013 with Lebanese Shiite faith-based organizations and private initiatives, a secular local organization, and their respective beneficiaries, this paper advances reflections on how social membership and acts of solidarity and charity interact within the Lebanese philanthropic scenario

    Towards a Neo-cosmetic Humanitarianism: Refugee Self-reliance as a Social-cohesion Regime in Lebanon's Halba

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    This article focuses on Syrian-refugee self-reliance and humanitarian efforts meant to foster it in Halba, northern Lebanon. I argue that humanitarian livelihood programming is ‘neo-cosmetic’, as the skills refugees acquire through humanitarian programmes turn out to be little more than a cosmetic accessory. While the humanitarian apparatus deliberately limits its action in order not to challenge host economies, the acquired skills do not practically enhance refugees’ possibility to be employed. Instead, refugee self-reliance is reconfigured as the ‘inter-ethnic promotion of host stability’. Relatedly, I propose that the aim of implementing social cohesion in multi-ethnic areas reveals a new ethnicization of care within the humanitarian system. Within this framework, the citizen practice of running hardware stores on a permanent basis coexists with the temporariness of refugee livelihood practices. Lastly, I rethink social membership in a refugee–host setting by adopting a practice-based approach to the research subjects in an effort to challenge the ethnic definitions of social groups and other pre-established forms of belonging

    The Epistemic Politics of ‘Northern-Led’ Humanitarianism: The Case of Lebanon

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    This article examines the epistemic politics of hegemonic humanitarianism by building on agnotology theories. I unpack the idea of ‘professional authority’ with the purpose of showing how the Global North's humanitarian agencies thrive on both a technocratic and an unpredictability approach. This epistemic politics is used to absolve humanitarianism of its failures and blame 'Southern' politics and technical deficiencies in the Global South

    Car-Sharing in Lebanon: Overlooked Practices of Collective Self-Reliance

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    Hybrid political Order and the Politics of uncertainty: Refugee Governance in Lebanon

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    Diana Allan, Refugees of the Revolution: Experiences of Palestinian Exile. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2013. 328 pp.

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